Interview Questions- Spring 2009

 Ineligible to participate because former student:

 Returned to the High School setting

 Did not yet graduate or exit – still in High School
 Wrong exiting class (exited more than one year ago)

 Deceased

Unsuccessfully Completed Interviews – reason interview was not completed

 Contacted: Declined to answer interview questions

 Contacted: Unresolved language, comprehension or communication barrier
 Contacted: Former student was unavailable and no other responder was available (e.g. jail, military,work)

 No Contact: Unable to find # / lost # / no phone # / moved and no forwarding #

 No Contact: No answer (after multiple attempts)

 Other Prompt and record response in drop-down text box

Q.1 Who responded to the interview questions or check why the interview was not completed?(Choose one)

Successfully Completed Interviews – phone answered by:

 Former Student

 Parent (natural parent, step-parent, custodial grandparent, parent who is guardian ad litem)
 Guardian / Adult Service Provider (legal guardian other than student’s parent, foster care parent,custodial group home worker)

Other (Anyone Else)


2. Which of these best describes your currentemployment status?

 I am currently employed or working for pay (Go to Q.4)

 I am not currently employed but have worked for pay at sometime since leaving high school(Go to Q.3)

 I am not currently employed and have not worked for pay since leaving high school (Go to Q.8)

 Don’t know(Go to Q.9)

 Refused to answer(Go to Q.9)

3.Why are younot currently working?(Choose all that apply)

 Does not want to work /not looking / volunteering

 Enrolled in school / going to school / full-time student

 Lack of employment opportunities in the local area / Unable to find work

 Lacks necessary employment / lack of skills prevents working

 Lacks transportation / no car / can’t get to work

 Has not received necessary services from community agencies(e.g., Voc Rehab, Health & Human Services)

 Church mission or other humanitarian program

 Family obligations / Homemaker

 Health issues preclude working / Health or disability-related problems prevent working

 Would lose benefits (e.g., SSI/disability/unemployment)

 Laid off / recently dismissed

 Other (“Please describe why you are not currently working”)

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

The following questions are for the CURRENT JOB (if currently working)OR if NOT CURRENTLY WORKING, for the JOB THAT WAS HELD FOR THE LONGEST TIME since leaving high school.

4. Is/was the work(Choose one)

 In an Integrated, competitive employment setting, where most employees are non-disabled, including farming

 In the Military / Service

 In a Supported Employment setting (paid work or employment program in the community, often with support services)

 In an Institutional or Residence setting, such as a medical, correctional, convalescent, mental health facility

 I work out of my Home / Homemaker / Day Care

 In a Sheltered Employment (a setting where most workers have disabilities)

 Other (“Please describe the setting in which you work/worked”)

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

5. How many hours do you (did you) typically work per week? (Choose one – be sure that the answer is the total of hours worked per week if the former student has more than one part-time job.)

 35 or more hours per week

 Less than 35 hours per week

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

6. What is/was your typical hourly wage including tips? (Choose one)

 Less than minimum wage

 Minimum wage (UT $5.15/hour)

 More than Minimum wage

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

7. Does/did your job provide benefits? (Choose one)

 YES(Go to Q.9)

 NO (Go to Q.9)

 Don’t know (Go to Q.9)

 Refused to answer (Go to Q.9)

8. Whyhave you not worked since leaving high school?(Choose all that apply)

 Does not want to work /not looking / volunteering

 Enrolled in school / going to school / full-time student

 Lack of employment opportunities in the local area / Unable to find work

 Lacks necessary employment / lack of skills prevents working

 Lacks transportation / no car / can’t get to work

 Has not received necessary services from community agencies (e.g., Voc Rehab, Health & Human Services)

 Church mission or other humanitarian program

 Family obligations / Homemaker

 Health issues preclude working / Health or disability-related problems prevent working

 Would lose benefits (e.g., SSI/disability/unemployment)

 Other (“Please describe why you are not currently working”)

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer


9. Considering all the different kinds of further education and training, such as college, adult or community education, job training or vocational training, which of the following best describes your current educationalstatus, keeping in mind that military service is considered under the employment section of this survey?(Choose one)

 I am currentlyparticipating full-time in an educational program or pursuing a degree(Go to Q. 11)

 I am currently participating part-timein an educational program or pursuing a degree(Go to Q. 11)

 I have completed an educational program, training or degree (Go to Q. 11)

 I have attended some time since leaving high school but discontinued the program before completion(Go to Q. 10)

 I have not attended any further educational or training program(Go to Q. 18)

 Don’t know(Go to Q. 19)

 Refused to answer (Go to Q. 19)

10.Why did you discontinue a postsecondary education or training program? (Choose all that apply)

 Did not want to continue my education/training

 Can’t afford to go to continue my education / not enough financial aide to continue

 Working full-time

 No postsecondary opportunities / none close to home

 Don’t have the necessary skills / qualifications to continue postsecondary education

 Unable to find transportation to school / no car / can’t get to campus

 Have not received necessary services from community agencies / on waiting list for services

 Church mission or other humanitarian program

 Family obligations / Homemaker

 Health or disability-related problems prevented continuing my education

 Other (“Please describe briefly”)

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

11. Have you attended a 2-year College or Community College since leaving high school?

 Yes

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

12.Have you attended a 4-year College or University since leaving high school?

 Yes

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

13.Have you attended a Vocational School or Technical Collegesince leaving high school?

(This means enrolled in a program – not just taking adult education class or community education class)

 Yes

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

14.Have you participated in a Short-term education or employment training program like the Job Corps, WIA (Workforce Investment Act), apprenticeship, on-the-job-training or other training program since leaving high school?

 Yes

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

15. Have you earned a High School Completionprogram, including an adult education or GED program, since leaving high school?

 Yes

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

16.Have you participated in a Church Mission or other Humanitarian Program since leaving high school?

 Yes (“Please describe the type of program you are or did participate in”)

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

17.Have you participated in any othertype of formal education since leaving high school?

 Yes (“Please describe the type of program you are or did participate in”)

 No

 Don’t know/NA

 Refused to answer

18.Why have you not attended a postsecondary education or training program? (Choose all that apply)

 Did not plan to goon to postsecondary education / don’t want to continue my education

 Can’t afford to go to school / not enough financial aide

 Working full-time

 No postsecondary opportunities / none close to home

 Don’t have the necessary skills/qualifications to enter postsecondary education

 Unable to find transportation to school / no car / can’t get to campus

 Have not received necessary services from community agencies / on waiting list for services

 Church mission or other humanitarian program

 Family obligations / Homemaker

 Health or disability-related problems prevent going to postsecondary education

 Other(“Please describe briefly”)

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer


19. Which of these best describes your current living arrangement? (Choose one)
 With a parent
 With another family member (e.g. aunt/uncle, cousin, brother/sister)

 With a spouse or roommate in a home or apartment, college dorm, sorority or fraternity housing

 Alone

 Military Housing / Barracks

 Institutional residence (e.g. medical, correctional, convalescent, mental health)

 Supervised living residence (e.g. assisted living center, group home, adult foster care)

 Other (please describe briefly): ______

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer


20.Since leaving high school, have you received services or assistance or talked with anyone fromany of the following agencies?(Choose all that apply)

 Rehabilitation Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

 Rehabilitation Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

 Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

 Division of Services for Persons with Disabilities (DSPD)

 Department of Work Force Services (DWS)

 Social Security Administration

 College or university student assistance center

 DisabilityLawCenter
 Other (please describe briefly): ______

 Don’t know

 Refused to answer

21.What difficulties, if any, have you had being employed or attending post secondary school as you would like?(Record comments)

22.Thinking about the things you are doing now, what is something positive that happened while you were in high school to help you reach your goals?(Record comments)

UtahPostHigh School Outcomes Survey1 of 4

Forms / Interview Questions / Spring 2009