Family Camp 2013 Kit list

Item / Quantity / Notes
Tent / 1 per family / Get in touch to arrange to borrow one.
Let us know if Scouts/Explorers plan to sleep with family or Scouts
Sleeping bag / 1 or 2 per person / It’s chilly at night: pack a spare. We have lots so don’t be shy if you want to borrow a spare
Sleep mat / Air beds are cold. Cover with a blanket under your sleeping bag or better still use a self-inflating mat.
Pillow / Don’t be tempted to pack light and leave it at home. It’s warmer and more comfortable with a pillow
Fleece liner / A couple of metres of fleece from Boyes, sewed down one side and the bottom to make a liner for your sleeping bag makes a huge difference.
Hot water bottle / 1 per person / Someone once called me a wimp for taking my hot water bottle to bed with me at camp. That may be so, but I was a warm wimp!!
Torch / You can never have too many! / Spare batteries for when you nod off and forget to turn it off til morning!
Camping chair / 1 per person / For sitting round the campfire in comfort
And of course your personal gear: / I won’t insult your intelligence! / Please make sure items are named. You’d be surprised at the number of unclaimed items at the end of most camps!
Pirate fancy dress outfit / One for everybody! / The theme of our camp is pirates so we’ll be having a fancy dress party on Sunday evening. Why do they call us pirates? Because we aaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhh!!
Waterproof coat….. and trousers if you have them
Hiking boots/strong shoes
Wellies / Easier to slip your feet into in the middle of the night! The grass can be pretty wet first thing in the morning.
Trainers including spares for water activities / Or water shoes if you have them. You will not be allowed on the Bell-Boats in crocs, bare feet or wellies.
Trousers (not jeans) / Jeans are not suitable for camping. They are cold and heavy when wet and take forever to dry. They are hot and uncomfortable in the sunshine. You will not be allowed on Bell-Boats in jeans. Probably best just to leave them at home.
Shorts / There is nothing worse than being too hot if the sun shines
Fleece / Or too cold if it doesn’t……..
T shirts
And don’t forget your undies. / Loads of spare socks for keeping dry during the day and keeping warm at night
Pyjamas or something similar. / Even if you don’t normally…’ll be warmer and you may need to pop to the loo in the night! Don’t be tempted to hop into bed in your clothes. They will have moisture in them from sweat or damp evening air which will make you cold.
Wash kit. / You will get dirty and yes Cubs……….you will wash!
Towel / Bring a couple / Once wet, they aren’t easy to dry particularly if it rains.
Hat and gloves / It can be chilly in the evening
Sun hat and cream / Fingers crossed
Camera / Feel free to take photos but please check before posting any on facebook etc
Day sack and drinks bottle / For your cruise on the river/trip to Ripon
And finally please note that we do not accept responsibility for loss or damage to any personal items.
We strongly recommend that electronic games are left at home. You won’t have time to play them and we don’t accept any responsibility if they are lost or broken…….and if we come across someone playing with one at the table……………