Name ______Date ______

Body Organization

1.  Which of the following is a type of muscle tissue?

A.  Smooth

B.  Squamous

C.  Osseous

D.  Carotid

2.  An excess of tissue fluid results in edema. Not enough tissue fluid causes:

A.  Fibrillation.

B.  Dehydration.

C.  Irritability.

D.  Swelling.

3.  Where would you find epithelial tissue?

A.  Inside long bones

B.  Inside the brain

C.  Lining the inside of the nose

D.  In the walls of the large intestine

4.  What type of tissue transmits messages from the head to the toes?

A.  Connective

B.  Epithelial

C.  Nerve

D.  Muscle

5.  What type of tissue is classified as hard or soft?

A.  Epithelial

B.  Muscle

C.  Nervous

D.  Connective

6.  What is the primary function of muscle tissue?

A.  To produce movement

B.  To control and coordinate body activities

C.  Transportation

D.  To produce body secretions

7.  Blood is classified as what type of tissue?

A.  Epithelial

B.  Connective

C.  Nerve

D.  Muscle

8.  Of the following, which is the MOST complex?

A.  Nucleus

B.  Muscle tissue

C.  Nerve cell

D.  Kidney

9.  Which organ or structure does NOT belong with the other three?

A.  Stomach

B.  Heart

C.  Liver

D.  Mouth

10.  What is the MOST BASIC building block of the human organism?

A.  Atom

B.  Cell

C.  Protein

D.  Water

11.  If the body were cut in a transverse plane, what organ would NOT be in the same half as the other three?

A.  Brain

B.  Bladder

C.  Lungs

D.  Heart

12.  What body part is inferior to the chest?

A.  Head

B.  Neck

C.  Heart

D.  Hips

13.  In veterinary medicine, what structure would be found in the caudal region of a dog?

A.  Ears

B.  Tail

C.  Mouth

D.  Paws

14.  If you divided the body with a midsagittal plane and added up the number of eyes, arms and toes on one side, how many would you have?

A.  5

B.  7

C.  9

D.  12

15.  What structures are located anterior to the cranial cavity?

A.  Eyes

B.  Ears

C.  Lungs

D.  Neck muscles

16.  An autopsy photo shows the dorsal side of the victim. What could you see in the photograph?

A.  Back of the head

B.  Kidneys

C.  Knees

D.  Front of the abdomen

17.  What body cavity contains the brain and spinal cord?

A.  Cranial

B.  Spinal

C.  Dorsal

D.  Ventral

18.  Of the following, what structures are the MOST medial?

A.  Ears

B.  Hips

C.  Eyes

D.  Lips

19.  What body parts are distal to the hand?

A.  Fingers

B.  Eyes

C.  Ribs

D.  Lungs

20.  If a physician writes that the patient has RUQ pain, what might be causing it?

A.  Head injury

B.  Arthritis in the hip

C.  Cracked rib

D.  Dislocated shoulder

21.  What structure is proximal to the thigh?

E.  Ankle

F.  Calf

G.  Knee

H.  Foot

22.  What cavity would a surgeon enter to repair a heart defect?

E.  Dorsal

F.  Thoracic

G.  Abdominal

H.  Pelvic

23.  George has a cramp in the posterior part of his leg. Where is the cramp?

E.  Ankle

F.  Knee

G.  Shin

H.  Calf

24.  If you are standing straight with your hands at your sides, where are your arms located in relation to your body?

E.  Superior

F.  Caudal

G.  Lateral

H.  Ventral

25.  If a physician performs a pelvic exam, what organs can be evaluated?

E.  Respiratory

F.  Reproductive

G.  Esophagus and stomach

H.  Liver and gallbladder

26.  An x-ray is labeled as a ventral view of the chest. This means the x-ray was taken from the:

E.  Front of the patient.

F.  Back of the patient.

G.  Left side of the patient.

H.  Right side of the patient.

27.  In order to see both eyes, you would need to be looking at the:

E.  Caudal side of the frontal plane.

F.  Anterior side of the frontal plane.

G.  Inferior side of the transverse plane.

H.  Inferior side of a medial plane.

28.  What does the abbreviation RLQ represent?

E.  Right lumbar quadrant

F.  Radial lateral quadrant

G.  Right lower quadrant

H.  Radial lumbar quadrant

The next two questions refer to the diagram above.

29.  Where is the right lower quadrant?

E.  A

F.  B

G.  C

H.  D

30.  What quadrant is represented by the letter D?





5 Foundation Standard 1: 1.11 Body Organization