Tison Middle School Band
102 Meadowview Road
Weatherford, TX 76087
Mrs. April Page, Head Director
Mr. Jay McNew, Assistant Director
Office Phone: 817-598-2960 , ext. 4145
Weatherford High School Mass Band Performance
Friday, September 9
This performance is required for all current Symphonic and Concert band students at Tison and Hall Middle Schools. Middle school band students will have the opportunity to sit and perform with the high school band. Attendance/performance/uniform/music will count toward a performance grade.
Friday, September 9:
4:00 PM – Meet in the band hall to get everything ready to transport to the stadium
5:00 PM – Rehearsal in stadium with Hall and WHS Band
5:45 PM – Tison & Hall band students served dinner by Weatherford Band Fan Club (pizza) Please let us know if you have an allergy.
7:30 PM – Football game begins – Combined band plays music in the stands
8:45 PM – Approximate time for halftime performance
Students will line up on the track and perform “Uma Thurman” with the WHS Band
9:30 PM – Approximate end of halftime performances. Students will be dismissed to their parents at this time. Please have a plan to pick up your student (where are you meeting).
**Lyres and flip folders: Each student needs a music flip folder and most students need a music lyre. You may pick one up at Johnny Paul’s Music Shop in Aledo or purchase one from the HMS Band. Payments can be made in cash or a check made payable to “Hall MS.”
$5 - Music flip folder only (Tuba, percussion, bassoon, oboe)
$10 - Both the flip folder and lyre (Clarinet and Euphonium)
$12 - Everyone else both lyre and flip folder
**2016-2017 TMS Band T-shirts: Each student needs a 2016-2017 TMS Band T-shirt for this performance. Shirts are $15 (payable to “Tison MS”).
Any parent interested in chaperoning this event should contact the directors. Please be aware that band members WILL NOT be allowed to eat any food or drink (in the stands) other than the water provided by the WHS Band Fan Club during the performance. Parents will need to have filled out a volunteer packet to help with this event.
**Middle School Fan Club Meeting
The next middle school Band Fan Club Meeting will take place Tuesday, September 6that the Hall MS Band. 6:00 p.m. will be the starting time.