ESY Administrator’s To Do List
ð Visit the ESY site to locate instructional materials, supplies, copy paper, etc.
ð Log into File Maker Pro to view the ESY site staff and contract information.
ð Using the information in FMP, determine the number and types of classes at your site.
ð Using the contract log, create a list of staff members hired for your site. Pay close attention to the contract information. Only contact those staff members who have been offered and returned a signed contract.
o Special educators
o Paraeducators
o Additional Adults
o Behavior interventionist(s)
o Clerical
o Nurse(s)
ð Assign staff to classes and programs. Using the SCH/Post/Tchr, pay close attention to the notes in FMP; They will assist you matching the staff to the classes for which they were hired to support.
ð Access TIENET, to download (into EXCEL) and sort your student roster. Please note that some students who appear on your site roster are related service only. Develop class groupings that can assist you when you create class lists in TIENET.
ð Using the information in TIENET, determine how to distribute the AAs in order to ensure that students’ needs are met.
ð Be prepared to share class groupings with special educators on June 27th. This will allow teachers to view student IEPs in preparation for July 7th.
ð Encourage teachers to contact the students’ homes to discuss ESY class information and student specific needs. (snack, name tags, change of clothes, community trips, curriculum materials, breakfast, arrival and dismissal procedures, transportation, etc.)
ð Determine how materials will be distributed and prepare a sign-out sheet.
ð Contact the specialist and/or resource teachers, who have assigned students and hired staff, if questions arise in regard to ESY.
ð Prepare a substitute list by searching in FMP. Please remember that substitutes can only be hired if their name appears in the FMP database.
ð Compose and send an email to all of the staff members hired for your site. Be sure to include information as to attendance on June 27th and/or July 7th.
ð Please continue monitoring the list in TIENET. Students are continuing to be placed and reassigned. Consider sorting by the modified date in order to determine new entrants or those whose forms have been changed.
ð Please confer with the clerical to ensure attendance is taken daily.