Student Name: ______

You get a grade for taking the following survey and attempting all of the questions. I need to know what it is that you know about the Holocaust already as we begin the unit so I can tailor what we study to what you don’t know.

True False

______1. The word “Holocaust” was invented to describe what happened during World War II.

______2. The Holocaust occurred during the years 1940-1945.

______3. World War I happened during 1914-1918 and World War II happened during 1939-


______4. The name of the political party in power during the Holocaust was theNational

Socialist Party.

______5. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis, and he was born in Germany.

______6. Almost all Germans were official members of the Nazi party.

______7. Hitler’s grandmother was part Jewish.

______8. A large percentage of the German population in 1933 was Jewish.

______9. Even though the Jews were the main victims group during the Holocaust, other victims

were also persecuted and killed in largenumbers.

______10. The main reason that Jews were targeted was because Hitler believed that their

religion was false.

______11. As soon as Hitler got into power, he immediately began putting Jews into

concentration camps.

______12. Most of the concentration camps that were built were in Germany.

______13. The rest of the world didn’t do anything to stop Hitler and what was happening

during the Holocaust because they didn’t have any ideaof what was going on in


______14. Some of the killing methods in the camps were to starve people, beat them, gas them,

shoot them, or do medical experiments on them.

______15. Less than one percent of the non-Jewish population tried to rescue anyof the victims

during the Holocaust.

______16. No people ever escaped from the ghettoes or concentration camps.

______17. There were resistance movements which were successful, both in andout of the

concentration camps.

______18. It was possible to survive a gas chamber experience in the concentration camps.

______19. Most of the victims deported to concentration camps had never heard of the killing

centers or the camps and had no idea of what was waiting for them.

______20. It is a proven fact that Hitler committed suicide in April of 1945.

______21. Because of the lessons learned from the Holocaust, nothing like it has ever happened


______22. The United States has the largest number of Neo-Nazis and Holocaust Deniers of any

country in the world.

______23. Germany does a very good job of facing what happened during the Holocaust and

making sure that Holocaust education is taught in their schools at all levels.

______24. Oskar Schindler was a famous rescuer during the Holocaust who set out from the

beginning to rescue as many Jews as he could.

______25. Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) is not really found anywhere in the world now since

we have learned our lessons from the Holocaust.