Maximo Fundamentals - Initial Set-up and Configuration
Once Maximo Fundamentals is provisioned and you are able to login to the system as the administrator, there are some configuration steps you will need to make in order to make your environment available to your application users.
1. Create a second administrator user - Go to the User's application and create a second admin user. Once created go to the Security Groups application and assign this new user to the MAXADMIN security group.
2. Report Administration application - Go to the List tab and click on the 'Generate Request Pages' button. When it completes your users will be able to run reports from the applications where reports are available.
3. Users application
a. Default Insert Site - Go to the List tab and hit enter and then select the user you logged in as (administrator user). Under the User Settings section, enter MYSITE as the Default Insert Site. Click the Save icon in the toolbar at the top.
b. Select the Groups tab and click 'New Row' button. In the Group field select the value PLUSJADMIN and then click the Save icon. This will provide your userid with a second Start Center.
You need to exit the application (right arrow icon on top right of your screen) and log in to get the new security configuration reflected (you should see two Start Centers when you log back in). Note: if you perform security configuration changes for other users, those users must log out(if currently logged in) and then log back in to get the updated security configuration settings.
4. Data Loading - the Getting Started Start Center has a section that provides an ordered list of applications where Data Loading has been enabled. You should follow the product documentation and the related instructions in the template spreadsheets to facilitate the loading of data. Using these will assist with getting your users created within the system and also with master data: Items, Locations and Assets.
5. Craft Application - For those users who will report time against a Service Request or Work Order and you are planning to capture costs for that work, the costs can be defined on Crafts. When you create Labor (data loading) records in Maximo and you can associate the labor to a predefined Craft code and that Craft code can provide a default labor rater ($/hr) to the labor. A number of Craft codes were predefined, if you plan to use them and their corresponding hourly rate, you should review those crafts and set the hourly rate appropriate for your organization.
6. Escalations - There are two predefined escalations in Fundamentals that you may want to change based on the processes your organization follows.
a. The first is an escalation that will monitor new requests (Status = NEW). A notification will be sent if a request remains in a status of NEW for more than 4 hours. If you want to change the time interval, open the escalation record, PLUSJSRNEW in the Escalations application. Deactivate the Escalation. Change the Elapsed Time Interval and Internal Unit of Measure to the desired values. Activate the Escalation.
By default the email notification is sent to the Person defined as the Group 'Default' in the PLUSJJC Person Group. You can change the default person using the Person Group application. You can also change the Communication Template using that Group to send the email to different people in the organization. To do this go to the Communication (Comm) Templates application and select the PLUSJSRNEW Comm Template. The Recipients tab is where the 'send to' is configured.
7. Security - Each Security Group has pre-configured security access to certain applications. As the administrative user you have access to all applications available with Maximo Fundamentals. Other groups for other roles, such as Job Control or Planner/Scheduler have a sub-set of applications pre-configured. You or someone in your organization should review the available applications for each role and determine if other applications should be added to a group or some applications should be removed. Additionally, users may be granted access as 'read only', without insert/update capability.
8. Start Centers - By default each security group has a defined start center. Most start centers have a list of favorite applications for that role as well as 'portlets' defined with relevant queries. You may change the configuration of the start centers for each security group (role) depending upon your users needs.