March 2013



13 MARCH, 2013

Hyatt Regency Indianapolis

1 South Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indania 46204

These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Fluid Distribution Systems Task Group (FLU TG) was called to order at 8:30a.m., 13-MAR-13.

It was verified that only Subscriber Memberswere in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum wasestablished withthe following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/ParticipantsPresent (* Indicates Voting Member)

Shweta / Aggarwal / Rolls Royce PLC
* / Joe / Bebey / The Boeing Company
* / Samuel / Buri / The Boeing Company
Ron / Clements / The Boeing Company
Perry / Freeman / The Boeing Company
Robert / Hainline / The Boeing Company
Ben / Hedges / Bell Helicopter Textron
Mikhali / Koulev / The Boeing Company
Ulrich / Muller / Airbus
Aaron / Nash / The Boeing Company
* / Mark / Paul / Rolls-Royce Corporation / Proxy for E. Oman
Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation
* / Robert / Schreiber / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
Proxy for M. King, T. Chin
* / Mark / Scott / The Boeing Company
* / Dan / Smith / GE Aviation
Alexandra / Sonnabend / The Boeing Company
Renatas / Stanislovatis / GE Aviation
Harpreet / Virk / The Boeing Company
Gregory / Waugh / The Boeing Company
Stacy / Weisenbeck / The Boeing Company

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Danny / Beuerley / Shur-Lok Corp.
John / Binford / Airdrome Precision Components
Ray / Bitting / PCC
Clifton / Breay / Eaton Corporation
John / Brittain / Eaton Corporation
Ken / Chang / AdelWiggins Group
Jeff / Daedler / Alcoa Fastenening Systems
May / Danhash / Designed Metal Connections, Inc. dba Permaswage USA
Todd / Fodge / PAMCO
Ted / Goosen / Parker
Dale / Gordon / Aerofit, LLC
Thomas / Harbin / Alcoa Fastenening Systems Fullerton
Steve / Hudlet / Jetseal
Steve / MacDonald / Designed Metal Connections
Shadrach / Nanney / Parker Hannifin
Ky / Nguyen / AdelWiggins Group
Nilesh / Patel / Shur-Lok Corp.
Mike / Paveglio / Titeflex
Leo / Perez / Allan Aircraft Supply Co
Paula / Riza / Aerofit, LLC
* / Mark / Scatoloni / Faber Enterprises Inc
* / Michael / Schleckman / Voss Industries
Chris / Schofield / Hydraflow
Tim / Soran / Sandvik
L.T. / Taylor / BE Aerospace
* / Phillip / Wade / Smiths Tubular Systems - Laconia dba Titeflex
Wayne / Wilson / NMC Aerospace

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

The Antitrust and Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest were reviewed with the Task Group in the Closed and Open meetings.

The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded.


2.1Review Scheduled and Conducted Audits

The FLU TG audit schedule for the next 8 months was reviewed and Subscribers were encouraged to observe audits. To observe an audit please contact Linda Novak () inthe Nadcap audit scheduling department.

Upcoming FLU Task Group audits 152363 and 152362 were discussed. FLU Task Group requested the auditor verify hose assemblies that reference AS part standards are not being subcontracted to hose assembly facilities which are not Nadcap accredited. Staff Engineer was requested to compile a summary of previous repeat NCR’s & advisory issues that will be reviewed during a conference call with the auditor prior to the audits.Auditor to also verify during audit 152363 supplier is not subcontracting hose assembly to Mexico that have any reference to AS1339?

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell set up a conference call between the FLU Task Group and 152363 and 152362 auditor to discuss hose assembly subcontracting, recurring NCR’s and advisory issues prior to the audits. (Due Date:5-APR-13)

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell to have auditorverify during audit 152363that the supplier is not subcontracting hose assembly to Mexico that have any reference to AS1339? Discuss with auditor prior to the audit. (Due Date:5-APR-13)

There were no issues to discuss with audits currently in Staff, Supplier or Task Group review.

2.2Discuss Problem Audits

No problem audits to discuss.

2.3Data Analysis Review – Overall Auditor Performance

FLU TG reviewed the following data to evaluate auditor consistency:

  • Checklist paragraphs auditors are writing NCR’s against
  • Checklist paragraphs traceable to the auditor writing the NCR
  • Average number of major, minor and NCRs per day by Auditor

K. Lefebvre recently retired from being a Nadcap FLU Task Group auditor.

2.4Auditor Conference – Confidential Topics

No confidential topics were discussed.

2.5Draft NOP-012 Auditor Oversight

NOP-012 was discussed including the proposed requirement for performing oversight of each auditor yearly by the Subscriber Voting Members.


The FLUTGreviewed the Delegation Tracking Form for K. Purnell. Staff Engineer K. Purnell met the minimum criteria of having at least 10% of findings reviewed by the Task Group Subscribers with at least a 90% concurrence rate. Staff Engineer maintains delegated status.


Since March 2012 six t-frm-11s have been submitted. The Task Group reviewed the submitted changes and no additional actions were required.


Staff Engineer asked what the periodic test requirements would be for an AC7123 Accredited Value Added Distributor (VAD) that does not have any listing s on the PRI QPL. This was considered unusual so a Sub Team was formed consisting of R. Hainline, D. Smith, K. Purnell to evaluate and report back to the FLU Task Group.

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell to set up a conference call for the Sub-Team to evaluate periodic test requirements for VAD’s that do not have QPL listings. (Due Date:5-APR-13)


Action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current FLU Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.


The FLU Task Group meeting minutes from the March 2012 and September 2012 Nadcap meetings were reviewed.

Motion madeby R. Clements and seconded by U. Muller to approve the minutes as written. Motion Passed Unanimously.


The voting records and meeting attendance for FLU TG Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. The requirements state that to maintain membership, a member must not be absent without approved alternate representationfrom three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings and the member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2consecutive letter ballots. The Task Group Chairperson is allowed to waive these requirements if other circumstances warrant retention.

All Supplier and Subscriber voting members have met the requirements for meeting attendance. All Suppler and Subscriber voting members have met the voting on letter ballot requirements. The Task Group Chairperson reviewed the meeting and ballot participation forms and approved all voting member to retain their voting privileges.

Keith Allen of Rolls Royce requested to become a FLU Task Group Alternate Subscriber Voting Member. K. Allen has attended four previous FLU Task Group meetings.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by S. Buri to approve K. Allen as a FLU Task GroupAlternate Subscriber voting member for Rolls Royce. Motion Passed Unanimously.

ACTION ITEM:B.McSorley to process the completed m-frm-01 for K. Allen and update the FLU Task Group Voting Membership. (Due Date:1-MAY-13)

C. Schofield of Hydraflow requested to become a FLU Task Group Supplier Voting Member. C. Schofield has attended two previous FLU Task Group meetings.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by S. Buri to approve C. Schofield as a FLU Task GroupSupplierVoting Member for Hydraflow. Motion Passed Unanimously.

ACTION ITEM:B. McSorley to process the completed m-frm-01 for C. Schofield and update the FLU Task Group Voting Membership. (Due Date:3-MAY-13)


Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included: Auditor Status, FLU TGMetrics, Most Common NCR’s, Latest Changes, NTGOP-001 and Fluids Task Group Appendix, Auditor Conference, Staff Delegation Metrics, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations. (Attached)

Question was asked if Nadcap procedure restricts a Staff Engineer that performs an audit from reviewing and closing the audit they conducted.

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell to check for wording in Nadcap Procedures for Staff Engineer review and closure of an audit they conducted. (Due Date:1-SEPT-13)

FLU Task Group reviewed the latest changes in NTGOP-001and performed their 2 year review of the NTGOP-001 Appendix FLU. Changes required for alignment listed in the PRI Staff report were discussed.

Motion madeto approve required changes as editorial by M. Schleckman and seconded by S. Burri. Motion Passed Unanimously.

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell to document the 2 year review of NTGOP-001 Appendix FLU was performed, changes required are editorial, update and post revised NTGOP-001 Appendix FLU in eAuditNet. (Due Date:1-JUN-13)


R. Hainline PRI G3 QPG Chairperson presented the status update of the latest projects and changes the PRI G3 QPG is working on including (Attached)

Topics of particular interest were:

  • Standards Containing Activation Notice
  • Development of eAuditNet Balloting Tool
  • Increasing Supplier Involvement / Responsibility
  • Timely Reporting of Periodic Test Results
  • Revision to PD2101


M. Scatoloni reported on the topics discussed during the SAE G-3 PRI-Supplier Group meeting. Topics included:

  • PRI QPL Coverage for Partial Product Listings – PRI G3 QPG does not to add notes to the eAuditNet QPL page. Any QPL “notes” to clarify qualification status on specific standards should be addressed on the part standards or procurement specification (i.e. engineering requirements). This issue will be addressed in G-3B and the beam seal fitting panel.
  • Periodic Control Testing (Improvements/ Changes) – clarification is needed with current verbiage for periodiccontrol testing because of interpretation issues when audited. The production cycle counting criteria for when testing is required is tooambiguous and is being misinterpreted.It was proposed to allow time-based count criteria to simplify the count criteria inexisting specifications. Some suppliers disagreed with this proposal as it would cause suppliers with limited production to perform more frequent periodic tests.
  • PD2101 – Fire Testing in Periodic Control Tests for Hose. Since hose assembly procurement specifications are being revised to include periodic / recurring fire testing, (AS1339, etc.), PD2101 needs to be updated to define the reporting requirements on an annual basis.
  • Question was raised on how a supplier becomes a Nadcap mail list recipient.

ACTION ITEM:K. Purnell to forward eAuditNet FLU Task Group membership to meeting attendees. Attendees wishing to be a mail list recipient to e-mail request to (Due Date:1-May-13)


Review Audit Failure Criteria, Single Year Data Compared to Multiple Years of Data

Audit failure criteria from 1 year 2012 and 2 years 2011 and 2012 combined were reviewed. Reason for reviewing multiple years of data is the limited number of audits performed by the FLU Task Group. NOP-011 paragraph 4.2 states “New Task Groups are requested to define their failure criteria (Mode B) once a statistically valid number of audits (e.g. 32 audits) have been conducted or at the second anniversary of their checklist publication”. It required 2 years of FLU audit data to exceed 32 audits.

Establish FLU Task Group Failure Criteria for 2013

The FLU Task Group reviewed and discussed the above failure data.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by M. Scottto maintain the existing failure criteria for initial and reaccreditation audits. Motion Passed Unanimously.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to forward the FLU Task Group 2013 failure criteria to M. Graham.



Auditor Conference 2013 Topics

  • Most Common NCRs and Auditor Consistency
  • Periodic Testing Requirements
  • Dry Film Lube AC7108/1
  • Question and Answer Session
  • eAuditNet
  • Suggestions for Audit Handbook Clarifications

FLUSpecific Auditor Conference will be on Friday 18-OCT-13 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Supplier Participation (NOP-002)

There was discussion concerning supplier participation in the October 2013 FLU Task Group auditor training. NOP-002 paragraph 7.4.3 states “Task Group Supplier Members may only participate in the auditor training when providing specific training at the invitation of the Task Group Chairperson.” Any Supplier that wishes to present specific FLU Task Group training materials should contact R. Schreiber, FLU Task Group Chairperson & K. Purnell.


There was discussion about the AC7123 checklist and it was suggested that the section titled periodic testing be changes to sample testing on the next document revision.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to revise AC7123 section titled Periodic Testing to Sample Testing on next document revision.(Due Date:1-OCT-13)


Action Items were reviewed and will be posted on the FLU TG RAIL in under Public Documents.

ADJOURNMENT – 13-MAR-13 – Meeting was adjourned at 10:40a.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Keith Purnell,

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)
*If yes, the following information is required:
Documents requiring revision: / Who is responsible: / Due date:
NTGOP-001 APPENDIX FLU / K. Purnell / 1 JUN 2013