10/17-10/21 2016Awe & The Integrated Life
As we continue this year’s Vision Focus (to grow into our Awe Core Value, this week we consider the connection been Awe and our Integrated Life Core Value.
Integrated Life
Because the gospel redeems and restores every part of life, we value holistic and deep discipleship, healing, and transformation. This means we desire to equip individuals to serve God in the way he has made them, and in the unique place he has put them, rather than simply integrating them into the ministry activities of our church.
If you are new to these Daily Worship guides, there is a Song of Commitment and Closing Prayer after the list of daily reflection questions.
Song for this week
- Jesus I My Cross Have Taken
Where possible we will use songs that are live recordings of our worship singing at Church of the Redeemer. You should be able to access them by clicking the link. You can also download them to your computer, phone, etc. (Please copy & paste rather than drag & drop).
Some Recommendations
The goal of the study/reflection questions is to help you get into the text and meet Christ in it, i.e., to worship and meet with God. Avoid engaging with these questions as if it’s a “quiz” where the goal is to get the “correct answer” and then move onto the next question. My prayer, goal, and hope is that the questions will help open up the Word of God – what it means and what it is saying – in order that you might meet God, experience Christ, and hear from the Holy Spirit.
1) I do recommend the full liturgy for each day.
2) The “Bible Study” reflection questions for each day of the week are inserted towards the end of this document. Most often the questions will require time of reflection and pondering in order to find answers or to let the answers sink in to our souls. Be prepared to not rush through them. The goal is to experience/hear from God.
3) Sing the songs! (Really) Each week we focus on two songs. Download them to your phone or iPod so you can listen repeatedly during the day. When we sing, our mind, body, heart, emotions, and will are all engaged in worship! If this week’s songs do not appeal to you, substitute one of your personal favorites.
Opening Prayer
O God, Eternal King and Father of all mercies,
whose light divides the day from the night
and turns the shadow of death into the morning:
To know you is eternal life
and to serve you is perfect freedom:
Drive far from us all wrong desires,
incline our hearts to keep your law,
and guide our feet into the way of peace;
that we may do your will with cheerfulness during the day,
and when night comes, rejoice to give you thanks;
through Jesus Christ, our risen and reigning Lord,
to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,
be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.
Confession (Romans 7:14-20)
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. 15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
Heavenly Father, as we consider the call and command to follow you, we have much to confess. Hear our confession, forgive, heal, and transform us by your mercy and grace.
Father you call us to embrace the adventure of being transformed by your mercy and grace. Yet we have complacent hearts and confess our spiritual stagnation.
We confess our embrace of individualism, independence, and autonomy and acknowledge how much this keeps us from engaging and serving others as your priests.
Father, our default is to elevate our own needs, wants, and desires above everything else. Forgive us for the focus of our church is too often only inward.
We confess our selfishness and our struggle to take your Gospel beyond the walls of this building or to other parts of the world.
By your mercy and grace, enable us to freely give our time, talents, and resources to see the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Search our hearts and lead us into your everlasting ways.
Absolution (Romans 7:24-25a)
Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Pray this week for your own self, your community, church, city, and this world to know the resurrection of Jesus in accepting the good news of the gospel. Pray by name those you want God to bring into his kingdom.
Scripture Readings & Reflection
Integrated Life
Because the gospel redeems and restores every part of life, we value holistic and deep discipleship, healing, and transformation. This means we desire to equip individuals to serve God in the way he has made them, and in the unique place he has put them, rather than simply integrating them into the ministry activities of our church.
Forgiveness –God has forgiven us for all our past, present, and future sins. In its simplest and literal Greek form, forgive means to send away, release, or let go. God has gone to great lengths to restore his people to him so that he might walk with them and be their God! But often we struggle to accept his forgiveness. (One of the keys to discern how much we have actually accepted, received, and enjoy God’s forgiveness is to ask “How forgiving am I?”)
- Read Isaiah 6:1-9.
- There are 4 steps in this passage. Review each step.
- God reveals himself
- Isaiah is “undone.” He experiences deep “disintegration” in the presence of God.
- God touches him and makes him Holy.
- Isaiah is “re-integrated” and empowered to serve.
Consider: Have you experienced the deep forgiveness, transfer of holiness, and re-integration that this passage articulates, i.e., When God sees you, what’s the expression he has on his face? Disappointment or delight?
- Are there any people who come to mind whom you need to forgive? (People who steal your rest, people [or things] who require you to over-work, people you are performing for hoping to win their approval/acceptance etc.,)
- What is the cost in your relationship with God and your relationships with others of your lack of forgiveness?
- What is keeping you from forgiving?
- Pray to God and forgive people the ways that they have wronged you. Ask him to help you truly release the pain and find freedom in forgiving and being forgiven.
- Close with the Closing Prayer below.
1) Lectio Divina – Divine Reading, where the reader follows four rhythms for the purpose of hearing God’s word for them that day.
Read the Core Value above and then read 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 & 12-31 four separate times (following the instructions below).
- PAUSE and ask God to speak to you as you read
- READ – Read the passage, paying attention to words or phrases of Scripture that stand out most to you. After reading, write them down.
- REFLECT – Read again, and reflect on what is stirred or touch in you personally from this reading.
- RESPOND – Read again, and ask what you want to do in response to this reading.
- BE or REST – Read again, and then sit in silence to let God further speak to you through the passage.
2) Write down what you experienced from God today.
1) Centering Prayer – A form of brief grounding prayer that can be prayed as a form of greeting the Lord, a returning to him, or as a cry for help. Centering Prayers should be prayed regularly through the day. Consider setting alarms to remind you. Often, centering prayer is particularly helpful when we find ourselves stretched, challenged, or troubled. Rather than lose our tempers and default to our normal way of dealing with conflict or difficulty, in those situations, using a Centering Prayer can be an exclamation for help.
- Read the passage we mediated on yesterday 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 & 12-31 and review your reflections.
- Now take what you’ve received from the passage and form it into a brief prayer. For example, “Jesus’ obedience is mine. I am complete in him.” “God doesn’t loath me” “He is holy, worship him.” “Lord, make me rely on you” or “Lord, help me give up control.”
- Pray this prayer now and use it throughout the day and week, especially when you feel the pull of temptation. Don’t just pray it once and move on. Take some time to actually communicate with God. To speak and to listen.
Today we use the Examen which is a spiritual discipline relate to “anticipating.” It is a form of journaling where one examines their day and recalls, briefly, the events throughout the day where God has been evident or surprising. After making note of where God was present and what he was doing, offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for his presence throughout your day.
- Take some time to think back over the current day (if it’s evening) or previous day (if it’s morning) and reflect on where God showed up for you in special ways.
- Did he meet you as you prayed centering prayers?
- Did he bring you into situations where this week’s passage was particularly applicable?
- Did he show up in other unexpected ways to speak to you or provide for you?
- Meditate on 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 & 12-31 and thank God for who he is.
- Close with the Closing Prayer below.
Today’s focus is on “Repentance.” Repentance – the meaning of this word in Greek is to change direction, to turn around. Repentance is not just a mental activity or an emotional feeling, but also includes an act of the will.
As you read 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 & 12-31, consider your thinking, relationships, and attitude towards God. Consider how the word God in this passage calls us to serve and addresses our ego and self-centeredness. As you reflect on the passage, consider: Where and how is God calling me to repent?
- What is the cost in your relationships with God or your relationships with others of your lack of repentance?
- What is keeping you from repenting?
- Talk to God about those relationships or areas of your life and ask him to change your mind and purpose to walk in obedience to him.
- Close with the Closing Prayer below.
Song of Commitment - Jesus I My Cross Have Taken
To be transformed by God's mercy and grace into a community of priests engaged in his redeeming work in Atlanta and the world.
10/17-10/21 2016Awe & The Integrated Life
1. Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee.
Destitute, despised, forsaken,
Thou from hence my all shall be.
Perish every fond ambition,
All I’ve sought or hoped or known.
Yet how rich is my condition!
God and heaven are still my own.
2. Let the world despise and leave me,
They have left my Savior, too.
Human hearts and looks deceive me;
Thou art not, like them, untrue.
O while Thou dost smile upon me,
God of wisdom, love, and might,
Foes may hate and friends disown me,
Show Thy face and all is bright.
3. Man may trouble and distress me,
’Twill but drive me to Thy breast.
Life with trials hard may press me;
Heaven will bring me sweeter rest.
Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me
While Thy love is left to me;
Oh, ’twere not in joy to charm me,
Were that joy unmixed with Thee.
4. Go, then, earthly fame and treasure,
Come disaster, scorn and pain
In Thy service, pain is pleasure,
With Thy favor, loss is gain
I have called Thee Abba Father,
I have stayed my heart on Thee
Storms may howl, and clouds may gather;
All must work for good to me.
5. Soul, then know thy full salvation
Rise o’er sin and fear and care
Joy to find in every station,
Something still to do or bear.
Think what Spirit dwells within thee,
Think what Father’s smiles are thine,
Think that Jesus died to win thee,
Child of heaven, canst thou repine.
6. Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Armed by faith, and winged by prayer.
Heaven’s eternal days before thee,
God’s own hand shall guide us there.
Soon shall close thy earthly mission,
Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days,
Hope shall change to glad fruition,
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.
To be transformed by God's mercy and grace into a community of priests engaged in his redeeming work in Atlanta and the world.
10/17-10/21 2016Awe & The Integrated Life
Closing Prayer
O God, Eternal King and Father of all mercies,
whose light divides the day from the night
and turns the shadow of death into the new morning:
Show me this day what sin and shame looks like in my life:
that I might be freed from its ugliness, lies, and loneliness,
that I might grow in appreciation for the Cross of Christ.
Guide my feet in the way of humility so that:
forgetting about myself I may serve others,
owning your grace, I might be more gracious,
entering into the resurrected life you secured for me, I might more fully alive.
Create in me a new and contrite hearts so that,
I may receive from you full pardon and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
List of Deep Desires
Distorted/Deceptive Desires
- Distorted desire: you long for impact and you take control or manipulate to get it or you long for intimacy and you look to pornography
- Deceitful desire: when you look to any material, experiential, positional, or relational desire to satisfy a deep desire.
- Only God can truly satisfy a deep desire.
Godly Deep Desires
- Purpose, to be part of something larger, transcendence
- Relationship: to love and be loved, to pursue and be pursued, community, family
- Impact, significance
- Honor, respect, valued, understood
- To protect and provide, to be protected and provided for, security
- To come through: duty, to hear “well done”
- Beauty and creativity
- Justice and freedom
- Peace, wholeness, completion, home
To be transformed by God's mercy and grace into a community of priests engaged in his redeeming work in Atlanta and the world.