Annual General Meeting
Kitimat Pentecostal Fellowship
January 1st through December 31st
2013 Reports
~ Meeting held ~
March 2, 2014
1.) Seating of voting members and non-voting
2.) Choosing of a recording secretary
3.) Establishment of quorum, and recording of those members present
4.) Opening prayer, devotional, and words of encouragement (Micah 6:6-8)
5.) Presentation of previous year's minutes
6.) Adopting of the previous year's minutes
7.) Reporting (Each report is to be presented in the following manor: motion to be received first, then seconded, report is presented, opened to questioning, motion to approve with or without amendments, motion seconded, motion carried.)
- Children’s Ministries Report
- Youth Ministries Report
- Music & Corporate Praise & Worship Report
- Media Report
- Sound Report
- Pastor’s Report
- Attendance Report
- Financial Report
8.) New Business (should be brought forward in advance)
9.) Prayer and Adjournment (motion to close, seconded, carried – recorded)
Previous Years AGM Minutes (2013)
(As Was Compiled at the Annual General Meeting MARCH 17, 2013)
1.) Seating of Voting Members & Non-Voting
2.) Choosing of a recording secretary
Motion made to nominate Tanya (Pastor Mike), Motion Seconded (Harvey), All in Favour - Motion Carried (Unanimous)
3.) Opening prayer, devotional, and words of encouragement
Pastor Mike read from Haggai 2:4-9, then stressed the importance of working together to rebuild, to believe for a greater glory in the temple then there once was, and to see God glorified in everything we do.
4.) Establishment of quorum, and recording of those members present
Members Present - Tanya Shelley, Colin Shelley, Mickéal Hoffman, Ken Cook, Marilyn Cook, Brenda King, Harvey King, Mary Urbanowski, Margaret Trethewey, John Carrita, Rene Jenster, Liz Pesunti. (12 of 23 members present – 60% Quorum of 14 is needed to be established)
- Seeing as Tonie Readman has already approved and discussed the AGM in detail (as a board member), and Elizabeth Hoffman has also done the same (as a pastor in the church). We move that they be counted “In Absentia” so as to establish quorum and to proceed.
- Motion to so move (Pastor Mickéal), Motion Seconded (Colin), All in Favour - Motion Carried (Unanimous)
*** NOTE – All reports, previous minutes and financials have been provided to everyone over a month in advance to all members, so as to expedite the AGM process. No reports will be read in their entirety; this fact has been exhaustively communicated along with the expectation that all members were to have read through the AGM reports and financials ahead of time.
5.) Presentation of previous year's minutes
- Motion to proceed (John), Seconded (Harvey), Motion Carried (unanimously)
6.) Adopting of the previous year's minutes
- No questions
- Motion to accept (Ken), Motion Seconded (Harvey), All in Favour - Motion Carried
7.) Reporting (Each report is to be presented in the following manor: motion to be
received first, then seconded, report is presented, opened to questioning, motion to
approve with or without amendments, motion seconded, motion carried)
i.) Children’s Ministries Report
- Report received, and opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to accept (Ken), Motion Seconded (Harvey), All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
ii.) Youth Ministries Report
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Harvey), Seconded (Rene) All in Favour - Motion
Carried (Unanimous)
iii.) Music & Corporate Praise & Worship Report
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Marilyn), Seconded (Brenda) All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
iv.) Media Report
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Colin), Seconded (John) All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
v.) Sound Report
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Margaret), Seconded (Harvey) All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
vi.) Pastor’s Report
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Marilyn), Seconded (Colin) All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
vii.) Attendance
- Presented, opened to questioning. No questions
- No amendments
- Motion to Receive (Margaret), Seconded (Harvey) All in Favour –
Motion Carried (Unanimous)
viii.) Financial Report
- Opened for question on each page after review. No questions on any pages, sections, or otherwise.
- Motion to approve without amendment (John), Seconded (Harvey), Motion Carried (unanimously)
- Special thanks to Brenda for all her hard work and efforts in doing the church financials
8.) New Business (should be brought forward in advance)
- Opened for questions, comments or concerns relating to new business. None presented
- Motion to close New business and move on (John), Seconded (Harvey), Motion
Carried (unanimously)
- Special thanks to Brenda for all her hard work and efforts
9.) Prayer and Adjournment
- Motion to close the meeting (Colin), Seconded (Rene) and all in favour (unanimous)
- Pastor Mickéal closed in prayer
Kitimat Pentecostal Fellowship
Children’s Ministries
The past year has been a year of change for our Sunday school. We have continued to struggle as a church with providing enough Sunday school and nursery volunteers, and as a result, we have had to amalgamate all ages into one class. This is not good for the older children who really need to go further into the Word to gain more than just a surface overview or knowledge.
We have seen an increase in infants and toddlers and it has become increasingly difficult for one teacher to handle the children with ages ranging from 1-17 years old. We have seen attendance numbers ranging between 12-25 children and it has been my desire to see these vast age groups be provided with passionate and dedicated Sunday school teachers on a regular basis.
Our goal for the current year is to split our children into a minimum of two classes which will be divided up by 0-4 years old and 5-12 years old. At this time we would ask that children older than 12 stay in the service until such a time that we may be able to provide a third teen class as volunteers come forward.
I would like to ask that the church sincerely enter into prayer over our Sunday school and youth situation. Our children has so much potential, and we need greater opportunity for spiritual growth. As such it is essential for volunteers to step forward to help minister in that capacity. We will continue to put great effort and prayer into the children and would ask that you constantly keep our need for volunteers in prayer.
We also need for supplies and goodies. Somehow almost all the goodies that where being brought or made, has ceased over the past 5 or 6 months. It is something we would ask everyone to be involved in – even if you are not able to help teach a class, everyone can can bring a little something to help out. Along with this, we would also ask that people consider giving $5-$10 towards the Sunday School so that we can run it properly.
Despite all the needs we have, volunteers are still the most pressing of all. Please consider helping out even twice a year.
“Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me.” ~ Matthew 18-4-5
Respectfully Submitted
Rev. Elizabeth Hoffman
Kitimat Pentecostal Fellowship
Youth Ministries
We want to thank John and Ashley Readman for helping with junior youth. We would also like to thank parents like Tanya and Colin Shelley who have volunteered to drive or us.
Over the past year, we tried to have some fun while still teaching the children about Jesus. We start off with an ‘event’ and finishing with a ‘talk’ while enjoying some canteen. Some of the more fun type events we have done this past year are: Swimming, skating, bowling (in Terrace), scavenger hunt, minute to win it, too name a few.
Some of the things we talked about were the love of Jesus, how we can talk to Him about anything. It doesn’t have to be big life problems. It can be talking to Him about help with a test, or help with a friend etc. We also talked about the bible and how everything in it is truth. We talked about how we can find help with our problems by reading the bible.
The percentage of children coming to youth group that do not attend church is greater than the number of youth that do attend so we tried to stick to the basics. There were some of the young people from youth group that had attended Kids camp this summer and have shown interest in attending youth group.
The number of children varies from week to week. Anywhere from two to twelve children come. We would really like to see a lot of young people come to know Jesus. Our goal is to increase the number of young people coming out to junior youth.
We are currently in need of helpers to come out and help with junior youth group, so if you feel like God is calling you to do that please let us know.
Thank you
Respectfully Submitted
Tina Readman
Kitimat Pentecostal Fellowship
Music & Corporate Praise & Worship Ministries
On behalf of Tanya and myself, we would like to send out an amazingly huge THANKS to all of you in our tiny congregation that have volunteered of their time and many, many talents to make this department run. It would be impossible to for our fellowship to function in this area week after week without all of you serving with us! Thank you all so much!!!
This past year has unfortunately seen us bring an end to The Flood event that we have been doing for the past few years. After some discussion with Pastor Mike, we felt that it with the attendance and inconsistency of this event (due to holidays ,etc) to end it. And begin to pray for direction in the coming year for what God wants for our fellowship. We are excited to see what He has in store for us in the coming months. Please continue to pray with us to see God’s leading in this area.
We have been extremely blessed this past year to see a few new people added to the ministry team. We want to say a big WELCOME and a THANK YOU to Ashley, Ella, Tonie, Eva, Ariel (who has now left us to get MARRIED) and Jean who has been made a regular on the team. We are so glad to have you join with us and we look forward to watching you grow in your talents and giving of yourselves in worship with us every week!!!
Tanya and I, and the entire Worship department, want to stand behind Pastor Mike and the vision he has for the church this coming year. We know that his desire is to bring the church back to a place of prayer and seeking God’s face on a more regular and consistent basis. We believe now, maybe even more than ever before we need to get back to joining our hearts as ONE in prayer. As we gather together to pray, we believe that God will lead us and direct us in exactly where HE wants us to go! So please join us as we do this.
Also, the need for new equipment has once again come up on many occasions this past year. I have sat down with John C. trying to prioritize what is needed the most, and also how we will be able to get these things accomplished. We know that some things which need to be replaced will take finances that, at the moment, we don’t have. Fund raising ideas would be greatly appreciated and any input on this is more than welcome.
We believe that as we continue to press in to what God has for us, even though we may not see it right away, we are going to see Him do some really great things in our little church and with our awesome FAMILY!!!! We love you all and thank you all for giving so much of yourselves to make our jobs as the Heads of this department such a BLESSING!!!!!
“Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” ~ Gal.6:9
Respectfully Submitted
Colin Shelley
Kitimat Pentecostal Fellowship
Sound Ministries
First of all, a big thank you to all our sound engineers: Liz Pesunti, Mark McAlister, & Ashley Readman(sub-in). Your servant hearts are examples to all and we appreciate your efforts in bringing the best quality sound within your means every Sunday! As well, to those who keep the battery stocks piled up for us THANK YOU.
The past year didn’t see any significant changes with regards to obtaining new ‘major’ components. We have maintained our usual pre-service routines to ensure even sound levels on a weekly basis. We have held informal ‘tailgate’ meetings after services as needed, to discuss any new situations that arise from time to time.