
1st Nine Weeks Vocabulary

Set One

1.  surrealistic—dreamlike; consisting of odd and inharmonious elements

2.  inordinate—excessive; beyond the normal limits of good taste

3.  chastise—to scold or discipline severely

4.  devious—deceitful or tricky

5.  perfunctory—done superficially as a matter of routine

6.  precocious—unusually mature or mentally developed for one’s age

7.  reiterate—to repeat or say again

8.  fastidious—hard to please; fussy

9.  eulogy—tribute; speech in praise of a recently deceased person

10.  servile—submissive; characteristic of a slave

11.  crescendo—gradual increase in loudness

12.  dirge—mourning music; sad song or poem

13.  euphony—pleasing combination of sounds

14.  aficionado—enthusiastic fan or supporter

15.  facsimile—exact copy or reproduction

16.  implode—to burst or collapse violently inward

17.  indelible—permanent; incapable of being erased

18.  stymie—to hinder or thwart; prevent from doing something

19.  genial—kind, pleasant, or cheerful

20.  militant—aggressive and vigorous in support of a cause

Set Two

1.  albatross—a persistent difficulty or burden

2.  catharsis—a spiritual or emotional purification or cleansing

3.  exacerbate—to make worse or aggravate

4.  personify—to represent or embody

5.  stupefy—to stun or daze from shock

6.  exemplify—to illustrate; show or serve as an example

7.  compatible—harmonious; working well together

8.  facilitate—to make a task easier by removing obstacles

9.  accolade—praise, award, or high honor

10.  cordiality—sincere graciousness and friendliness

11.  beguile—to charm, enchant, or delight

12.  humane—kind, compassionate, considerate

13.  tranquil—calm, quiet, or peaceful

14.  improvise—to work with what you have, often on the spur of the moment

15.  immobilize—to keep from moving

16.  sallow—relating to an unhealthy yellowish complexion

17.  cerulean—sky blue in color

18.  iridescent—colors resembling a rainbow with shifting hues and patterns

19.  omniscient—all knowing

20.  scour—to search thoroughly and quickly


1st Nine Weeks Vocabulary

Set Three

1.  malaise—vague feeling of sickness or uneasiness

2. stamina—ability to withstand prolonged physical or mental hardships

3.  enamored—captivated or fascinated by something or someone

4.  deferential—respectful; yielding to someone else’s wishes

5.  snide—malicious, nasty, or spiteful

6.  extemporaneous—unrehearsed or offhand; spur of the moment

7.  blasphemous—profane; showing disrespect for anything held sacred

8.  vista—a view; especially one stretching in the distance

9.  misnomer—incorrect or unsuitable name

10.  venerable—worthy of respect because of old age or intellect

11.  spiel—a persuasive speech

12.  abject—low in spirit or hope

13.  autonomous—having the right or power of self-government

14.  insipid—dull; lacking flavor or zest

15.  abode—one’s home or residence

16.  disparage—to lower in rank or reputation; to belittle

17.  rapport—relations that are harmonious

18.  oblivious—lacking mindful attention; unaware

19.  ilk—sort or kind of something

20.  billow—to rise and roll in waves; to swell out

Set Four

1.  nonchalant—not caring or indifferent

2.  docile—teachable or submissive

3.  thwart—to prevent something from happening

4.  vivacious—full of zest and life

5.  vindicate—to clear of accusation or blame

6.  inundate—to completely cover or drown

7.  reclusive—preferring solitude or one’s own company

8.  infamy—relating to a bad reputation

9.  grandiose—in large scale

10.  idiosyncrasy—something uniquely strange about one’s behavior or character

11.  lucid—clear; easy to understand

12.  permeate—able to penetrate through

13.  presumptuous—excessively forward; almost to the point of being improper

14.  tumultuous—noisy or disorderly

15.  dogmatic—abiding by a set of strict, authoritative rules

16.  brusque—blunt in speech; harsh or gruff

17.  anomaly—deviation from the norm; something very strange

18.  gargantuan—huge

19.  exemplary—serving as a perfect example

20.  fervent—having and showing great emotion


1st Nine Weeks Vocabulary

Set Five

1.  aesthetics—having to do with beauty

2.  charlatan—an imposter; someone pretending to be something he is not

3.  orthodox—leaning towards tradition; the way something has always been done

4.  tenacious—determined

5.  haughty—arrogant and condescending in speech or manner

6.  mundane—ordinary; commonplace

7.  pretentious—pretending to be important, intellectual, or cultured

8.  rancorous—bitter or hateful

9.  surreptitious—secret or stealthy

10.  adulation—high praise given to someone for an accomplishment

11.  anecdote—a short, funny account of an event

12.  benevolent—friendly and helpful

13.  camaraderie—the feeling of trust and sociability among friends

14.  empathy—identifying with the feelings of others

15.  emulate—to imitate; to follow as an example

16.  mores—customs or traditions

17.  moot—unable to resolve

18.  acrid—sharp or bitter

19.  acumen—one’s mental sharpness or intelligence

20.  loquacious—extremely talkative

Set Six

1.  macabre—gruesome or horrific in nature

2.  maudlin—overly sentimental

3.  arduous—difficult or challenging

4.  berate—to scold or criticize

5.  cacophony—a harsh, displeasing sound

6.  cataclysm—a disaster

7.  incessant—constant; not stopping

8.  insipid—dull or tasteless

9.  indigent—poor or needy

10.  emaciated—very thin; almost to the point of wasting away

11.  enigma—a riddle or puzzle

12.  eschew—to avoid

13.  impeccable—perfect; entirely without sin or fault

14.  cursory—quick or hasty

15.  decadence—moral decay; the decline of a civilization’s values

16.  expunge—to erase or cancel

17.  formidable—menacing or threatening in appearance

18.  fruition—fulfillment or completion

19.  germane—relevant to the point or task at hand

20.  hiatus—break or interruption, usually from work


1st Nine Weeks Vocabulary

Set Seven

1.  gregarious—sociable or outgoing

2.  zenith—the highest point in the sky

3.  succinct—brief; concise; to the point

4.  zephyr—a gentle breeze

5.  recalcitrant—stubborn; hard to train

6.  revere—to worship or respect

7.  risqué—improper

8.  pragmatic—practical

9.  profound—deep in meaning; insightful

10.  diverge—to part from the set course

11.  reciprocate—to give something back in return

12.  utopia—an ideally perfect place

13.  prolific—producing much; abundant

14.  dubious—filled with uncertainty; doubtful

15.  obsolete—no longer in use; outdated

16.  nuance—a subtle difference

17.  fathom—to understand in great depth or detail

18.  nadir—the lowest point of something

19.  vicarious—something done or experienced through someone else

20.  malevolence—having ill will or wishing harm

Set Eight

1.  diadem—crown or royal headband

2.  ascertain—to learn with absolute certainty

3.  diffident—lacking confidence

4.  poignant—drawing pity or compassion

5.  vignette—a short, descriptive literary sketch, usually of an author

6.  evasive—trying to get away from something or hide from something

7.  prosperity—great wealth

8.  calamity—great distress or misfortune

9.  archaic—seldom used; old-fashioned

10.  articulate—expressing oneself clearly and easily

11.  beseech—to beg urgently or to plead

12.  demure—shy or modest

13.  genteel—refined or polite

14.  insinuate—to hint at indirectly; to imply

15.  myriad—countless or innumerable

16.  suffice—to be enough

17.  derisive—showing scorn or contempt

18.  brazen—shamelessly bold

19.  plausible—seemingly true

20.  lethargic—having no energy; lazy