100 Ideas to Celebrate Centennial – We need your input!

Note: These ideas were generated during a brainstorming session at the December 2011 Cooperative Extension Administrative Committee meeting. They illustrate various ways we can celebrate our centennial. We need your ideas to complete this list! Please share your ideas through the comments section of our centennial website at http://100.ces.uwex.edu.

1. Put the centennial logo on everything! Letterhead, websites, email, brochures, job postings, etc.

2. Feature a centennial history moment on your website front pages, keep changing it.

3. Feature a new idea, or someone’s idea of how to celebrate once a week on email.

4. Offer the brief history on your website, so people realize we have a long, successful history.

5. Create centennial public service announcements scripts for radio, TV.

6. Create the centennial logo temporary tattoos for county fairs, state fair.

7. Create your own centennial office banner/poster.

8. Find out how we can get a “shout out” about the centennial at local sporting events.

9. Organize a Cooperative Extension bike ride, to honor the first agent who made his rounds on a motorbike.

10. Work with local cheese producers to create a centennial cheese.

11. Create a speaker’s bureau of Cooperative Extension retirees, who can speak about the centennial at local events, with local groups, Lions, Kiwanis, Jaycees, Business after 5 groups, etc.

12. Create local presentations, open houses for county board supervisors. Hold the open house in the hallway by the board room and offer food.

13. Work with your county Ag and Extension Committee, to offer a board resolution, in honor of the centennial. A proclamation is available.

14. Feature the centennial at local fairs.

15. Talk about the centennial on local radio talk shows.

16. Create social media opportunities about the centennial.

17. Get your local historical society involved.

18. Purchase clothing with the centennial logo.

19. Promote the centennial at any conferences you are planning.

20. Work a centennial promo into your workshop materials.

21. Feature a centennial slide in your PowerPoints.

22. Name 100 4-H ambassadors statewide who can describe Cooperative Extension in the future.

23. Identify former and present HCE members who can promote the centennial, maybe even a centenarian.

24. Plan an ice cream social to celebrate the centennial, in conjunction with June dairy breakfasts.

25. Through family living and HCE, collect 100 recipes to be publishes.

26. Through 4-H, have youth create centennial posters, feature in prominent locations.

27. Have 4-H youth make displays for the courthouse about the centennial, have them research local Cooperative Extension history.

27. Find local people with a history of working with Cooperative Extension and see if the newspaper is willing to do a feature story about “through the years.”

28. Put the centennial logo on 4-H ribbons for the fair.

29. Work with local breweries to create a Cooperative Extension beer.

30. Dig up local “then” and “now” factoids to feature in the press, on social media sites.

31. Work with local officials to line Main Street with 100 blue ribbons around trees, poles.

32. Create historical articles for program area newsletters.

33. Engage commodity organizations in our centennial.

34. Get county volunteers involved in the centennial. What ideas do they have about how we can celebrate? What events do they offer, where we can feature the centennial?

35. Offer centennial presentations to Ag and Extension Committees and county boards.

36. Communicate with state legislators in your district about centennial events.

37. Invite state legislators to centennial events. Take their picture and share on websites, in newsletters, etc.

38-100 – Please share your ideas!