1. What Are the Oblong Glass Particles Formed by Collisions of Meteorites with the Earth?

Mix #5

1.  What are the oblong glass particles formed by collisions of meteorites with the Earth?

2.  What concept is the bending of light around the Earth and concealment of a sub both depending on?

3.  Which are of the ocean has the least dramatic thermocline?

4.  What is the average pH of sea water?

5.  What molecule represents the largest carbon sink in the ocean?

6.  As air approaches the equator does it move downward or upward?

7.  What allows for Palm Trees to live in Ireland at the coast?

8.  Which direction does wind move at the beach at night?

9.  What order to most of the osteichthyes belong to?

10.  What is the organ in marine reptiles that concentrates salt and excretes it?

11.  What type of estuary is found where a river ceases to flow and evaporation of seawater actually leads to more salinity as you move up river?

12.  What is eustatic change?

13.  What is an amphidromic point?

14.  What is an example of a anadromous fish?

15.  What is a weakened area in the plates that allows magma to flow upward through the crust?

16.  What is the ship that was sank in WWI that led to a change in US involvement?

17.  How do mangroves help the health of the estuaries where they live?

18.  What is the opposite of turbidity?

19.  What kind of animals are crinoids?

20.  What are the top 3 longest whales?

21.  What does a gray whale do with its tongue to assist feeding?

22.  Porpoises or dolphins: have a beaked snout and cone shaped teeth

23.  What are the most important limiting factors to primary productivity in the water off the NC coast?

24.  What are the birds that are similar to gulls, but usually smaller and more streamlined with forked tail?

25.  If you are looking toward the bow of the ship, which side is the starboard side of the ship?

26.  What anion is the most common in seawater?

27.  What does ROV stand for?

28.  What was Cousteau’s famous ship?

29.  What is the term for fish caught in a net that cannot be used?

30.  How might iron filings help with global warming?

31.  What is another name for the “tail fin”

32.  What is the molecule in mollusk that binds oxygen?

33.  What is the term for fish having dark dorsal coloring and light ventral coloring?

34.  What is the largest land locked sea?

35.  What % of water is in the polar ice caps?

36.  What % of all fresh water is not in the polar ice caps?

37.  What % of the Earth’s surface is covered with water?

38.  What is the concept that water in the gills and blood in the gills run in opposite directions to maximize oxygen exchange?


1.  tektites

2.  refraction of light

3.  polar as surface and deep water both cold

4.  7.8-8.3

5.  bicarbonate ion

6.  upward

7.  Gulf stream warms the water

8.  movement offshore

9.  teleostei (90% of them)

10.  salt glands

11.  reverse estuaries

12.  changes in the overall sea level of the oceans

13.  no tide point in the ocean/ no tides found several spots

14.  salmon (born in fresh water/ lives in salt water)

15.  hot spot

16.  Luisitania

17.  oxygenate the mud with big roots and collect sediments to prevent turbidity

18.  clarity

19.  sessile echinoderms

20.  blue, finback, sperm/bowhead

21.  gray whales are baleen whales. They push their tongues against the roof of their mouth to create a vacuum to “sweep” up organisms on the bottom of the ocean.

22.  dolphins

23.  nitrates and light

24.  terns

25.  right

26.  chloride ion

27.  remotely operated vehicle

28.  Calypso

29.  bycatch

30.  iron is a limiting factor for phytoplankton that would pull CO2 out of the air

31.  caudal fin

32.  hemocyanin

33.  countershading

34.  Caspian Sea

35.  2%

36.  33% (66% in ice caps)

37.  71%

38.  countercurrent exchange (used in heat loss from extremities too)