Will-South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District

1201 S. Gougar Road, New Lenox, Illinois

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Directors Present: Dick Smerz, Dave Deutsche, Everett Moeller

and Barrie Tyler

Associate Directors Present: George Johnson,Roger Galas, Diana

Galas,Cathy Ruchaj and Wayne Wagner

Staff Present: Kim Mitchell and Bob Jankowski

The meeting was opened by Dick with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm.

Dick thenrequested consideration for a motion to approve the January 12, 2011 Board Meeting minutes. Everett motioned to approve the minutes, Barrieseconded the motion. The motion carried.

Financial Reports:

- YTD Profit & Loss/Unrestricted– A motion was made byBarrie to accept the P&L report and seconded by Dave. The motion carried.

- YTD Programs Account/Restricted – A motion was made byDaveto accept the Programs report and seconded by Everett. The motion carried.

- YTD Balance Sheet-A motion was made by Barrie to accept the Balance Sheet report and seconded by Everett. The motion carried.

-JanuaryBills were approved with a motion by Barrieand a second by Dave. The motion carried.

Staff Reports fromBob andKim were accepted as written. Bob briefly discussed the Cover Crops Workshop at JJC / Wietendorf on February 23rd. He requested consideration of the Board for a donation to cover travel expense of a speaker and coffee, etc. Each SWCD involved (Will- S. Cook, Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle) has received the same request. A motion was made by Barrie to contribute $50 with a second by Everett. The motion carried. Bob and Dave also reminded everyone about the Drainage Meeting scheduled for March 17th. The meeting is being sponsored by the Tillage Committee. An agenda is currently being developed.

Will County Stormwater Committee Report; Wayne distributed IDOT information regarding upcoming Will County road improvements. Wayne also informed the board that the Farm Bureau silent auction proceeds were $20,000. A brief discussion followed and Kim will add consideration of a silent auction at the Recognition Dinner to next years APO.

CPP and NRI Report; Neil was absent from the meeting however, Kim stated that all SESC and NRIs are current(1 NRI completed) and Dan Jay will be able to conduct February inspections if needed.

Election results from the Annual Meeting were reviewed by George with Everett Moeller and Michael Wisniewski being the nominees/elected.

Annual Recognition Dinner; Everett asked Kim to follow-up with Silver Spoon regarding the SWCD helpers. Kim advised that all news releases for the awards have gone out, as well as several Dinner notices. Complimentary tickets will be distributed next week after Scholarship winners are identified. Awards will be ordered and table décor and prizes will be next for completion in the Dinner plans.

Diana advised everyone regarding an upcoming RCD event at Harold and Marlene’s. The boy scouts will be working on badges and will be involved in several educational activities followed by a bonfire and cook out. All are invited Saturday, April 30th. The rain date is May 7th.

Kim advised the board that a Thank-you note was received from the Farm Bureau for the donation of a rain barrel to their auction. and a copy of a letter.

A date correction to Kim’s timesheet was made followed by a motion to approve the timesheets by Barrieand seconded byDave. The motion carried.

A motion to adjourn was made by George at 7:40 pm.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by,

Kim Mitchell

District Manager