Review Lesson
Lesson for Sunday, November 26, 2017
Rule for this lesson: Have Fun!
From Week 1:
1) Was Jeroboam a good or bad king? Bad – promoted idolatry.
2) Who was Ahab’s wife – associated with wickedness? Jezebel.
3) What was the pattern of the kings of Israel? All “did evil in the sight of the Lord.”
4) What attribute of God could we contrast with the character of Israel’s kings? Holy.
5) Which son of Solomon succeeding him as king of Judah? Rehoboam.
6) Hezekiah is noted as the most righteous king of Judah. What actions did he take towards idolatry? Tore down places of idol worship – burned and smashed the idols.
7) What attribute was God displaying in withholding punishment on the Jews for so many centuries? Mercy.
From Week 2:
1) Who can tell me the literary style of the Book of Amos? Poetic – many couplets.
2) Amos was a contemporary of what other minor prophet? Hint – he had a bad time at sea. Jonah.
3) Many of the lessons from this quarter focused on how God must punish sin. He must do that because of what attribute? He is just.
4) If you asked 100 people to answer the question, “God is ______”, what would most of them say? Love.
5) What was the occupation of Amos? Farmer.
From Week 3:
1) What strange command did God give to the prophet Hosea? Marry a prostitute.
2) What was the name of Hosea’s wife? Gomer.
3) How did God use this strange command to teach Israel about what they had done? Correlated with how Israel had been unfaithful to God – followed other gods.
4) In chapter 3, what did Hosea do for Gomer that showed what God would do for us by sending Christ? He went to the slave market and bought her back.
5) From Hebrews 12 – what marks a person as a legitimate child of God? God chastises or punishes a true son – trying to make him pure.
6) Overall, how did the Israelites respond to the fatherly love of God? They rebelled and served false gods.
From Week 4:
1) When the Assyrians attacked the city of Samaria in 2 Kings 17, how long did it take before the city fell? 3 years.
2) After the Israelites were taken out of Samaria, how did the Assyrians repopulate the area? Brought in people from other cultures that they had defeated.
3) In this lesson, we looked at the problem of syncretism? What is syncretism? Mixing pagan practices with true worship of God.
4) T or F – We can worship God however we want. False – need to worship God as He has prescribed.
From Week 5:
1) How did God typically bring judgment to various groups in the Old Testament? He would normally send other people or nations to deliver judgment.
2) In Nahum 1, what is meant by the phrase “a burden against Nineveh?” Judgment was coming.
3) In Nahum, what were some of the sins for which Nineveh was condemned? Murder, bloodshed, sorcery, and idolatry.
4) If God used Assyria to punish Israel, then why would he punish Assyria for doing those things?
From Week 6:
1) Big word for God being “all knowing?” Omniscient.
2) What is a prophecy? A proclamation of God’s words that will come to pass.
3) T or F – Prophecy is much more than just foretelling the future. True.
4) In the very specific prophecy given in 1 Kings 13, what was going to be burned on the altar? Dead men’s bones.
5) In the prophecy given in those verses, how many years passed before the prophecy was fulfilled? About 300.
6) What attribute of God is displayed in bringing prophecy to pass? Sovereignty.
7) What was the name of the French astrologer that made many “predictions” about the future? Nostradamus.
8) T or F – The predictions of Nostradamus was equally as accurate as the prophecies of God. False.
From Week 7:
1) How do you spell “Hezekiah?”
2) What claim did the Assyrians make about the Lord when they were preparing to attack Jerusalem? Your God is no more able to protect you than the gods of these other countries could protect them.
3) How do you spell “Sennacherib?”
4) When Sennacherib said these things about the One True God, what would we call that sin? Blasphemy.
5) The angel of the Lord protected Jerusalem by going into the Assyrian camp and killing how many soldiers? 185,000 – Isaiah 37.
6) What attribute of God means that He does not change? Immutable.
From Week 8:
1) Is it better to say that Micah predicted or prophesied the birthplace of Messiah? Prophesied. Why is that better?
2) In what verse does Micah prophesy that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem? Micah 5:2.
3) There were 4 parts to Micah’s prophecy – how many can you name? Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, He will be from the line of Judah, His nature is everlasting, He will feed His flock.
4) According to Micah 7, to whom does God delight to show mercy? Sinners.
5) If God is just, how can He pass over the sin of His people? The payment for sin was made by Christ on the cross.
From Week 9:
1) What does the name “Immanuel” mean? God with us.
2) What verse in Isaiah said that the Messiah’s name would be Immanuel? Isaiah 7:14.
3) Isaiah 52 & 53 detail the crucifixion. How many years before the crucifixion of Jesus was this written? At least 700.
4) Fill in the blanks – “He was wounded for our ______; He was bruised for our ______; the chastisement of our ______was upon Him, and by His stripes we are ______.“ Transgressions, iniquities, peace, healed.
From Week 10:
1) Jeremiah is often called the what? Weeping prophet.
2) Idolatry is spiritual what? Adultery.
3) What was the rich young ruler worshipping? His wealth and possessions.
4) Jeremiah 17:9 – “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately ______.”
From Week 11:
1) What is Chaldea another name for? Babylon.
2) When the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem, what happened to the Temple and its articles? All the articles were taken and the Temple was burned.
3) How long would the Babylonian captivity last? 70 years.
From Week 12:
1) Why is context such a big deal?
2) What were the 2 verses we used last week to show how people often take verses out of context? Jeremiah 29:11 and Philippians 4:13.
3) What did God call Nebuchadnezzar in Jeremiah 25? God’s servant.
4) Why was Nebuchadnezzar called the servant of God? God used him to bring judgment to Judah.