May 5, 2012
Submitted by:Amy Fry and Jennifer Isenor
Chairs, Education Committee, CSHP NS Branch
NS Branch Education Committee Members:
Kristi Abraham, Allison Callaghan, Catherine Doherty, Richard Lee, Debbie MacIntyre, Pam McLean-Veysey, Shanna Trenaman, Jennifer Turple
- The CSHP Nova Scotia Branch Education Committee organized four CE events this past year including today’s AGM/CE Day.
- September 19, 2011: "The Optimal Prioritization of Activities for a Hospital Pharmacist in 2011". CED-2011-408, 1.25 CEU
Dr. OlavoFernandes, PharmD, Toronto, ON.
- November 8, 2011: "EBM at the Bedside: Helping Patients With Drug Therapy Decision Making"
CED-2011-444, 1 CEU
Dr. Peter Zed, Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine, QEII Health Sciences Centre
- February 15, 2011: “Ten Things Pharmacists Should Know About Migraine”
CED-2012-346, 1 CEU
Dr. Allan Purdy, Neurologist, QEII Health Sciences Centre
- April 4, 2011: “Community Associated MRSA: An Update for Pharmacists
CED-2012-363, 1 CEU
Meghan MacKenzie, Pharmacy Resident, QEII Health Sciences Centre
5.May 5, 2012: ”CSHP NS Branch Education Day”
CED-2012-366, 5.5 CEU
Multiple presenters
Of Note:
- New Senior Chair: Please welcome Jennifer Isenor as she assumes the role of Senior Chair of the Education Committee. Jenn has been a great resource with her experience at Dal CPE and her conference planning skills.
- New Junior Chair: Please welcome Kristi Abraham as our new Junior Chair of the Education Committee. Kristi has been a great asset to the committee over the past few years and we look forward to having her step into this new position.
- Budget: The Education Committee has tried to be mindful of budgetary constraints again this year. We hope our members still feel we are providing high quality CE events despite the change in catering to two events with snacks/drinks only, one dinner out at a local restaurant and one catered in to accompany general meetings. We have also offered that members outside HRM may be reimbursed to a max of a predetermined amount for meals and snacks if they submit a claim to our Finance Chair. If you have any concerns about this, please contact a committee chair, Jenn or Kristi.
- Availability of CE to all members: Once again, the Education Committeefeels that we have succeeded in making ALL educational events for CSHP members accessible. All sessions (with the exception of the AGM) were made available via Telehealth to sites outside HRM. We had one session that had a glitch in the connection such that slides were not visible. The connection also timed out sooner than planned, but this was addressed and should not happen in the future.
- Noon hour CE event: This was the first year we hosted a noon hour CE event, which was also made available by Telehealth to members outside HRM. It was well received and we expect to have one in the coming year as well.
- Another venue change for AGM and Spring Education Day: This year we decided to hold both our AGM/Education Day as well as the Awards Dinner at the same venue -Best Western Chocolate Lake Hotel. Although last year’s evaluations suggested members did enjoy being back at the Dalhousie University, College of Pharmacy, we thought this was a nice change and would be more comfortable and convenient for members as well as logistically easier to plan. We encourage members to please provide honest and constructive feedback about the venue.
- Joint CE hosted by Education and Membership Committees: To promote one of the most important benefits of being a CSHP member, the Education and Membership Committees are hoping to host a joint CE in September. Stay tuned for details!
- Special Thanks: Thank you as always to Richard Lee who always looks after catering for our CEs. Thanks also to Richard for securing this AGM/Education Day venue and taking care of the food selections (and other glitches that occurred along the way!) today.
- Call for Ideas/Speakers: Please contact a committee chair or member if you have any suggestions for topics or speakers or if you would like to present at one of our CEs.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Education Committee,
Amy Fry and Jennifer Isenor
Chairs, Education Committee, CSHP NS Branch