10th Grade Final Project

Constructions of the Self:

“Instead of boiling up individuals into one, I would draw a chalk circle round every individuality, and preach to it to keep within that circle and cultivate its identity.” - Jane Welsh Carlyle

“Above all else, to thine own self be true.” - William Shakespeare

“All I can do is be me, whoever that is.” - Bob Dylan

“I celebrate myself and sing myself.” - Walt Whitman

Although the sentiment of Ms. Carlyle’s words is appealing, in reality it is impossible to isolate ourselves completely from the world that we live in. We, as individuals, are constantly shaped by our surroundings. Still, we are each undeniably unique beings, and it is critical that we strive to know ourselves, be true to ourselves, and celebrate ourselves.

Throughout the year, we have encountered literature dealing with the notion of identity. We have traced the journeys of many characters whose sense of identity has been shaped and challenged by cultural heritage, modern society, environment, literature, religion, war, traumatic experience, imprisonment, race, love, disease, and more.

Your challenge for this final project is to assemble a display that represents your sense of self. Through a combination of photographic images, original artwork, written words, artifacts, and other available means of expression (music, film, etc.), you will strive to offer a concrete representation of the relatively abstract idea of the self. I want you each to consider (and to demonstrate) the various forces that have helped to shape who you are. Although the creative license is great on this project, I expect that you each deal somehow with the idea of family, cultural heritage, and popular culture.

You will each be given a blank cabinet in and on which you will construct an image of yourself. Each “box” must contain at least one poem and at least one prose piece (letter, personal essay, short story) that responds to this idea.

Additionally, you will create a larger piece of collaborative art as a class. This piece should strive to offer an image of your collective identity. You may decide that one concrete image is appropriate, or this work may be a “collage” of sorts. We will set aside some class time to discuss, design, and execute this collaborative piece.

We will install and display this exhibition on May 29.

100 points