SAAF Meeting Minutes – Friday 19th June 2015 – v1

11 am – 3 pm, Ciste room, Glenmore Lodge (GL)

Members / Observers
Debbie Williams (DW) / Jane Campbell Morrison (Chair)
Shaun Roberts (SR) / Megan Griffiths (MG)
Dougie Shannon (DS)
Nick Cole (NC)
Gavin Howat (GH)
Anna Dawson (AD)
Dave Horrocks (DH)
Mike Masino (MM)
Colin Matheson (CM
Bill Stephen (BS)
Barry Edmondson (BE)
Tony Shepherd (TS)


·  Mike Strang (MS))

·  Tina Cuthbertson (TC)

·  Iain Peter (IP)

·  John Hamilton (JH)

·  Chris Taylor (CT)

·  Kirstine Hale (KH)

·  Bob Telfer (BT)

·  Jim Davis (JD)

·  Ian Ross (IR)

·  Dougie Shannon

·  Shaun Roberts (SR)

·  Barry Fisher (BF)

2. Approval of agenda & AOB

·  No further items to be added to the agenda – agenda therefore approved

3. Minutes:

·  Pending changes to the minutes from 6th March, these minutes were approved.

·  Skills Development Scotland Flexible Training Opportunities project to be re-launched shortly

·  Next meeting in September to be held in Glenmore Lodge, with the following meeting to be held in Edinburgh – venue to be confirmed

4. SAAF Forward Plan and Budget

Having delivered the report on the Adventure Activities legislation for the Scottish Government, the proposed forward plan and budget has been created with activities that will help to keep SAAF in the frontline of outdoor activities. There needs to be less work/more high profile /out into industry.

4.1 - Conference

Discussion took place around the possibility of a combined conference with Wild Scotland (tourism focus) however this is likely to be expensive option, with costs at approx. £80/delegate for 1 day. Working group to consider another partnership with other organisations (IOL?) with consideration given to the topics to be included. There has not been any contact from Scottish Government yet with regard to timings around changes in the Adventure Activities legislation in Scotland. GH feels that the power to make the changes is unlikely to be given to Scotland in the very near future. GH also indicated that the whole of HSE to be devolved to Scotland is on the agenda now.

DH suggested that there would be 3 good reasons for attending this conference: 1) essential CPD (eg teachers); 2) really important issue for our industry; 3) really interesting person/idea/motivation/inspiration.

JCM suggested that Instead of having a conference, would there be validity in pulling together a SAAF presentation that could be delivered at various industry sector /NGB conferences etc. Group to put together a SAAF presentation which would include - What is SAAF? What does SAAF do? + person spec for delivery. JCM to lead with NC/DH start after 13/7. All members are encouraged to feed in ideas for conferences to give this presentation at and to offer to do local presentations (20/30 minutes).

BE suggested that the money which was put aside for conference could be used to pay someone to do SAAF presentations. It was agreed that the expenses of those delivering presentations would be covered by this funding if required.

Possible Conference suggestions where this presentation could be given: RYA, Wilderness Scotland, IOL, Teachers?, SCA,

Agreed that If something radical happens in the industry (eg SG response/decision on licencing) then we could pull a conference together at short notice.

4.2 Bench marking

JCM still keen to pursue this project, to give the sector data that can be interrogated and ensure that a clear picture of participation in the outdoors in Scotland is created. DH indicated that AALA can assist with Scotland statistics, however JCM felt that though useful, the statistics won’t produce enough detail. Ie non licensed providers. BS indicated that SAPOE have good details around local authority numbers.

The meeting agreed that this is an important project that SAAF could head up and bring in partners to assist with the project especially as it would hold weight to know effect on economy etc. BE suggested that this may be a project that a University could take on. TS suggested that as this information is increasingly important, it will need to be on-going ie updated every year. JCM suggested that perhaps easy update for 3 years and then review after 3 years. BE suggested that Visit Scotland may have a system in place already which would be worth checking – JCM to check. Megan – mountain biking data is being collected in partnership HIE/visit Scotland and consideration should be given to the possibility that SAAF may be able to tweak/influence what they are already doing and collect wider information. This topic is to be added to the agenda for the September meeting. Invite all who may be able to contribute to this, including Outdoor group Scottish tourism alliance, plus Scottish government. AD has an ‘interface’ that may be able to help work as an intermediary AH has highland contact. MM mentioned that sportengland have a document that looks at getting more people outside and the link to the document is to be distributed - Getting active outdoors – sport England.

4.3 - Budget

MG confirmed that Glenmore Lodge will appoint a staff member to undertake secretarial work for SAAF by 4/9 meeting.

JCM indicated that budget says £5K for bench marking which projected by IP. Her intention is that we do the work in partnership with others which may be able to reduce the contribution from SAAF to only £1K or £1.5K and ask others to do the same and look for in kind funding wherever we can.

The meeting agreed to keep the £5K operating reserve. Fundraising will have to take place for any future projects. It is intended to keep the reserves of £5K for use with pump priming while we wait for grants to arrive.

Meeting agreed to continue web site costs.

JCM informed us that IP/JA are still signatories on the bank account. Plan to move to TS/DS but not yet completed paperwork. It is difficult to change the signatories due to the location of each of the office bearers. Currently SAAF doesn’t have a treasurer, and GH pointed out that this was not good governance. Agreed that the treasurer role needs to be filled and JCM to undertake this action.

It was agreed that the funds that are ‘earmarked’ for conference should be kept should there be a need to run a conference.

5 – AAIAC Update

BE gave this updated, and indicated that he had left AAIAC and resigned as chair. AAIAC held a meeting of new council which discussed the proposed constitution written in June 2015. JCM on council and appointments committee. JCM expressed her concern that membership of AAIAC Council may not be balanced – few women, very English biased. SAPOE is also a member of AAIAC Council, however, Willie White had to tender his apologies for the Council meeting. AAIAC Council will act as sounding board and meet once or twice per year and will accept or reject AAIAC membership. Key objectives are 1) Adventure mark; 2) representable role as a single point of contact for organisations outside the sector, 3) communicate good practice. JCM is anxious about the lack of quorate for council decisions as council can steer work of AAIAC committee. BE felt that there was no need for council to need to be quorate; DH agrees with JCM that it does. GH asked why it needs a council. JCM thinks it does need a council to be governance/direction/strategy etc. IOL giving support for web site and secretarial.

Meeting agreed continued SAAF representation? JCM happy to do so. An application process will take place and members are asked to share with networks to get a more representative committee.

AAIAC ropes course guide is now out. Guidance in line with new EU guidelines.

6. HSE Update

GH gave an update on figures from the end of May 2015 – the number of license holders in England is1253, and in Scotland is 189. In January-June 2015, 13 licences were refused/revoked. No new accidents have taken place in that time. The new HSE minister is Justin Tomlinson. There has been no news about future of licencing. HSE are operating as business as usual.

7. Membership of SAAF

DW to trawl through emails to see if she has a record of initial term given ie NC/TS was their first term 1 or 2 years. NC happy to do 2 further years. Some members came on at the SAAF Ratho meeting in January 2011.

Our stakeholders document needs to be changed to reflect the current environment – original document is still relevant but add:

1)  Academic sector needs to be added to our stakeholders both HE and FE;

2)  (presentation only - Education Scotland – Natalie White.) (Outdoor learning Scotland – strong links into SAPOE.)

3)  Freelancers??

4)  Overseas Expedition sector EPA Expedition providers association.

5)  Tourism activity heading

6)  social work/justice system ADSW Association of directors of social work services.

DH suggested that SAAF should advertise for members and if we don’t get a member that represents a sector then appoint an observer from that sector that is missing. NC – we may need to offer expenses to get voluntary sector members. DW – suggested correspondent member for a sector not represented by member/observer. MG suggested a way at getting to voluntary bodies – Gail Prince at SALSC may be able to help in addition to the Scottish Sports Association.

DH asked about getting the word out that there were vacancies in the SAAF membership. Vacancies will be placed on the SAAF website and all SAAF members are asked to send email with links to our networks + JCM linked in. Please ensure that a statement is added that expenses are not paid – but do get lunch.

NC asked about the length of term for members and how long members should look to come off the Forum. Discussion took place around membership terms and time out. The meeting agreed that if any member misses 3 meetings and they will be thanked for their interest, but then asked to leave.

8. sportscotland Update

MG gave an oversight of her role which includes; 1) working with majority of outdoor NGB’s and help them manage the process of public funding, as well as challenge on their strategy to ensure it is fit for purpose, 2) what are the problems facing outdoor sports eg lack of performance coach in a club. 3) join up active schools and outdoor education, 4) Improve Sportscotland working systems with commercial centres/providers eg delivering performance coaching programmes. Discussion took place around club use of facilities and whether Facilities can be a member of an NGB. The bigger the NGB, the bigger the clout and the better the chance to access public funding. JCM said heartening to hear and see outdoor world being included in the wider sport arena. BS asked how sportscotland invests into outdoor learning local authorites – MG responded that at moment it doesn’t except via active schools. BS invited Megan + active schools to attend SAPOE meeting. CM – outdoor participation needs to be recognised – by representation of sportscotland staff etc. MG suggested that this is covered by NGB membership. SG want Olympic and common wealth medals (not outdoor achievement) Physical condition training rolled out of Glenmore lodge now. MG indicated that it was important for outdoor sports to be clear about their aspirations and to have the courage to ask for what they want and need. JCM indicated that it is just as difficult to get performance coaches for an Olympic sport.

9. AOB

BS gave an update from SAPOE and it was agreed that it was important to disseminate info from SAPOE. JCM will send out the AGM minutes from SAPOE with the minutes of this meeting. Funding for ‘going out there’ has been arranged. Guidance has been given to schools in how to choose a provider, which should encourage early years/primary/secondary for teachers into getting outdoors – which is also being pushed by Education Scotland (for SAPOE). SAPOE will be running a conference 10&11 March 2016 that SAAF presentation could be delivered. SAPOE is now on twitter. CPD/CLPL accreditation has now been arranged for teachers, I.e. if you do this course you can tick off x, y z. SAPOE holds a database for outdoor education courses and is looking for contributions. SAPOE members are not happy with MBL (cost for tutor to get tutor award/cost tutor training update) – and plans to keep going to keep TCL going for local/in-house qualification. BE asked as to how this may be achieved as British cycling has dropped the TCL award. BE felt that it was better to be part of a UK wide scheme rather than struggle to keep Scottish award going. SAPOE members have shifted towards Lowland BETA award instead of MBL award (closed shop and would like satellite providers who can just run 1 course/year (need to do 4 to be a tutor).

10. Dates of Future Meetings

4th September 2015– Glenmore Lodge

4th Dec 2015 – Edinburgh location to be confirmed at next meeting