Please note: this information will not be passed on to any third parties and will only be used for Volleyball England purposes, to register you as a National League player, and to process your International Transfer if required.By submitting this form to Volleyball England, you consent to your name and photo being displayed on the Volleyball England website under your respective team’s page, and you confirm that you are responsiblefor the details held within the form and that they are correct at the time of submission.
Please complete the section below to enable us to create your Member profile;
Items highlighted with * are required.
Each New NVL Player will need to complete the NVL Registration Form and send it in with a passport style photo. You can email one to .
The following section is to be completed by ALLplayers
HAVE YOU EVER REGISTERED WITH A FOREIGN FEDERATION OR TEAM? / YES (Please complete the information below) / NO (no further information required)“Federation of Origin” is the National Federation where a player is first registered. This does not necessarily have to be the same as the National Federation that matches a players Nationality. For example, a player could be Polish by Nationality, yet first registered to play Volleyball in England, so their Federation of Origin would be Volleyball England.
“Club of Origin” is the Club where a player was last registered within their “Federation of Origin”.
FEDERATION OF ORIGIN: / CLUB OF ORIGIN:The section below isinformation for all players whose Federation of Origin is not Volleyball England.
Players whose Federation of Origin is not Volleyball England are required to have an International Transfer before being registered to play Volleyball in England. International Transfers are an administrative process, there are no costs involved, unless your Team is playing in International Competition (CEV European Competition). The process requires you to be registered on the Volleyball Information System (VIS). Only your Federation of Origin can register you on VIS.
To be registered on VIS you will need to send your Federation of Origin the following information;
- A high resolution .jpeg photo of your head and shoulders. Photos must be a minimum of 590 x 710 pixels
- A copy of the photo page of your passport. If you are a dual passport holder, you need to provide a copy of each passport
- Email address
- Address
- Phone number
- Any other details requested by your Federation of Origin
Important:Please do not send Volleyball England copies of your Passport.
You can find the contact details for your Federation via the following directories;
CEV Website (if your Federation of Origin is in Europe): - Click on the Flag of your Federation of Origin on the right hand side.
FIVB Website: - Click on the name of your Federation of Origin.
Once you are registered on VIS, please provide Volleyball England with your VIS number and we will process your International Transfers.
Data Protection:Volleyball England policies related to Data Protection can be found here - VE GDPR Data Protection Policy | VE Privacy Policy.
This form needs to be returned to the Volleyball England HUBVolleyball England, SportPark, LoughboroughUniversity, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3QF
or via email