
3 Branches of Government

1. The _United States Constitution___ establishes the American system of government.

2. There are __3__ separate but equal branches of government.

3. The three branches of government _judicial___, ___legislative__, and ___executive__.

Legislative Branch:

4. Includes Congress: 1. _The Senate___ and 2. __House of Representatives__

5. Main Job is to __make laws___.

6. The Senate has _100__ members, which are 2 from each state.

7. Each senator serves for _6_ years.

8. Mississippi’s two senators are _Thad Cochran__ and __Roger Wicker__.

9. The House of Representatives has __435___ members, which depends on the population of each state.

10. Each representative serves for __2__ years.

Executive Branch:

11. Includes the _President___.

12. The main job is to __carry out the laws______.

13. Serves for __4_ years, but can be elected for 2 terms.

Judicial Branch:

14. Includes the _Supreme Court___.

15. Its main job is to _determine what the laws mean.__.

16. The Supreme Court has __9_ members, which are appointed by the president.

17. They serve for _the rest of their lives__.