O f f i c e o f W o r s h i p




Phone: (715) 394-0233 e-mail: Fax: (715) 392-2015

TO: All Pastors, Parish Life Coordinators, Parish Directors and parish RCIA team leaders/members

FROM: Paul Birch

DATE: January 5, 2018

RE: The Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion

Cathedral of Christ the King

1111 Belknap Street, Superior, WI

Sunday, February 18, 2018

3:00 p.m.

Once again we are approaching the time for our diocesan celebration of the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion. This liturgy takes place on the First Sunday of Lent, most often at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior. It is an important event for those in the parish RCIA process, as it ritually highlights the beginning stages of their journey toward baptism and/or full initiation/communion and, through Bishop=s presence as celebrant, shows how they are linked beyond their local parish to the Universal Church, manifested by our particular Church of the Diocese of Superior.

Both catechumens and candidates and their godparents/sponsors should attend.

This liturgy is especially important for our catechumens (the unbaptized) because it is the formal beginning of their time of intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Through the testimony of their godparents, they are found worthy for Aelection@ (which is founded on their election by God, in whose name the Church acts.) As a pledge of fidelity they inscribe their names in our diocesan Book of the Elect. (Afterwards they are then referred to as our “elect.@)

Attendance at this liturgy is also important for our candidates (those who have been baptized), because it is here that their sponsors and the community at large attest to their readiness for either the completion of their initiation sacraments and/or for their reception into the Church. Bishop Powers formally recognizes their desire to be more fully one with the Church, and prays for them and for their journey of faith.

Should Pastors, Parish Life Coordinators and Parish Directors attend?

Because the liturgy includes calling the names of the catechumens (first) and the candidates (second), someone from the parish needs to be there to receive the pre-printed lists (located at the main entrances of the cathedral) and call the names at the appropriate times. The pastoral leader may function this way or may delegate a substitute. (For the instance, a Deacon from the parish or a member of the parish RCIA team could replace the pastoral leader if necessary.)

Arrive early: coffee and cathedral tours will be available before the liturgy.

Coffee will be ready down in Kress Hall before the liturgy, and volunteers from the parish will be available upstairs for tours.

Stay late: all are invited to a reception which follows the liturgy.

Plan on attending the reception in Kress Hall which follows the liturgy. Light refreshments will be served, and Bishop will be there to greet the elect and candidates.

How do the names get on the lists that are called?

Whoever is in charge of the RCIA at the parish level is asked to fill-out the front side of the enclosed registration form—which records the names of the catechumens and candidates from an individual parish whose names are to be called at the liturgy. Because the names are called-out by parish (not by cluster) we ask that you duplicate the form as required and return one for each parish. To avoid duplication of effort, RCIA team leaders should be in communication with their pastoral leader as to who is completing and returning the forms for each parish.

The reverse side of the registration form:

While the front contains the most important information, the back of the form also has requests for optional information: help with a head count for the caterer, the name of a Reader from your parish who will be attendance and who would like to assist with reading during this liturgy, and requests aimed at helping us keep our parish RCIA contact information current.

Questions or duplicate forms:

If you need more forms, they are posted on the worship portion of the diocesan website. [On the drop down menu select: RCIA-Becoming Catholic and click on the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion—Registration forms link on that page.] You may also contact Paul Birch (715-394-0233/) and he’d be happy to connect you with more forms or to answer any further questions you may have.

Ideally, registration forms should reach the chancery by Monday, February 12.

You may mail the forms to the chancery: Office of Worship 1201 Hughitt Avenue Superior, WI 54880, or you may fax them: 715-392-2015, or you may scan and e-mail them to as well.

The names that get called out are also printed on a sheet that is inserted into the worship booklet as a keepsake. In order for all the names to be included on this sheet, the forms containing them need to be returned to the chancery no later than Monday, February 12th.

What if the weather turns bad?

Due to the seasonal tendency toward inclement weather, the diocese has established an after-hour call-in number which may be used to find out if events have been cancelled due to dangerous travel conditions. Beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 18th, prior to your departure, please dial 715-392-2937 and follow the prompts for Aevent cancellation@ to confirm that the liturgy will take place as scheduled.

Components of the liturgy – ritual movement.

Because this is a “combined” liturgy (the Rite of Election for the unbaptized combined with the Call to continuing Conversion for the baptized) there are similarities between the two parts: In separate portions of the liturgy both groups are: 1.) called by name to come up to the foot of the sanctuary stairs along with their godparent(s) or sponsor(s), 2.) presented to Bishop, 3.) affirmed by their godparent(s) or sponsor(s) and those assembled. The unbaptized are then also called into the sanctuary to sign their names in the diocesan Book of the Elect, while the baptized (who are already in some ways members of the Church through their common baptism) omit this step. Details about specific ritual movement as well as other instructions are contained in the worship booklet which is available at the liturgy. This information is also posted on the worship portion of the diocesan website, just in case you may be interested in looking it over ahead of time. [On the drop down menu select: RCIA-Becoming Catholic and click on the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion—Liturgical instructions link on that page.]

We hope to see you there!

For many it is a long drive to Superior, and it is true that the weather may be less than cooperative, but hopefully many will be able to attend and joyfully participate in this celebration, together with Bishop Powers and members of our Diocesan Chorale.

There is something special that takes place when our diocesan family gathers. Hopefully this experience of Church will be one which both broadens and blesses our catechumens and candidates, their families, and our diocese as a whole.