The Arab World

1.  What is the location of Arabian Gulf?

a.  Arabian Gulf is in Asia.

b.  It lies between latitudes 24O and 30O North and longitudes 56O and 48O East.

c.  The Arabian Gulf is in the Northern hemisphere and it lies above the equator. It is exactly south west of Asia.

2.  What is the name of the strait connecting the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman?

a.  The Hormuz Strait

3.  Complete the sentence:

a.  Das and Abu Musa Island found in – U.A.E.

b.  Sitra and Muherreq Island found in- Bahrain.

c.  Halool Island found in- Qatar.

4.  The rivers Tigris and Euphrates join each other at the south of Iraq to form- Shatt- Al- Arab.

5.  Name the two Arab States overlooking the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf?

a.  Sultanate of Oman and Saudi Arabia

6.  Which factor affects Arabian Gulf to act as an active marine navigation?

a.  The shallow curvy west coast of the Arabian Gulf.

7.  In Arabian Gulf which country belongs to highest in area and highest in Islands?

a.  Saudi Arabia is greater in area and UAE is having most Islands.

8.  Which is the common topographical feature in Arabian Gulf?

a.  Flat, barren Plains-both desert plain as well as coastal plains.

9.  What are the main characteristics of the west coast of the Arabian Gulf?

a.  West coast stretching from Kuwait in the North-West to the end of Musandam Island in the Southeast.

b.  Depression of the sandy coastal plain, resulting in-shallowness of water depth, Abundance of swamps and marshes, Abundance of islands.

10.  What is the reason behind the existence of a big number of islands opposite the western coast of the Arabian Gulf?

a.  This is because of the depression of the sandy coastal plains.

11.  Mention the reason behind the huge number of bays and creeks of the western coast of the Arabian Gulf?

a.  This is because of the abundance of curves.

12.  Reason behind the great number of swamps at the tip of the Arabian Gulf?

a.  This is because of the depression of the sandy coastal plain.

13.  The commonest animal bred by Bedouins of the Arabian Gulf- Camel.

14.  The Arabian Gulf region falls within the hot desertclimate.

15.  The Kous wind blows from- Indian Ocean.

16.  Perennial plants in the Arabian Gulf area include- Nabk ( Christ’s thorn)

17.  Name the different types of wind prevail in the Arabian Gulf?

a.  North-Westerly wind brings about rain in the Arabian Gulf in – winter season.

b.  A dry wind which reduces humidity in summer- Northerly wind.

c.  Southerly of south-easterly wind normally associated with higher temperature and humidity in summer - Al Kous wind.

18.  Dust storms are common in most parts of the Arabian Gulf, except Bahrain. Why?

a.  This is because Bahrain is an Island and the water that surrounds prevents sand from entering Bahrain.

19.  What is the difference between natural vegetation and crops?

a.  Crops are grown by man for food and Natural vegetation grows itself by nature.

20.  What are the climatic conditions of the UAE?

a.  Aridity and scarcity of rain are the main features of the climate in the Arabian Gulf.

b.  High temperature in summer and low in winter.

c.  High humidity in summer, especially in coastal areas.

d.  Less rain.

21.  What are the factors influencing weather conditions in the Arabian Gulf?

a.  Location in relation to the latitude.(24O and 30O) Dry & Hot Area.

b.  Distribution of land and water. (The Gulf water increases the % of humidity in the coastal areas, especially during summer because of high evaporation.

c.  Surface elevation. Arabian Gulf has more plain areas, so it has high temperature. As we move up temperature decreases in mountainous areas.

22.  Write a note on natural vegetation of Arabian Gulf.

a.  Because of aridity and scarcity of rain Arabian Gulf is considered to be poor as far as natural plants are concerned.

b.  Natural vegetation in the Arabian Gulf region have deep roots or thorn- like small leaves, hence they endure aridity and overcome its impact.

c.  The Arabian Gulf vegetation can be divided into two main kinds: A). Yearly plants growing after rain fall. Eg. Shrubs, Calatropis procera. B). Perennial aridity- resistant plants. Eg. Tamarisk, Date trees.

d.  Barren land and soil also insufficient for plants to grow.

23.  Mention the features of natural vegetation of Arabian Gulf.

a.  Same answer no.22

24.  Name any two animals commonly found in Arabian Gulf?

a.  Camels and Oryx

25. Desert Plant Survival

Adaptations and Survival

To survive, desert plants have adapted to the extremes of heat and aridity by using both physical and behavioral mechanisms, much like desert animals. Plants that have adapted by altering their physical structure are calledxerophytes. Xerophytes, such as cacti, usually have special means of storing and conserving water. They often have few or no leaves, which reduces transpiration.
Phreatophytesare plants that have adapted to arid environments by growing extremely long roots, allowing them to acquire moisture at or near the water table.
Other desert plants, using behavioral adaptations, have developed a lifestyle in conformance with the seasons of greatest moisture and/or coolest temperatures. These type of plants are usually (and inaccurately) referred to asperennials, plants that live for several years, andannuals, plants that live for only a season.
Desert perennials often survive by remaining dormant during dry periods of the year, then springing to life when water becomes available.

26.Differentiate between perinneal plants and yearly plants.

Annual plants are plants with a lifecyclethat lasts only one year. They grow from seed,bloom, produce seeds, and die in one growingseason. They then need to be replanted eachspring.ex.petunias,marigolds, andzinnias.

perennial plants live for more than two years. They return year after year and continue growing until they reachmaturity, which varies by plant but averages three to five years.e:Date trees