To Clone or Not to Clone
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If absent, Google Carolyn Said’s article.
“Here, kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty: Sausalito firm offers clones for $50,000, signs up 5 cat owners.”
Veteran’s Day
/ 1. Google the authorCarolyn Said
What did you learn about her ethos? Write a brief summary in your own words of her qualifications. Is she trustworthy? Explain.
2. Look up the online definitions of Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning.
Write down the definitions
3. Check out a Cloning Timeline online. What did you learn about the history of cloning? What is the earliest year in the timeline? What discoveries have been made during the last 10 years? Write your responses to #1-3 above on a separate sheet of paper.
4. Activity 1- (Get Handout)
Vocabulary Cubing
Get copy of Carolyn Said’s article from me. You can also find it online. Title: “Here, kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty: Sausalito firm offers clones for $50,000, signs up 5 cat owners.”
Write a ½ pg paragraph that sums up what you know about clones or cloning. / Cloning Paragraph due
Write your responses on a sheet of paper for Activities 2 &3.
1. Activity 2:
Exploring Key Concepts
If you could clone any of the following mammals, which one would you choose, and why? Mouse, dog, cat, cow, sheep, goat, human (½ pg.)
2. Activity 3:
Surveying the Text
a. Look at the title of the article, “Here, kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty: Sausalito firm offers clones for $50,000, signs up 5 cat owners.”
Make a prediction about the issue the article may likely present
b. Preview the end of the article. What did the author include at the end? What do you think her intention was for this ending?
c. Create a works cited entry of this article for a Works Cited page
d. Looking specifically at the date of this article. Do you think more or different information might be available now? What might be relevant today with this issue? Explain.
***Check online to see what issues are current in the field of cloning. Jot down some titles of articles you find. / Activity 4:
Making Predictions
Write your responses on a sheet of paper for
Activity 4
a. Scan Carolyn Said’s article, and notice the different speakers or interviewees. Who are they, and what purpose do these speakers serve? Explain.
b. Look at the many voices heard in this article (tone). Peruse the article, and look more carefully at the different speakers of the many quotes used. Skim to locate these quotes rather than read the entire article. Highlight.
c. In a small group or with a partner, find a quotation and identify its speaker and his or her position on cloning.
Why do you think the author chose these particular quotations and speakers for this article?
Activity 5:
Vocabulary Self-Assessment Chart / Activities 1-4 due
Activity 6: Understanding Key Vocabulary
Pairing Opposites
Using the terms from the Activity 5 Self-Assessment Chart, pair opposite words from the list. (antonyms)
Activity 7: Understanding Key Vocabulary
Categorizing with Established Headings
Identify words from Activity 5 that fall into these categories:
a. Animal surgeries/ treatments/ general medical terms
b. Words pertaining to babies/ pregnancy
c. Words pertaining to copying
d. Words pertaining to times of life or age
On a sheet of paper, make 4 columns. Give a heading (use a-d above) for each one.