12th March 2017 Today is the second

Sunday of Lent

Hymns at Eucharist : 104 , 19 , 195 , ( 303 , 232 , 1 ) , 695

TODAY 9.15 amChoir Practice

10.00 amParish Eucharist with Sunday School -

followed by a short meeting PCC

6.00 pm Lent Talk : How hymns shape our Lives

MONDAY 9.30 amParent and Toddler group

7.30 pm Evening M.U. : Polly Davies on ‘The truth about


TUESDAY 11.30 amHoly Eucharist in Morriston Hospital Chapel

- all welcome

2.00 pm Mother’s Union : Lent Talk : Gwyn Lewis on ‘How

Hymns shape our lives’

WEDNESDAY 10.30 amFood Bank ( Salvation Army )

THURSDAY 10.30 amHoly Eucharist ( crypt ) followed by a

charity coffee morning in and of Faith in


6.00 pm Youth Club for school years 4,5,6 ( Crypt )

6.00 pm Clergy Surgery for booking of baptisms, banns and

weddings etc. No appointments necessary.

NEXT SUNDAY Ex. 17:1-7 , Rom. 5:1-11 , Jn. 4:5-42

9.15 am Choir Practice

10.00 amParish Eucharist with Sunday School

11.30 am Baptism

4.30 pm AD Conference ( here )

6.00 pm Deanery Evensong

Preacher : Rev. Helen Rees


Lent Collection : a collection plate is at the back of the church if you wish to make a donations to the Bishop’s Lent appeal. Details of the charities being supported will be given soon.

Easter Eggs : if you wish to purchase any “Real Easter Eggs” from Traidcraft please speak to Joan Lewis to place your orders.

Area Deanery Conference : here in St. David’s NEXT SUNDAY at 4.30 p.m. followed by Deanery worship at 6 p.m. The speaker will be Canon Padraig Gallagher on the Diocesan Charity ’Faith in Families’.

Coffee Morning : we have a coffee morning in aid of Faith in Families on THIS THURSDAY following the mid-week Eucharist. DO TRY AND JOIN US. Tickets are £1 and help to sell them would be appreciated.

Mothering Sunday : 26th March. A cream tea will be held at 4 p.m. and all are welcome. Please compete and return the invitation form for numbers. ALL ARE VERY WELCOME.

Open Church : we are hoping again this year to be able to open the church each morning from April to September. If you can help on a rota we would be pleased to hear from you. Please let Jan Cooze or June Walters know if you can help.

Lent Talks : do try and join us on either a Sunday evening or Tuesday afternoon for our series of Lent talks. Details are on the handouts that are available.

Congratulations : to Anne Stoker on her recent marriage to Russell.

200 Club winners for February 1st.No.7Betty Williams, 2nd No.31Helen Barrow , 3rd No. 17Pam Johns. Congratulations to the winners.

Training : our thanks go to Sheila Thomas who has purchased a defibrillator for the church in memory of Mansel. Before it can be installed we need to organise training. The training will take place in small groups and I would be grateful if at least one person from each of our church groups would put their name forward for training. A list is at the back of church and training dates will be organised soon.

Annual parish Meeting : Sunday 23rd April following the 10 a.m. service. Nomination forms for PCC and Wardens will be available in the next few weeks.