Summary of the 2nd Quarterly WINN General Membership Meeting
December 15, 2009 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: WSU Extension, 1000 N Forest Street, Large Meeting Room.
Attendees: Rebecca Schlotterback, Sue Blake, Kaci Radcliffe, Kristen Cooley, Linda Lyshall, Pamela Jull, Elizabeth Kilanowski, Teagan Ward, Doug Stark, Heather Higgins-Aanes, Emily Resch, Becky Peterson, Nancy Olsen, Wendy Scherrer, Randy Leventhal, Alan Chapman, Eleanor Hines, Gwen Duvall, Kerry McManus
1) General Operation Update
Revisions of Ground Rules
Steering Committee member Nancy Olsen provided an update on clarifying revisions to the ground rules which include the following
- Clarifying the roll of the Steering Committee
- Sub-committees will include at least one member from the Steering Committee and the sub-committees will provide updates before or at the monthly Steering Committee meeting
- Clarification on how decisions will be made to select proposals for funding
- Clarification on who updates the annual work plan and that the annual work plan will be updated in June of each year
The updated Ground Rules will be distributed after final review by the Steering Committee
Communication: Web Access
Steering Committee member Becky Peterson presented an overview on improving access to WINN information via a web site. The intention is to provide folders in a drop box that can be accessed by the membership. There will be a folder that will be shared by the Steering Committee and a folder that will be shared by sub-committee members. This will allow members to work easily on documents. Once documents become final they will be placed on a simple website for public access. Becky will continue to work on refining the drop box. The website is:
2) ECO Net Update
Steering Committee member Sue Blake provided an update on ECO Net. Posters, stickers and DVD’s are available for outreach programs.
ECO Net representative Kristin Cooley provided information on the Block Grant. $15,000 is available and the funds must be used by the end of fiscal year 2010 (June 30, 2010). ECO Net will be applying for a two million dollar EPA educational grant. EPA has stated that the entire two million will go to one agency and ECO Net qualifies.
3) WWIN 2009/2010 Work Plan and Sub-Committee Reports
WINN 2009/2010 Work Plan
Steering Committee member Heather Higgins-Aanes stated that the Steering Committee will develop a work plan in June of each year that will be reviewed by the membership. The 2009/2010 Work Plan is based on the priorities developed by the membership and will be discussed in the context of the sub-committee reports
- Program Design and Evaluation Training: Higgen-Aanes stated that the tentative dates for the training have been scheduled for 2 of the three days between March 23 and March 25, 2010- 2 full days. Final dates are still pending. The -agenda is on line and available for those that have registered. Blake stated that she had attended this type of training and found it very valuable.
- Speakers Series: Blake stated that the sub-committee will coordinate with the MRC which already has a speaker series. The sub-committee will do a survey similar to one the MRC had their membership fill out to provide input on what types of topics would be of value.
- Festival/Water Week Celebration: Steering Committee member Kerry McManus provided an overview on the goals for the festival and an outline of the proposed activities during the week. The Steering Committee would like feedback on timing and developed a survey to send to the general membership to enable them to provide input. The Steering Committee also needs to get clarification from ECO Net regarding the use of block grant funds for planning. Suggestions made by membership during the meeting:
1)Hold in Fall- to many people gone in summer and no school participation
2)Some events on water
3)Timing-March 22 is World Water Day-Funding resources
4)Timing-Spring is busy time but also energizing
5)Objectives could drive the timing
6)People to Action- specific instructions
7)ECO Net– concerns- block grant to achieve a specific objective
4) Next Meeting: The membership decided to meet from 3:00-5:00pm and to allow time for networking after the formal meeting. Date will be set later