13:00EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
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13:01EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
If you have any technical difficulties, please write to EDUCAUSE Help.
13:01EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
You can chat with attendees or ask the speaker a question using this chat pod or tweet using this hashtag: #EDUSprint
13:01Loretta Driskel
cannot hear you over the music
13:01EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
There is no music. @Loretta: Please see my private msg.
13:01Boise State University
Please up the volume?
13:02EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
@ Boise State: Please see my private chat msg.
13:06Oxford College iPad
13:07Boston College
13:07Wayne State University
Hello, iPad.
13:08Troy @ Keuka
Hey Jim - Keuka
13:09Roxann Riskin
HI Jin!
13:10Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
13:10Todd Conaway
faculty support
13:10Willie Miller (IUPUI)
Library Faculty
13:10Susan Fowler
technology consultant
13:10Jim Hilker - Keuka college
Hi Troy
13:10Rhonda Altonen
Library Faculty
13:10Paula Jones
Instructional Designer
faculty technology consultant
13:10Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
systems analyst
13:10Damon Blythe
Technology Specialist
13:10South Dakota State University - J. Lurvey
4 here, mixed
13:10Thomas La Foe
Instructional Technology Specialist
13:11Jason Bengtson
13:11Michelle Papajohn
Director of Enterprise Systems
13:11Camille Fangue
Technology Support Services
13:11Chip at IUPUI
library technology director
13:11american university
13:11Michigan Tech University
13:11indra canagaratna
13:11Thomas La Foe
Not scary
13:11Mia Massicotte
Mia Massicotte, Librarian
13:11hongbo@Ryerson University
Application Development
13:11D. Amos (SATX)
Telecommunications Analyst
13:11Thomas La Foe
Barbara Library
13:12Pamela Gades
Instructional Technology Specialist, University of Minnesota, Morris
13:12Willie George
4 faculty, 6 IT staff
13:12Robin Ashford
wow, great to see so many librarians and library admin
13:12Willie George
was the text messaging stat US or global?
13:12Debbie Malcangi 4
Michigan State University, several support staff
13:13Tabitha Washburn - Union University Germantown
7 faculty, 1 IT staff
13:13Jim Bouse
Gotta love people that text and ride bicyles at the same time. See it all over campus. :-)
accidents and smartphones
13:14Loretta Driskel
Loretta Driskel, Instructional Technologist, Johnson & Wales University, Denver- 20 faculty & staff combined
13:15Wayne State University
handful of IT staff here.
13:15Debbie Malcangi 4
Wayne State: Is Nick DeNardis among you?
13:15Willie George
What percent of that 4.2B txt messagers are in the USA?
Texting while riding a bike? Egad!
13:15Thomas La Foe
I'm in the Library at Mississippi State. In the Instructional Media Center.
13:15Pamela Giles
13:15Wayne State University
Nick isn't with our group here, no. I don't know for certain he's not here on his own, though.
13:15Veronica Diaz, ELI
please post questions for the speaker here in the chat
13:17Roxann Riskin
Ray Kurzweil! YEAH!
13:17Geetha Nehemia - Broome Community College
I am a fan of John Seely Brown
13:18Debbie Malcangi 4
Power of Pull is a good JSB book
13:18Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Is the singularity truly near? If so, what does this mean for learning?
13:18Jason Bengtson
Mobile access to knowledge is great . . . but we need effective ways to assign it source authority. Too many people are taking whatever they find through digital at face value.
13:18Jane Harris
So is A New Culture of Learning (JSB)
13:19Clark Quinn
Learnlets :)
13:19Oxford College of Emory University
Who has implemented and in what forms?
13:19Willie Miller (IUPUI)
Great point Jason. This is an area of opportunity for librarians.
13:20Dolf Jordaan
Why do we find that at all these academic mobile discussions we seldom see the users (our students) attend it or share their views or is being invited...Just a thought that came to mind looking at the first quick poll option :)
13:20Jason Bengtson
If mobile knowledge is nothing but McKnowledge or the equivalent of the bulletin board at the corner laundromat it won't do anyone any real good.
13:20Clark Quinn
prob with this diagram, confounds core capabilities with derivative applications
13:20Wayne State University
We're in the process of developing a mobile app, site, etc
13:20Veronica Diaz, ELI
Hi Clark!
13:20Mia Massicotte
Name of that book, please?
13:20Clark Quinn
(thanks, Judy!)
13:20Clark Quinn
Designing mLearning
13:21Mia Massicotte
13:21Veronica Diaz, ELI
13:21Clark Quinn
(designingmlearning.com is the associated site)
13:21Ben Woelk
Dolf--that's a good point. I do wonder about the students' perspectives.
13:21Clark Quinn
(Hi, Veronica!)
13:21Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
We have been able to argue for the use of web conferencing (like we are using now) since a lot of companies use it. Are our students' future employers using mobile?
13:21Suzanne Aurilio, San Diego State 2
I'd be curious who is watching this on a mobile device?
13:22Roxann Riskin
Bill your thoughts? Singularity in learning?
13:22Jason Bengtson
Office computer
13:22Suzanne Aurilio, San Diego State 2
office computer, hardwired
13:23Clark Quinn
love this, and for highly volatile information as well
13:23Oxford College iPad
chat is challenging and response is slow on iPad, but it is possible
13:23Roxann Riskin
what was our last game changer?
13:23Jason Bengtson
The Army has changed since I was in. What happens when your smartphone breaks in the field? Good luck, guys.
13:23Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Hi Roxann. Singulatiry is where everything converges. Is this mobile? I rather think so...
13:23Gina Bennett - COTR
@suzanne aruilio: there's a nice adobe connect app for mobile devices (I have it on android tablet)
13:23Roxann Riskin
i do too Bill!!! agreed :)
13:24Clark Quinn
K-2 with cellphones?!?!
13:24Suzanne Aurilio, San Diego State 2
@Gina, but are you using it now?
13:24Wayne State University
Clark, that refers to parents as well, I presume.
13:24Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
Clark this surprises you?
13:24Gina Bennett - COTR
@Suzanne: not when I'm sitting at my desktop (which i am now) but i have in the past
13:24Sims Kline
Sims Kline, Research Librarian at Stetson University, DeLand, Florida: hello.
13:25EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
Chat with attendees or ask the speaker a question using this chat pod or tweet using this hashtag: #EDUSprint
13:25Shannon Smith
@Bill Drummond - Kurzweil would agree!
13:25Clark Quinn
Wayne State, I'm certainly hoping so ;)
13:25Wayne State University
Me too...
13:26Sims Kline
All of the above ?
13:26Sue Wise
@Sims-- agreed
13:27Robin Ashford
yes, tried to check all boxes @Sims
13:27Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Biggest benfit - the students have and use them.
13:28Oxford College of Emory University
Rugged? Low Cost?
13:28Jason Bengtson
One of Plato's dialogues contained a story warning about the dangers of writing as a proxy for memory . . . the danger being that memory would become weak. We've replaced writing in that paradigm with digital. Will we be wise enough to use it as an augment or will it devolve into a crutch? Probably some of both.
13:28Clark Quinn
also, what works for mobile web also overlaps a lot with what works for accessibility
13:28Sue Wise
@Oxford-- Low cost for schools. Students and teachers bring them to the classroom with them.
13:28Jason Bengtson
I am struck by the malleability of both memory and digital.
13:28Debbie Malcangi 4
Our campus has a computer requirement policy for students. Does anyone have a mobile device requirement?
13:29Mia Massicotte
Well it's true we no longer have the ability to recite the Iliad...but our values have changed along with that.
13:29Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
No Debbie, that would be very interesting
13:29UTHSC Houston
@JasonB- agreed.
13:29vuDAT, MSU
Jason, the amount of information then and now is different :)
13:29Oxford College of Emory University
only 50% have smart phones. Are we setting up a culture of have versus have-nots?
13:29Jason Bengtson
But the underlying issues are the same.
13:29Willie George
Abilene Christian University requires mobile devices. They distribute them to the students.
13:29daniel spillers @ University of Arkansas at Little Rock
How much of the current thinking about mobile learning is based on survey and how much is based on observation of use in the student's environment?
13:30David Kampmann
I like that quote.
does the mobile app have sound
13:30Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
I like to think the values have remained the same it about how we are communicating those valuse
13:30UTHSC Houston
@vuDAT - yes but there is a lot that is not getting LEARNED just know where to reference
13:30Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
What device is distributed at Abilene Christian?
13:30David Kampmann
Any recommendation for how to save as an epub?
13:30Gina Bennett - COTR
@Melissa: yes
13:30Willie George
iphone or ipod touch, student's choice
13:30Willie George
at ACU
13:30Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
I do agree with the challenges
13:31Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
Interesting. Thanks Willie
13:31Clark Quinn
(If they take iphone, student pays phone plan)
Curiosity: Is anyone receiving a significant number of requests from student's for app-based learning modules?
13:31Michael C
13:31Mia Massicotte
Unfortunately still glued to pdfs for the most part.
@David - use Pages to make epubs - it's really simple
13:31Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
android is presently giving us problems
13:31Debbie Malcangi 4
Abiliene Christian has a really cool culture that that embraces technology. Would love to talk to you guys
is Pages cross platform or just Mac?
@srichter - how to do that
13:31Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
@Chris What kinds of problems?
13:32Clark Quinn
or read Will Thalheimer's summary of spacing research: good stuff
13:32EDUCAUSE Boulder
The current EQ and EDUCUASE Review have lots of coverage on ACU
Just Mac - there are PC programs that can make epubs, but pages is easiest
13:32Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
connection through VPN
13:32Michael C
30 minutes in, we have not one technical aspect has been covered. Obviously, attendees are interested in mobile appsso why try to up sell it for the last half hour? Thee is more technical information in this chat window then the presentation.
what recommended for windows?
How to make epubs in Pages:
13:32Jason Bengtson
You can epub through Google Docs as well.
13:32Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
Oh yeah, unless you root your phone we have the same issue. No Cisco VPN client yet on droid
13:32Mia Massicotte
There are websites that will also convert pdfs to epub
13:32Willie George
@Barbara, Pages is Mac and iOS only
13:32Susan Fowler
I agree Micahel!
oo thanks
Love ARIS!!!
13:32Susan Fowler
13:33Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
Not Just us!!!
13:33vuDAT, MSU
oakland, I believe we are at the front end of the curve of mobile learning apps
13:33Gina Bennett - COTR
@Michael C: session was titled Learning today & tomorrow... not specifically about technology
list websites which convert pdf to epub
13:34Mia Massicotte
epub to go is one of them
13:34Monique (IU)
What is Google Goggles? Is that what the speaker said?
13:34Mia Massicotte
@vuDAT, MSU: who is driving? IT driving, learning support driving, faculty driving or students driving?
13:34Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Is the military implanting devices yet?
13:34John Bartelt
Phenomenal QR resource: (click on "Using QR Codes in the Classroom")
13:34Veronica Diaz, ELI
13:34Sarkis Daglian (UCI)
Bill - Yes, Androids
13:35Julie Rorabaugh
@Monique Google it (Goggles :-)
13:35Mia Massicotte
Another is PDF to EPUB converter.
13:35UTHSC Houston
@Oakland - mostly I see student driving and grant driving
13:35vuDAT, MSU
oakland, both learning support and faculty, at Michigan State.
13:35Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
I was thinking more of cyborgs
13:35Jason Bengtson
Google goggles is an augmented reality app that looks at things you image on a mobile device and adds qualitative information from web resources, google maps, etc.
13:35Robin Ashford
agree! great augmented reality smartphone pdf by JISC here:
13:35Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
Love the Caveats but time is at a premium so much to do so little time as it were!!
13:35Clark Quinn
good advice
13:36Michael Burke - UT Knoxville
MB googles goggles, giggles.
13:37Susan Fowler
13:37Clark Quinn
but learning *should* be driving!
13:37Monique (IU)
Thanks, Veronica.
E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?
13:38Monique (IU)
hahaha Michael
13:38Clark Quinn
it's about better learning outcomes
@Clark - Yes!
what is the source of the stats you presented?
13:38Ken Waller - Nipissing iTeach
Any sites (URLs) that you would recommend for Professional Learning/Development to support growth in integration abilities for classroom teachers?
13:38Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Agree, clark!
13:38Clark Quinn
(and then meeting learner needs, e.g. supporting access to administrative functions)
E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?
13:38Michael C
@Tamu, I agree... statistics given within the slides are really insignificant and losely quoted.
13:39Jason Bengtson
Too many publishers are just slapping text together and calling it an e-publication. We need to take advantage of the unique display and functional capabilities of these devices.
13:39Pat 2
I lived in Malaysia in 1996 and almost everyone had a mobile ph, but almost no one had a desktop. They were on a little known co called Nokia. America is def behind here.
13:39Sue Wise
Will this presentation be available after the fact?
13:39Mia Massicotte
We are still very much locked-in to land lines, so that's a big reason why mobile is behind in Norrth America
13:40vuDAT, MSU
agree with Jason. $$$ :(
They post presentation online later in the day
13:40EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
@ Sue: Yes, we'll post all presentations on the mobile website:
13:40Mike Richichi
Plain geography is also difficult for US. mobile coverage. Either vastness or terrain.
13:40EDUCAUSE Boulder
@sue yes, within half an hour after the event
13:40Sue Wise
What about teacher training? Examples of mobile use/training to use mobile in teacher prep programs?
E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?--> Important Question!!!
13:41Bonita Bray
could we get sources for the stats - folks will want to know if we use them
13:41UTHSC Houston
I believe the presentation will be available by 3:00
13:41Jason Bengtson
We're also tied to profit systems that are too antiquated. We need to start moving web channels, including mobile to the public utility realm, like Europe has in many places.
13:41Debbie Malcangi 4
What's more important: Making course content portable or creating applications that support learning and engagement in the classroom?
13:41Oxford College of Emory University
@Sue Wise - fabulous Question. Judy, can you answer Sue Wise's question?
Adoption of m-learning may be easier for the countries that don't have to transit from laptop to mobile devices. They can just jump into it.
E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?
13:42Shannon Smith
13:42Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
Being behind is not necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps we can leap ahead if we can figure out what's coming next...
QUESTION...E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?
13:42Debbie Malcangi 4
@Sam: The publishers have to play ball.
13:42Sue Schulte - Humber College
Will the chat logs be posted as well?
Why cant the universities drive it?
13:43Bernie Holmes
What about emulators for mobile webapp testing, what about remote labs?
Why leave all the gravy train (etextbooks ) to the for profit Publishers?
13:43EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
@ Sue: Yes, we'll post the chat as a resource as well.
13:43Jason Bengtson
The publishers have systematically fought digital- they basically sank the rocket e-book. Amazon forced them to change their tune . . . slightly. I think the best thing for everyone would be if other players moved in to replace them.
13:43Bill Drummond - Lawrence Technological University
A crutch replaces a bad leg - mobile can enhance, not replace, something that already works
13:43Gina Bennett - COTR
@debbie malcangi 4: I think the classroom as the primary delivery platform for learning is past its time.
13:43EDUCAUSE Help, Victoria Fanning
Don't forget to Tweet your reflections! Tag today's Tweets with #EDUSprint.
13:43Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
For universities to drive it you would have to know what your students are thinging. We are talking about 20 yr olds!!!
Hi Dr. Brown...would love to hear your opinion: E- Textbooks seem to be fragmented..What and Who will drive the convergence for a uniform platform?
13:44Debbie Malcangi 4
@Gina - I don't think we're there yet, but headed in that direction.
13:44daniel spillers @ University of Arkansas at Little Rock
@Christopher: You can learn a lot by observing interaction. Behavior often is more truthful than surveying "what they are thinking".
13:45Jason Bengtson
Open source textbook publishing is promising, but it's still an exteremly nascent and limited exercise. Academics don't want to self publish, either, because we don't get much credit for that with our institution.
13:45Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
True Daniel. My work study students give me just that. I speak with them everyday
13:45Liberty University 2
Besides Abilene Christian, what other universities are driving mobile efforts?
13:45Thomas La Foe
How flexible can these mobile platforms be? How easy is it to implement a change that students demand?
13:45Clark Quinn
Judy mentioned purdue, and virginia tech
13:46UTHSC Houston
@Gina, I don't know that classroom is passed its prime, but agree that sage on the stage is not necessarily the best education model
13:46Willie George
Seton Hill is pushing mobile
13:46Jason Bengtson
We're trying at the University of New Mexico, but we're dealing with a lot of budget and staffing reductions . . . just like everyone.
13:46Willie George
Duke is starting to
13:46Michael Haan
It is nice to see some of the mainstream tools like InDesign CS5.5 and Quark 9 include e-pub tools.
13:46Christopher Garron - UMass Dartmouth
I have found that most of my work study students use their laptops for school and their phones for personal. Security drives the separation
13:46daniel spillers @ University of Arkansas at Little Rock
@Christopher: My favorite suggestion is "Your developers/academic support people should be observing someone using their LMS or tool every week, so you can make immediate changes quickly and in an ongoing basis."
13:46Liberty University 2
Are they pushing from a development standpoint, or from a "Get everyone a mobile device" effort?
13:47Jason Bengtson
I'm trying to develop and enhance our mobile content.
13:47Debbie Malcangi 4