1. / Welcome from the Chair / N/A2. / Quorum / N/A
3. / Declaration of Interest / N/A
4. / Review Union Council Minutes
(Points of Accuracy and Matters Arising) / 5 mins
4.1 / Vote on the previous Union Council minutes
5. / Reports from Union Council Committees / 20 mins
5.1 / Executive Committee Reports & associated questions
6. / Ordinary Business: Discussion Topics
6.1 / Discussion 1: Democracy / 10 mins
6.2 / Online Idea 1: Dissolve the Students’ Union / 5 mins
6.3 / Discussion 2: Aramark & Catering on Campus / 5 mins
6.4 / Online Idea 2: Library Summer Access / 5 mins
6.5 / Online Idea 3: Stop Smokers Outside St. Peter’s Campus / 5 mins
7. / Submitted Motions and Debate
7.1 / Proposed policy to be implemented addressing associate membership / 7 mins
7.2 / Motion to Amend Disciplinary Bye-law / 7 mins
7.3 / Motion to Update Union Council’s Disciplinary Committee Terms of Reference (if 8.2 approved) / 7 mins
7.4 / Motion to Amend Union Elections Bye-law / 7 mins
7.5 / Motion to Propose Amendments to Articles to Restructure Board of Trustees / 7 mins
8. / Establishment of and/or Election of members to any Council Committees / N/A
9. / Any other Business (as allowed by the Chair, time permitting) / N/A
9.1 / Elections Update / 2 mins
9.2 / Any student present is able to raise any further issues time permitting. / ~
10. / Time and Date of Next Meeting / N/A
1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Taking Quorum
Quorum shall be considered after the instatement of the membership
(A quorum is the required number of people who are part of council to be present in order to take votes/make any decisions)
Quorum of council is 2/3 of the Constituted Council Membership rounded up. This means 2/3 of the total eligible amount which is 31.
Members who face removal from council if not in attendance and without apologies deemed sufficient by the room (subject to the ratification of the membership present) are as follows:
Eligible for removalsubject to the ratification of council due to failure to attend council meetings:
- Feras Bader [SR]
- Moise Owono Owno [SR]
- Ghaith Etbiga [SR]
- IbifuroIhemegbulem [SR]
Eligible for removal if not present at today’s meeting subject to the ratification of council:
- Scott Steele [Socs]
- Hasan Ali [SR]
Existing membership:
Union Chair:Deonte Jam
Executive Committee 10/10
Obinna Abraham
Daniel Punch
Harrison Chirnside
Tsvetelina Dobreva
Kirsty Paterson
Kevin Slight
Vicki Gardner
Darlington Nso
Francis Ezenagu
Olugbenga S. Oyeniyi
Student Representative Members 10/10
Hasan Ali
Peter Velor
Feras Bader
Rob Sisson
Moise Owono Owono
Priscilla Adejo
Steph Patton
Ghaith Etbiga
Marc Beaton
Sports Club Members 5/5
Josh Campbell
Colin Wilson
Angelo Okiotorhoro
Oluwatosin Subair
Mohammed Almas
Societies Members 5/5
Scott Steele
Bailey Baker
Brooke Price
Medo Azooz
Seth Ejukwu
< ACTION: Take Quorum >
3. Declaration of interest
(If there is any reason why you feel unable to be actively involved in any section of the agenda through a conflict of interest please state it at this time.)
4. Review of Union Council Minutes (5 minutes maximum)
Minutes: Commenced when Quorum was achieved at 18:20
1.1 / Members of Union Council in Attendance: 21Deonte Jam
Obinna Abraham
Harrison Chirnside
Tsvetelina Dobreva
Kirsty Paterson
Vicki Gardner
Francis Ezenagu
Angelo Okiotorhoro / Olugbenga S. Oyeniyi
Rob Sisson
Priscilla Adejo
Steph Patton
Brooke Price
Josh Campbell
Colin Wilson
Bailey Baker / New members
Oluwatosin Subair
Marc Beaton
Medo Azooz
Seth Ejukwu
Mohammed Almas
1.2 / Apologies & Absences
Apologies: 3
Darlington Nso (Attended briefly but did not make up quorum) - PTE
Daniel Punch - FTE
Peter Velor (Attended briefly but did not make up quorum) - SR / Absences without prior apology: 7
Kevin Slight - PTE
Hasan Ali - SR
Feras Bader - SR
Moise Owono Owono - SR
Ghaith Etbiga - SR
IbifuroIhemegbulem - SR
Scott Steele - Soc
1.3 / Welcome and Introduction by Chair of Union Council
The chair welcomes everyone to the second Union Council meeting of the year. The meeting was identified as not quorate.
2. / Quorum
Steps were taken to achieve quorum. In relation to the membership of council these include:
The removal of the following members by approval of Council based on non-attendance for two consecutive meetings:
- Jess Iverson
- Adebayo Mustapha
- Frestie Ngongo
- Emad Hanna Alla
The following members were approved by Council motion to take up a role on Council:
- Marc Beaton - SR
- Oluwatosin Subair - Sport
- Medo Azooz - Soc
- Seth Ejukwu - Soc
- Mohammed Almas - Sport
3. / Declaration of Interest
The Chair asked any members if they had any declarations of interest to make and asks council if any action comes up that they feel conflicted upon to please announce it.
No declarations of interest were stated at this point.
4. / Minutes taken from 18:20 when quorum was achieved
At the beginning of the meeting 5 new members were brought on to Union Council membership and 4 were removed – 2 each from sports and societies, this was agreed and ratified by Council as per the byelaws.
Quorum was attained at approximately 6:20pm, part-way through an informal discussion meeting being held in position of a Union Council.
Priscilla Adejo joins the meeting late, creating a quorum of 21 of 31 members
The quorum is achieved as a discussion of Sexual consent and harassment is taking place, instigated by Kirsty Paterson, VP Wellbeing & Engagement
KP believes that the opposition to sexual violence should be broadcasted by the Students’ Union
HC outlines the loss of funding for Wearside Women in Need and asserts that the Union has a responsibility to raise the profile of this issue when other organisations which would previously have supported it have lost their funding. He provides the example that they may have lots of materials but can no longer afford print – the SU should be making sure that information gets out there.
AO announces that the meeting has achieved quorum.
The chair DJ asks the room to formally revisit the reports of the executive committee now that quorum has been achieved.
HC outlines the work he has done since the last student council meeting, working with the Police & Crime Commissioner to secure £2000 in funding for an app which will enable students to identify Union accredited businesses in the city which can provide a student friendly offer and inclusive space with good policies in place.
HC also mentions the implementation of gender neutral toilets around campus
Q. A council member raises a concern to HC that the inclusive toilets which he refers to have had issues whereby the ones which have a disabled support cord have in some instances had the cord tied up by people. He urges HC that this should be taken seriously, especially if there are going to be more people using them.
HC responds that he will take it up with facilities straight away to make sure they are on the case
Q. A council member queried that the executive report notes that the University had previously spent its equality and diversity budget on the Athena Swan Award.
AO,HC and KP clarify that this was something the university did in the previous year.
Q. The Council member queries what the award is actually for.
KP responds that it is for Equality & Diversity recognition.
HC asserts that it puts the University in a better position as an organisation to potentially bid for external funding if they are recognised as being an organisation that supports equality and diversity.
The chair next asked for a vote of approval for the executive committee report.
It is determined that the executive committee would have a conflict in approving their own report and as such individual approval of reports takes place.
The room votes on President Abraham Obinna’s Report.
The report is approved.
Next is a discussion regarding DP’s report. DP had sent his apologies to the meeting.
Q. A member of council queries what the communities project is in Dan’s report – “is it like community work?”
AO responds that it is in fact the Union’s society-type offer as the Students’ Union previously did not offer a societies model.
Q. A member of council raises concerns regarding Dan’s plans for Academic Free Wednesdays and asserts that the SU’s posts on social media had shown only one half of the responses given by students – a positive one – and suggests that in future a more balanced and neutral approach might be taken.
HC interjects and reports that he knows the social media posts the council member is talking about and wants to clarify that none of the exec had posted this, and that many of the posts come from members of staff.
The clerk to Council speaks to the room and outlines the expectation that council are not to scrutinise the work of staff
The conversation continues and AO adds that some of the work of the students’ union is not directed by the officers but by other members of staff.
MN (the clerk) and JB (minutes) stand up and leave the room as a result of the continued discussion about staff involvement.
<Minutes stop as of 18:35>
4.1: Vote on Minutes
Council is asked to acknowledge these minutes, address any concerns and to vote to approve them as an otherwise accurate representation to the best of its knowledge >
5. Reports from Union Committees (20 minutes maximum)
5.1 Executive Committee:Updates on their current projects
Officers are asked to present their executive updates to council – where no written update has been given the most recent written update has been provided.
Each officer is to be given 3 minutes to provide a quick update on their work.
Non-sabbatical officers should be given the opportunity to report in regarding their work.
USSU Executive Officer Priority Report (Previous Council Submission, Updates Requested) – 3 minutes
Name / Abraham ObinnaPosition / President
- To foster a more student led, engaging and student-focused SU that is inclusive of all student groups.
- Splitting of the Roles International & London Campus Officer to improve representation for London Campus and International Students
- Putting a proposal for Students to be included in the Highest decision making body of the SU.
- Any further updates?
- To review the current state of Aramark towards diversifying their menu and creating student discounts
- Lobbying the University regarding the situation and have convinced them of the necessity to seek another catering organisation or getting students involved to do that.
- Any further updates?
- To create a sense of identity for the SU by lobbying the University into providing a distinct space away from the University building.
- Currently lobbying the University toward the Provision of an SU social space.
- Provided the University of an idea of what an SU space should be & Waiting for the University’s update to this.
- Any further updates?
- To celebrate diversity and encourage relationships through such projects as a World Cup Football Competition
- Getting ideas towards its actualisation.
- Any further updates?
- To ensure the publicity towards the importance of every ethnicity.
- Getting ideas towards its actualisation
- A submission was made to the PCC Police & Crime plan
- Any further updates?
- To review the current state of Aramark towards diversifying their menu and creating student discounts
- Lobbying the University regarding the situation and have convinced them of the necessity to seek another catering organisation or getting students involved to do that.
- Any further updates?
- To ensure the provision of Free Drinking water Facilities in all University buildings for students.
- Lobbied the University and we are currently reviewing the free water situation across campus.
- Free Drinking water dispenser was installed in the Murray Library for the start of the year
- Any further updates?
- To trigger a conversation with the University towards building a MUGA on the University campus for sports.
- Lobbied the University regarding the importance of an outdoor sporting space on campus.
- A decision has been made towards completion of a MUGA on St Peters Campus by Spring 2017
- Any further updates?
- To ensure the actualisation of the different priorities of the my executive team
- I have lobbied the University Executives who are now in direct contact with the Sabbatical lead for different projects.
- Any further updates?
ACTION: Council is requested to asked to scrutinise and ask any questions of the work of the President that it may have
ACTION: Council is asked to vote on whether or not to approve the work of the President
(In the case where council does not initially approve the work of the President, it is asked to recommend courses of action in order to be confident in subsequently approving them)
USSU Executive Officer Priority Report (Previous Council Submission, Updates Requested) – 3 minutes
Name / Daniel PunchPosition / VP Societies and sports
- Academic Free Wednesdays
- I have a lot of students that are backing me over a thousand are interested in the idea. I have spoken to a lot of deans and told them about the approach i am taking. I will not stop until I see a change at this university.
- Any further updates?
- Creating a Communities project to provide support to students across the University
- The community project will be starting late January, the idea is to create student led activities and make sure the students at this university are getting the most out their money they are spending to be here.
- Any further updates?
- Spreading Equality & Diversity throughout campus
- I have research sheets in which I explore the views of all students that want their voice to count and be part of major beneficial changes in the university
- Any further updates?
ACTION: Council is requested to asked to scrutinise and ask any questions of the work of the VP that it may have
ACTION: Council is asked to vote on whether or not to approve the work of the VP
(In the case where council does not initially approve the work of the VP, it is asked to recommend courses of action in order to be confident in subsequently approving them)
USSU Executive Officer Priority Report (Previous Council Submission, Updates Requested) – 3 minutes
Name / Harry ChirnsidePosition / VP Community & Events
- Equality & Diversity
- Lobbied University to under carry signage work to replace all accessible toilets with ‘Inclusive’ toilet signs. This work is being carried out and should be complete by the end of the academic year 2016/2017
- Worked alongside VP Wellbeing & Engagement/Student Well-Being Support to establish and plan the LGBT Resource Centre
- International Neon Party took place in February to celebrate diversity within our nightlife scene and student cohort
- Worked and collaborated alongside VP Wellbeing & Engagement to organise and plan LGBT History Month
- Raised funds for our LGBT Resource Centre with VP Wellbeing & Engagement
- To develop a sustainable commercial platform for SU Events
- Collaborating with marketing/comms/events to structure an annual model
- Worked alongside Event Management students to launch the Events Community/Plans to delegate leadership roles for Freshers 2017-
- Launched ‘WearBack’ welcome week to establish visibility and the services offered to all of our members. Successfully operated over ten events
- To create volunteering / opportunities incentives
- Created a platform system for rewards and recognition (10/30/50hr)
- Established a more formalised relationship with Sunderland Futures/Careers with regular fed information to be published on all platforms
- Successfully ran three S.U Buddy Events with an average of 60 attendees per event
- Planned an end of year Volunteering event to recognise and reward our volunteers for their annual service.
- To create sustainable commercial events
- Ministry of Sound Freshers Rave took place in October, with over 600 attendees, we plan to organise more commercialised events for the evening.
- Wearback International Neon Party
- To tackle Hate Crime
- Work alongside local communities and the council and working on ways we can collectively tackle hate crime.
- Granted £2000 funding from Northumbria Police to establish and launch our Accreditation System.
- Collected research from a variety of minority groups to establish the concerns/issues/expectations related to City Centre venues
- Working closely with Northumbria Police to launch a Hate Crime Reporting Centre on campus. (expected Sep/Cct 2017)
- WearSafe was branded and launched in January and was placed within busy student environments offering services and support to students in need of it. Successfully launched the service in two of our WearBack events with the desire to continue the project alongside our Accreditation System for later in the year.
ACTION: Council is requested to asked to scrutinise and ask any questions of the work of the VP that it may have
ACTION: Council is asked to vote on whether or not to approve the work of the VP
(In the case where council does not initially approve the work of the VP, it is asked to recommend courses of action in order to be confident in subsequently approving them)
USSU Executive Officer Priority Report (Previous Council Submission, Updates Requested) – 3 minutes
Name / Kirsty PatersonPosition / VP Wellbeing and Engagement
- To ensure that students are receiving fair and equal access to the health services available within the community
- Sexual consent workshops are going to take place in February alongside the Universities wellbeing event. Research is to be done before hand to understand what information students need.
- World mental health day- taking a positive spin asking students to draw what makes the happy and looks at a more positive aspect. Also ensuring that students get over the stigma and realise mental health is something that should be talked about.
- Working with Live Life Well to ensure students have access to sexual health products and information, along with testing for STI/STD.
- Received free condoms to distribute from the SU, looking to do the same with tampons (emails have been sent). Need to look at a relevant way to distribute these.
- Working with the University to promote the new service of DISC (alcohol and drug recovery sessions). Starting 2nd November with drop in sessions and appointments.
- Made GP sign ups more accessible by promoting the search engine on both the SU and University platforms so students can sign up to a GP without leaving their house, I hope to include this to the enrolment process for the next academic year.
- Any further updates?
- To campaign against the financial inaccessibility of graduation. The main aim is to achieve 2 free tickets for every graduate.
- Completed
- Gain publicity of the Students’ Union and represent students within the student community and the wider regional and national community.
- Wrote a response to the UUK report on violence against women, harassment and hate crime on why universities should take a zero tolerance approach
- Working with local and regional media outlets to try and broaden the outreach
- NUS digital direction and oversight board so have a national input into the direction and operation of the website so that we can utilise it to its full potential.
- Wrote a response to an MP for her debate in parliament regarding transport in the north east to ensure students voices and experiences are represented.
- Victims First- domestic violence campaign photoshoot with Vera Baird
- NUS delegate
- Any further updates?
- Equality and Diversity
- Working towards introducing an LGBT resource centre at the Interfaith centre. This will be a safe space for students to access information, pamphlets, books, facts, videos etc. on LGBT related topics.
- LGBT History month activities and events have been finalised.
- Any further updates?
ACTION: Council is requested to asked to scrutinise and ask any questions of the work of the VP that it may have