Chapter 4 Section 5
Absolute Monarchy in Russia
pp. 129-133
1] Who became Czar of Russia at the age of 10? Peter the Great in 1682
2] Why did he eventually travel to Western Europe? In 1697 wanted to study Western technology and advancements, mixed observations and work during the day with royal visits and parties at night
3] What is WESTERNIZATION? Adoption of Western ideas, technology, and culture
4-6] What 3 goals did Peter the Great what to achieve in Russia? Strengthen the military, expand Russian boarders, and centralize royal power
7] What is a BOYAR? Russian Noble
8] What spread in Russia under Peter, that had been abolished in other parts of Europe? Serfdom
9] How did he use these people differently than had been done before? Built roads, canals, buildings, used them for infrastructure improvements not just farming
10] What were some examples of Peter the Greats economic and social reforms? Imported Western technology, improved education, simplified the Russian alphabet, set up academies for math, science, engineering, and mercantilism, improved canals, mining, and back new companies
11] What did he force the Boyar men to do? [2 things] Shave their beards, and replace clothes with European fashions
12] As an example of Peter’s ruthless rule what did he leave outside his palace? Rotting bodies of his enemies
13] Peter built up Europe’s largest what? Standing Army
14] What is a WARM-WATER PORT? A port free of ice all year long
15] Was Peter successful in getting that warm-water port? No
16] Who did Russia have a war with to gain land along the Baltic Sea? Sweden
17] What was Peter’s new capital city? Saint Petersburg
18] Russia signed a treaty with what empire to control land by the Pacific? Qing China
19] Who was the explorer that Peter hired to explore between Siberia and Alaska? Vitus Bering
20] After Peter’s death what took place, in order to gain a new Czar? There were battles for control but eventually Peter II and Peter III
21] Eventually Czar Peter III was assassinated and who became the leader? Cathrine
22-24] How was this leader similar to Peter the Great? [at least 3 reasons] Believed in Western ideals, was an Absolute Monarch, expanded Russia’s borders and seized a Warm Water Port
25] The leaders of Russia, Austria, and Prussia PARTITIONED Poland what is Partitioned? To split or break apart done by Cathrine the Great, Fredrick the Great, and Joseph II—Russia, Prussia, and Austria
26] How many times was Poland eventually partitioned? 3 times 1772, 1793, 1795
27] What was the only major country in Europe by the mid-1700s that was not ruled by an Absolute monarch? England