O’Connell School SGC- Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2014 at 6pm
1. Welcome new Teacher members
Mrs. Fellenstein and Ms. Gorman
2. Review SCG Nominations and voting Timeline
We have 4 openings for the Parents SGC group
Reviewed SGC Voting Timeline (handout)
First meeting for new members will be December 9th at 6pm.
Discussion included voting ballots being sent home with all students (instead of mailing) due to cost for future elections beginning in 2015.
3. Review of SCG By-laws
Discussion of current SGC By-laws regarding term limits. Members discussed if SGC Bylaws should be revised. Motion made by Brian Cloutier and seconded by Kim Tipton to add language below.
(Passed by 6-0 vote)
The following language was approved and added to the SGC Bylaws.
Section 2 a: "All confirmed nominees will be placed on the ballot. In the event a vacancy exists SGC members who have met the term limits and are nominated may be considered. An * will appear next to the name of the people who a have already reached term limits on the voting ballot.
SGC discussion also included:
- Once someone is removed, or there is a vacancy, SGC can consider going back to the "leftover" nomination ballots to fill vacancies.
-At a future SGC meeting a full review of Bylaws will take place to address any possible revisions.
-SGC Members will be listed on the O’Connell website (just names).
-We need a table at events to represent SGC. We need to raise awareness as to what SGC is and what we do.
We will discuss other changes to SGC Bylaws at our Dec meeting
4. Review of 2014-15 school improvement plan (SIP)
2014-15 SIP Handout given out (posted on school website)
5. Training info for SGC ....see handout
SGC members interested in training should contact Principal Fox for registration.
6. Review/discuss current concerns/ needs
· We need additional Special Education support to handle the caseloads. Administration is looking into a solution and we will have more information next week.
· Lunch times seem too early for some students who have extended day (Grades 3-6).
Mr. Fox explained the rationale for lunch times schedule this year.
· Free snacks are offered daily for all students in grades 3-6 through a grant. Discussion included offering snack twice a day as needed.
· We would like a fence installed along the EAST Entrance driveway (closest to playground) to help protect students at the EAST Playground area.
· Move red schoolhouse sign (from WEST) to the front of the EAST building
Suggested topics for the next meeting
· Review bylaws and propose any changes
· New member positions (Chair/Vice Chair/ Secretary/Time Keeper)
· We need updated contact info for website
· Next meeting Tuesday December 9, 2014
Adjournment at 7:20pm