Wordplay for Jaffa 3


1 Young Conservative - brass player and farm worker (6,3,4)

LITTLE BOY BLUE – From the nursery rhyme - brass player (come blow your horn), farmworker (the sheep’s in the meadow etc)

8 Are footballers caught in the covers by this? (7,4)

OFFSIDE TRAP–Football tactic - Offside (where the Covers are on a cricket field), trap (i.e. caught in it)

11 Little piggy with Roller reveals human trait (2,3)

TO ERR – is human. Toe (little piggy [as in “went to market”]), plus RR (Rolls Royce i.e. Roller) split (2,3)

12 Left and right give minimum (5)

LEAST – L(left) + East(right [side of compass])

13 Healthy food – an even distribution of fruit in saccharin (4)

ACAI – letters 2,4,6 and 8 from saccharin

15Little relief heard to produce lament (4)

WEEP – Wee (little) plus P (pee i.e. relief –sorry!)

17Old loco's gaucho (10)

COWCATCHER – cowboy/gaucho and on the front of Wild West trains

19Are Paddington bargains to be bought here? (4,6)

BEAR MARKET – Bear (e.g. Paddington) in a market where prices are falling

22 Article and conjunction do this (4)

ABUT – A (article) plus BUT (conjunction) abutting one another

25Unmuddle regularly to reveal colour (4)

NUDE – select letters 2,4,6 and 8 (regularly)

26Team paradoxically always contains a plus one (5)

EIGHT – as in rowing eight who always have a cox making them a nine!

27 Different sexes have achieved some notoriety here (5)

ESSEX – an anagram (different) of “sexes” assuming the reputations of Essex Men and Girls

29Dictator created from hailstorm at the end of WWII (7,4)

MARSHAL TITO - an anagram (created from) “hailstorm at”

30 Necessary action for 1 or the source of his problems? (8,5)

COUNTING SHEEP – necessary for Little Boy Blue to check if “the sheep’s in the meadow” but “he’s under a haystack, fast asleep” perhaps through counting sheep?


2 Slander with Liberal on board will anger (7)

INFLAME – Infame (slander) containing L (Liberal)

3 Meanders like plot changes (6)

TWISTS – like river bends or in stories/plays/films

4 The birthplace of naturism? (4)

EDEN – as in “Garden of” with Adam and Eve before apples

5 One who believes in a good soaking (7)

BAPTIST – my Baptist forefathers would wince at Baptism being described as “a good soaking”. Hellfire and damnation awaits me……..

6 Let looseUncle Pasha without scruffy cap (7)

UNLEASH – remove cp and a (scruffy cap) from Uncle Pasha

7 Blackbird, present on 28th December, wavers in disorder (12)

COLLYWOBBLES–Colly (the old name for a blackbird in the original lyrics of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” [the 28th December being the 4th Day of Christmas]) plus wobbles (wavers)

9Sounds like Irishman's deflection (8)

RICOCHET – As in Rick O’Shea, a well known(?) Irish joke –sorry!

10Porcini contain it but are not farmed using it (4,8)

CROP ROTATION – reverse (rotate) porc to give crop, for farming system

14 Car thief found on the merry-go-round? (8)

JOYRIDER – one who steals cars for fun or enjoys fairground rides

16Under this one feels sick unless on course (3)

PAR – Feeling under par (i.e. ill) or playing golf well (i.e. scoring under par)

18Infusion, a bechamel ingredient (3)

CHA – lurking in bechamel

20Report needing a blessing or one of these say (7)

ATISHOO –Report (i.e. a sneeze) that needs a blessing (to ward off the Plague) or as in a tissue

21Islanders, at least three, holding vote (7)

MANXMEN – Man (1 person) + Men (at least 2 people) [1+2=3] holding X (a vote)

23Ask for passage noisily to lead up the garden path (7)

BEGUILE – Beg (ask for) plus Aisle/Uile (noisily)

24The law can be a source of this (6)

WEALTH – Anagram (can be a source) of “the law”

28Headcover I hear, was a politician (4)

WHIG – as in wig (headcover)