Name ______Teacher ______

Part A: Use an online encyclopedia or other resource to find the answers to the following questions.

1. Which is true about cardinals?

a. North American cardinals spend the winter in South America.
b. They are hawks.
c. They are finches.
d. Only the males sing.

2. How did hummingbirds get their name?

a. Their wings make a humming sound because they beat so rapidly.
b. Their bills make a humming sound when they suck nectar from flowers.
c. The Indians of Florida used to hum songs about them.
d. They were mistaken for harmonicas by the early European explorers.

3. Which statement is true about ostriches?

a. Their maximum height is about 6 feet.
b. They are found mostly in their native Australia.
c. They can fly at about 40 miles per hour.
d. They can weigh as much as 300 pounds.

4. Which statement is true about crows?

a. They only migrate in the spring.
b. All North American crows are black.
c. They only eat corn.
d. They are fond of owls and look to them for protection.

5. What old English game is baseball based on?

a. rounders
b. blackjack
c. fly pie
d. hithome

6. Which statement about tennis is true?

a. If the ball touches the white line, it’s out.
b. Opposing players must use identical rackets.
c. The net must be lower in the center than at the posts.
d. If a player steps behind the baseline, the opponent wins the point.

7. How long is a table tennis table?

a. 9 feet
b. 5 feet
c. 3.5 meters
d. There is no rule about table length.

8. What is the origin of lacrosse?

a. It’s based on a game played by the Native Americans of North America.
b. It came from an alien spaceship that crashed in New Mexico.
c. It is nearly identical to a game played by English royalty in the Middle Ages.
d. It was thought up by a group of soccer players whose toes were too sore to kick the ball.

9. Which statement about mosquitoes is false?

a. Many of their eggs are destroyed by fish.
b. Only the males bite.
c. They inject saliva into their victims’ wounds.
d. They can be carriers of various diseases.

10. Which statement about fireflies is false?

a. They are beetles.
b. They use their flashing lights to attract mates.
c. Glowworms are the larvae of some species.
d. They are only found in North America.

11. Which statement about Japanese beetles is false?

a. They eat the fruit of various plants.
b. They are not really from Japan.
c. The larvae are born underground.
d. Some viruses can kill them.

12. Which statement about fleas is false?

a. They have excellent eyesight.
b. They have powerful legs.
c. They have been known to be carriers of bubonic plague.
d. The dog flea and cat flea are different species.

13. Which is true about apple trees?

a. Their lowest branches are always more than ten feet from the ground.
b. The wood of the tree is very soft.
c. They belong to the rose family of trees.
d. They are native to North America.

14. Which is true about pumpkins?

a. Only specially treated seeds can grow into jack-o’- lanterns.
b. They belong to the orange family.
c. They belong to the gourd family.
d. Most pumpkins are seedless.

15. Which is true about October?

a. It is named after a sea animal.
b. It is named after a Roman emperor.
c. It was once the eighth month of the year.
d. It is not included in calendars printed in New Zealand.

16. The first deer ______.

a. were discovered in North America by the Indians
b. had feathers instead of fur
c. appeared in Africa
d. appeared in Asia

Part B Use an online resource to research a state. Answer the following questions.

Name of State ______

How did the state get its name? or What does the state’s name mean?


In what year did it become a state? ______

What is the capital city of the state? ______

How many people live in the state? ______

What is the state’s nickname?______

What is the state’s motto? ______