Kuby Reading Migration: Chapter 4 “Newton’s First Law of Migration: The Gravity Model” You will find the answers on pages 88-100 and while we are not reading all 12 pages you need to find the answer to each question on the pages in parenthesis. You may need to read the whole paragraph where the answer is found in order to understand the concept. Take a look at charts and maps too to help your understanding. Kuby has some information needed for the AP exam that is not found in your textbook. Also, remember to look at VISUALS… charts and maps for some of the answers.

1. What five elements does spatial interaction involve? (page 88)

2. Why have international movements steadily grown (there are 6 reasons)? (bottom of pg 88)

3. What is migration selectivity? (pg 90)

4. Describe the person who is most likely to migrate? (pg 90)

5. How does distance decay affect migration? How does transportation figure into this? (pg 90-91)

6. What is a migration “stream”? (pg 91)

7. Explain the most “geographically focused” migration streams in the U.S. today…who is it, where do they go, why do they go there? (pg 92, middle page)

8. Look at the two maps on page 93. Note three differences between the Cuban migration stream and the Mexican migration stream.

9. Geographers predict migration patterns using the Gravity Model. Read about it, and then look away from the book. Now explain it in YOUR OWN WORDS. (94 to 95… be sure to look at the MAP on 95 too.) (You do NOT need to know the formula for AP  )

Case Study (pages 97-100)

10. Where is geographic mobility higher, in the United States or Europe? EXPLAIN? (First two paragraphs)

11. Regionally in the United States, from what region are people LEAST likely to move? Why? (Paragraph 5)

12. Figure 4.8. During what periods/years have mobility rates been at their highest in the U.S?

13. Explain the “frost to sun-belt” pattern of migration. (Pg. 98, second paragraph)

14. Figure 4.9: analyze the map. List three big migration streams. (From _____ to ______)

15. Figure 4.10 List the two states that are gaining the highest numbers of people/ have high net migration.

16. Figure 4.10 List two states that have the lowest net migration.

17. Fig 4.10 How would you describe Georgia in terms of net migration?

18. What do today’s migration patterns in the United States reflect? (Hint: there are six ways) (Last paragraph pg 100)