Multiple-Choice Questions

Chapter 3: Marine Biology

1.  Which of the following are used by channel bass to excrete salt?

w.  salt glands

x.  skin pores

y.  sodium membranes

z.  chloride cells

2.  What property of water results in fish evolving to become hydrodynamic?

w.  temperature

x.  light refraction

y.  viscosity

z.  albedo

3.  Short Answer What feature of a humpback whale allows it to avoid being seen by predators from below?


4.  What is best way for a spinner dolphin to find a school of fish?

w.  Light vision

x.  Sonar

y.  Echolocation

z.  Electromagnetic pulsation

5.  Which type of cell is the source of bioluminescence?

w.  Photocysts

x.  Chromatophores

y.  Luminoblasts

z.  Photophores

6.  Short Answer The anatomical process of blood vessels running anti-parallel in order to maintain a high internal temperature is known as what?

counter-current heat exchange

7.  What structure allows some fish to quickly fill their swim bladder?

w.  Pneumatic duct

x.  Barometric trachea

y.  Bronchioles

z.  Spiracle

8.  What specific group of corals secretes calcium carbonate and has a mutualistic relationship with zooxanthellae?

w.  Hermatypic corals

x.  Cnidarians

y.  Ctenophores

z.  Gargonians

9.  What is name of the clear substance that fills jellyfish?

w.  melanin

x.  mesoglea

y.  medusa

z.  mesophilia

10.  A Portuguese man-o-war is an example of what group of cnidarians?

w.  Alcyonaria

x.  Siphonophora

y.  Zoantharia

z.  Gargonia

11.  What is the term for the small, light-sensitive organs on the bells of some jellyfish?

w.  Otocysts

x.  Pneumatophores

y.  Mysticeti

z.  Ocelli

12.  What are the structures found on asteroids that help them eat prey and move around?

w.  Tube feet

x.  Radula

y.  Nematocysts

z.  Otocysts

13.  The uniform composition of sediment in some areas of the sea floor could result from which of the following biological processes?

w.  Formation of graded bedding

x.  Dredging

y.  Bioturbation

z.  Denitrification

14.  Short Answer What are the three domains of life?

Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea

15.  What kind of radiation spurred reactions between abundant molecules and salts, thus allowing organic compounds to form in the early ocean?

w.  Infrared

x.  Gamma rays

y.  Ultraviolet

z.  Visible light

16.  Which of the following is not a nutrient that is essential to plants?

w.  Nitrites

x.  Nitrates

y.  Phosphates

z.  Silicates

17.  What is the name for the electrical sensory organ in the heads of sharks and rays that allows the animals to detect temperature changes and electric fields?

w.  Lateral line

x.  Swim bladder

y.  Surimi

z.  Ampullae of Lorenzini

18.  What is the name for the organ that detects underwater vibrations and is capable of determining the direction of their source?

w.  Lateral line

x.  Swim bladder

y.  Surimi

z.  Ampullae of Lorenzini

19.  What is the name for the gas-filled organ that allows fish to float or have neutral buoyancy?

w.  Lateral line

x.  Swim bladder

y.  Surimi

z.  Ampullae of Lorenzini

20.  What is the name for a fish protein extracted from Alaskan pollocks that is used in artificial crab meat?

w.  Lateral line

x.  Swim bladder

y.  Surimi

z.  Ampullae of Lorenzini

21.  Which of the following propels a tiger shark forward with the most force?

w.  Caudal fin

x.  Dorsal fin

y.  Pelvic fin

z.  Pectoral fin

22.  What are the purposes of pelvic and pectoral fins?

w.  To stabilize the fish

x.  To propel the fish forward

y.  To turn, brake, and balance maneuvers

z.  All of the above.

23.  What are the purposes of dorsal and anal fins?

w.  To stabilize the fish

x.  To propel the fish forward

y.  To turn, brake, and balance maneuvers

z.  All of the above.

24.  What is the purpose of the caudal fin?

w.  To stabilize the fish

x.  To propel the fish forward

y.  To turn, brake, and balance maneuvers

z.  All of the above.

25.  What does “mollusc” mean?

w.  Clam.

x.  Calcareous.

y.  Soft-bodied.

z.  Free-drifting.

26.  Which of the following is the group of organs in a mollusk?

w.  Visceral mass

x.  Mantle

y.  Radula

z.  Siphons

27.  Which of the following is the elongated organ used to scrap food off rocks and then cut and chew it in a mollusk?

w.  Visceral mass

x.  Mantle

y.  Radula

z.  Siphons

28.  Which of the following allows burrowing bivalves to take in water and filter out plankton for food?

w.  Visceral mass

x.  Mantle

y.  Radula

z.  Siphons

29.  Which of the following secretes calcium carbonate to make shell/test in a mollusk?

w.  Visceral mass

x.  Mantle

y.  Radula

z.  Siphons

30.  Which of the following best defines organisms that float on the surface of the water?

w.  Plankton

x.  Neuston

y.  Pleuston

z.  Nekton

31.  Which of the following would be classified as microplankton?

w.  Protists

x.  Viruses

y.  Bacteria

z.  Jellyfish

32.  What is the term given to plankton that spend their entire lives as plankton?

w.  Femtoplankton

x.  Omniplankton

y.  Holoplankton

z.  Meroplankton

33.  What name is given to organisms that live in the bottom layer of water but can still swim around freely?

w.  Infauna

x.  Demersal

y.  Epifauna

z.  Benthic

34.  What is the most endangered sea turtle?

w.  Green Sea Turtle

x.  Hawksbill

y.  Loggerhead

z.  Kemp’s Ridley Turtle

35.  Which order of mammals contains whales, porpoises, and dolphins?

w.  Sirenia

x.  Chordata

y.  Cetacea

z.  Carnivora

36.  Cetaceans can stay submerged for long periods of time due to what?

w.  Sonar

x.  Blowholes

y.  Apnea

z.  Thick Blubber

37.  What is the scientific term given to toothed whales?

w.  Mysticeti

x.  Denticeti

y.  Odontoceti

z.  Kerataceti

38.  What is largest toothed whale?

w.  The Blue Whale

x.  Long Finned Pilot Whale

y.  Finback Whale

z.  Sperm Whale

39.  What do baleen whales primarily feed on?

w.  echinoderms

x.  krill

y.  sponges

z.  All of the above.

40.  What classification includes cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria?

w.  Protista

x.  Monera

y.  Protozoa

z.  Fungi

41.  Which of type of algae includes large kelps and seaweed, and is fastened to the seafloor by holdfasts?

w.  Chlorophyta

x.  Phaeophyta

y.  Chrysophyta

z.  Rhodophyta

42.  Which type of algae is common in freshwater environments and has small colonies?

w.  Chlorophyta

x.  Phaeophyta

y.  Chrysophyta

z.  Rhodophyta

43.  Which type of algae is the only found in deep water and is extracted for agar and carrageenan?

w.  Chlorophyta

x.  Phaeophyta

y.  Chrysophyta

z.  Rhodophyta

44.  Which type of algae has the dominant pigment carotene and is primarily free drifting plankton?

w.  Chlorophyta

x.  Phaeophyta

y.  Chrysophyta

z.  Rhodophyta

45.  What is the name given to the silica shells of diatoms?

w.  Sillicules

x.  Frustules

y.  Silverules

z.  Augulites

46.  What types of Chrysophyta are famous for their red tides.

w.  Pyrrophyta

x.  Coccolithophores

y.  Rhodophyta

z.  Reudophyta

47.  What types of organisms can tolerate a wide variety of salinity conditions?

w.  Eurythermal

x.  Stenohaline

y.  Euryhaline

z.  Stenothermal

48.  Algae and other marine plants are attached to the ground through:

w.  Roots

x.  Swim bladders

y.  Root nodules

z.  Holdfasts

49.  Through the process of cephalization, an organism is able to develop a:

w.  Brian

x.  Ganglion

y.  Internal organs

z.  Nerve net

50.  Which of the following do Ctenophores use to help capture prey?

w.  Cnidocytes

x.  Colloblasts

y.  Nematocysts

z.  Fangs

51.  Which one of the following groups has a name that literally translates to “comb bearers”?

w.  Ctenophores

x.  Cnidarians

y.  Echinoderms

z.  Ahermatypic

52.  What element aids most in the process of chemosynthesis?

w.  Phosphorus

x.  Nitrogen

y.  Sulfur

z.  Carbon

53.  Which of the following is a characteristic of the Class Annelida?

w.  Acoelomate

x.  Triploblastic

y.  Radial symmetry

z.  Deuterostomic

54.  Which of the following is a demersal organism?

w.  Manta ray

x.  Tuna

y.  Starfish

z.  Sea urchin

55.  Which of the following is a zooplankter?

w.  Diatom

x.  Copepod

y.  Dinoflagellate

z.  Squid

56.  Which of the following is an adaptation that allows marine mammals to dive deeper?

w.  biomagnification

x.  ram ventilation

y.  pneumatophores

z.  myoglobin

57.  Which of the following are not found in Cnidarians?

w.  mantle

x.  cnidocytes

y.  polyp stage

z.  pneumatophores

58.  The lateral line in a tuna allows for it to

w.  Float upright

x.  propel through the water

y.  detect prey

z.  fight infection

59.  Kelp is an example of what kind of algae?

w.  rhodophyta

x.  phaeophyta

y.  crysophyta

z.  chlorophyta