1.The Creole Revolution

2.Creoles revolted against Governor Ulloa and Spanish rule in LA. They were successful at kicking Ulloa and the Spanish out for a short time.

3.Took back control of LA for the Spanish and executed and imprisoned those responsible for the revolution

4.Legal documents that proved the freed people of color were free

5.Pollock convinced him to sell gunpowder to the colonist.

6.English used floating warehouses to come up the river and trade with Spanish.

7.Worked with Pollock to continue giving them supplies (medicine, clothing, weapons, etc.). Lead expedition of 1500 to attack the English forts in LA.

8.English colonist

9.More settlers came here under him than any other governor.

10.Parcels of land promised to families that would come settle

11.Spanish speaking people from the Canary Islands who came here for a better life. Settled in St. Bernard, Ascension, & Plaquemines

12. Tried to get Kentucky and the Kaintocks to join the Spanish colony. It was unsuccessful.

13. Thought the only way to run Nova Scotia successfully was to have only loyal citizens. Acadians would not agree to Oath of Allegiance. They wanted to stay neutral.

14. Spanish wanted to populate LA to protect its gold and silver in Mexico. Southwest LA due to hunting and trapping. Shrimp was big industry for them.

15. A person who is a descendant from the French Acadians from Nova Scotia.

16. The fires destroyed most of what was French. It was rebuilt by the Spanish.

17. Settled boundary disputes by putting boundary at 31 degrees North latitude, reopened the Mississippi River to American trade, and U.S. received the Right of Deposit in New Orleans for 3 years.

18. Slaves planning rebellion near Point Coupee, LA. Carondelet was blamed because he placed laws to treat slaves more humanely.

19. New French arrivals that came from France during the French Revolution. To escape the violence of the revolution.

20. He wanted to use it to grow food to feed the 1000’s of laborers he planned to use for a giant sugarcane plantation on St. Domingue. Treaty where Napoleon basically took LA back from Spain.

21. He was afraid Napoleon would attack the U.S. and stop LA from trading with them.

22. Robert Livingston and James Monroe. 15 million. It was ironic because England gave U.S. money that was used to pay France for LA. France turned around and used that money to fund a war against England.

23. He was broke and needed money to go to war with England. He did not own St. Domingue anymore, which was the only reason he even needed LA.

24. Ceremony to celebrate transfer of LA from Spanish to French power. Less than 3 weeks later another ceremony held to show transfer from French to U.S. power.