About Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is the Annual Process which allows employees a chance to select new or different coverages, add dependents, and make any other changes they would like to their insurance.
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1. Who has to complete a new insurance enrollment form this year?
You will need to complete the form if you meet one of the three criteria:
a. You are receiving the insurance subsidy.
b. You have dependents that you are covering under the medical plan.
c. You are making changes to your current coverage.
2. What if I just got hired, do I have to complete a new insurance enrollment form?
Yes, if you are receiving the insurance subsidy, you have dependents you are covering, or if you wish to make changes to coverage.
3. What if I have no changes, do I have to complete a new insurance enrollment form?
YES - If you have covered dependents in medical plan or if you are receiving insurance subsidy.
NO - If you have no dependent coverage in medical plan.
4. For dependents currently covered, will we need to re-submit birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.?
You will not need to re-submit any supporting documentation. If you are adding a new spouse or dependent then you would need to supply the documentation.
5. What should I bring with me to complete the paperwork?
For each person that you are covering you should bring with you their date of birth and social security numbers.
6. Can I have the forms now to get started?
Forms are included with this email or go to SETA website:
7. What are the new premium rates?
See Health Insurance Rates Sheet
8. Will there be any times to meet with staff to ask additional questions? Yes, staff will be available to answer questions on:
September 30, 2015 in the Del Paso Board room from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
October 7, 2015 in the Del Paso Board room from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
9. What if I cannot make it to one of these sessions?
Recordings of the sessions will be made available. If there is enough demand a third session maybe added.
10. How do I submit my paperwork?
You can send it via courier or drop it off in person to Payroll Department.
11. If I have questions who should I contact for more information?
Please feel free to contact Tracy McNeil @916-263-3891 or Bonnie Bilger @ 916-263-3658 or John Allen @916-263-3841.
12. How can I know what my current coverage is?
It is very simple.
Go to TMSS Self Service: http://hsetapy2.seta.int:7010/selfService/action.enter
A. Go to www.seta.net
B. Click on Staff Resources at the bottom of the page.
C. Click on Employee Time Sheet
D. Login into TMSS Self Service (if for some reason you do not remember your login information please email )
E. Go to the bottom of the screen to Benefits and select Elections
F. This will then open the elections page and show you what you have selected for benefits and what you are currently paying.
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