10 simple steps to banish bad breath this Valentine’s Day

Have you ever considered that your bad breath might be off-putting to your partner? A recent nationally representative survey has found that one in five people have been put off of kissing someone due to their partner’s poor oral hygiene, revealing the detrimental effect this can have on a person’s love life.

The survey conducted by TePe shows the average person in the UK is primarily concerned by bleeding gums, missing teeth and bad breath. And with Valentine’s Day fast approaching Elaine Tilling, Head of Clinical Education at TePe UK, shares her 10 simple steps for improving oral hygiene and banish bad breath.

By Elaine Tilling, Head of Clinical Educationat TePe UK

  1. Brush for 2 minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste that also contains zinc. – Zinc helps eliminate the smelly compounds produced by dental plaque.
  1. If you see blood when you brush, it is likely that you have gum disease which is caused by a build-up of plaque (the sticky film that forms on the teeth which is made up of food and bacteria). Do continue to brush those areas, though not more vigorously but more thoroughly, to help remove the plaque build-up and resolve the gum disease
  1. Many people don’t know that your toothbrush misses the spaces in between your teeth, leaving up to 40% of your tooth surfaces untouched. It is important to include interdental cleaning as part of your daily oral hygiene routine Using dental floss or the even simpler Interdental brushes that come in array of sizes to fit the spaces. For simple and effective interdental cleaning – try TePe Interdental Brushes, £3 - £3.50 at Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Boots, Superdrug and other major retailers and pharmacy’s nationwide
  1. Avoid frequent intake of sugary foods and drinks. Plaque produces acids in the presence of sugar and so the more frequent the intake of sugar through diet, the higher the risk of tooth decay. Even the sugar free varieties of carbonated drinks are acidic and can cause tooth surface erosion over time, and so it is best to limit these to meal times.
  1. Avoid brushing for up to 40 minutes after consuming acidic foods and drinks as these ‘soften’ the tooth surface (enamel) and immediate brushing can lead to erosion of the enamel. Forty minutes will give your mouth enough time for the saliva to harden the enamel and protect it.
  1. Protect your lips from the drying and sometimes damaging effects of the weather. Lips are an integral part of a good smile so make sure you take care of them with a lip balm. Even better if you apply a lip balm with an SPF to help prevent skin damage.
  1. Don’t forget to clean your tongue if you are worried about bad breath. A standard toothbrush or a tongue cleaner will help remove plaque from the surface of your tongue, which can build up and cause bad breath. Ask your dental hygienist to show you an effective comfortable technique if it’s your first time.
  1. Chewing sugar free gum after meals is a great way to freshen the mouth and encourage saliva flow to protect the enamel – saliva is Mother Nature’s tooth repair solution!
  1. If you are a frequent mouthwash user, you might be surprised to find that some mouthwashes can cause staining that only a dental care professional can remove so always read the advice on the label! Mouthwashes that contain Chlorhexidine and certain essential oils can leave staining on the tooth surface – there is usually a warning on the label.
  1. Last but not least, make sure you visit your dentist regularly to ensure that your oral health is being properly monitored.

A good oral care regime and regular visits to the dentist are key to a healthy mouth. The two main dental diseases, tooth decay and gum disease are preventable. We all need to brush our teeth twice a-day using fluoride toothpaste and with either an electric or a manual toothbrush, depending on individual preference. However this only covers 60% of the tooth’s surface, leaving 40% between the teeth untouched. Therefore in addition to regular tooth brushing it is essential to clean between teeth using floss or an interdental brush, such as the TePe range. Interdental brushes are a simple and effective way to disrupt and remove the plaque build-up and food debris trapped between teeth, which if left can lead to gum disease. Bleeding gums are an early sign of gum disease, which can be resolved in as little as three days by brushing for the recommended two minutes twice daily and adding interdental cleaning to the daily routine. Life habits can also affect the health of your mouth, so not smoking and reducing alcohol and sugar consumption can help keep mouths healthy.

  • By Elaine Tilling, Head of Clinical Educationat TePe UK
  • TePe are the UK leaders in interdental brushes, please click here for more information:
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