10-16-05 MINUTES GrSt MB

Members of the Myrtle Beach area Baba Community coming together to find a way to offer service as a group

16 people present at Jerry and Shirla Edwards home

Jerry and Shirla announced the meeting and gave background information on the group for new members

I) Calamity Survivors

1)Ann McEvoy gave background and updates on the three Gulf Area residents whom she has been in contact with by e-mail. Bill About and Joe Burke are returning to NewOrleans to help to rebuild the city and may be working in the same crew. Ann has already sent the first shipment of Baba books to Bill. C.O. Russell of Mississippi is planning on staying in Colorado. Bill About shared a memorable story of flood waters going around his favorite Baba picture, leaving it unharmed. C.O. Russell has daughters age five and ten. Do they have any special requests for us?

3) Ann McEvoy has serious back trouble and can no longer spend so much time on the computer. Her computer duties were passed along to other group members. Shirla is currently in charge of e-mail correspondence. Don agreed to take on the phone tree. Katherine will be mailing items by media mail.

4) 16 Books were collected for the next shipment to the three Baba lover calamity survivors!

List of sent items will be passed along to Shar Wiseman and her Baba listserve.

5) Katherine brought flower essences for ten group members. $68 was raised to pay for cost of shipping books, and perhaps other future group expenses. Katherine is keeping $25 at home, and Jerry is putting the remainder in a checking account.

II) Organic Gardening/ Self-Sufficiency

1)Bevin has an acre and a half of farmland and a tractor, which she seemed to want Baba lovers to garden on. It is only about 15 miles from the Center. Wants to learn to make sand bag homes. Very sturdy in event of calamities. Would need plow attachments for tractor to garden on a large scale.

2)Joel Mednick would like to grow heirloom tomatoes on it.

3)Ira wanted us to be warned of the possibility of a bird flu epidemic.

4)Ann McEvoy wanted us not to forget sick and house-bound in the Baba community.

5) Bevin and Ira are paying for Katherine to attend Mental Helath Conference, which may be relevant to community building

III) Additional Info.

1)Next Meeting will be held at Ira’ house on Sunday November 6th.. Ira now has the Baba group phone line at his house. Currently inactive, and free for now. Small glitch to work out. 222-BABA is ours!.