Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to the exciting results of a proving recently conducted by Mr. Jeremy Sherr, an Israeli homeopath currently living in England, where the proving was conducted. The proving illuminates a great deal of symptomatology, especially in the mental and emotional realm that has never before been reported. There is a definite possibility that scorpion will, when more widely recognized, become a very valuable and effective remedy, TOXIC EFFECTS OF THE SCORPION: To reacquaint you with the toxic properties of scorpion, let us review the effects of the sting:
“The pain resulting from the sting is
extremely severe, its character is sharp and
burning. The pain spreads very quickly up
the affected limb. There is not usually any
local swelling or redness, just a small
accumulation of tiny sweat beads. Later
constitutional symptoms may appear-
headache, chest pain, dyspnea, nausea and
vomiting, seating frequent sneezing,
increased salivation and lachrymation.
“The pains are unbearable and are
ameliorated by ice packs. There are also
severe chills and shivering and loss of
consciousness: blood pressure rises, and
there are irregular heart beats and
tachycardia. The pupils dilate, and later
there may be white forth from the mouth.
The hands and feet turn blue, and the
abdomen becomes swollen, hard and
painful. Death may result, the post mortem
examination revealing a picture similar to
that of pulmonary edema”.
Different species of scorpions have differing toxic effects. In Israel alone there are at least twenty species. The severity of the sting is directly related to the maturity of the scorpion. The stronger poisons are known to be six times more lethal than that of the viper. The toxin is considered primarily a neurotoxin, affecting the autonomic nervous system and subsequently the heart.
There is an interesting phenomenon of apparent allergic relations to scorpions in people who handle them regularly. Such reactions can occur even if the scorpion is only in a neighboring room. The reactions resemble a “flu-like” syndrome with constant sneezing, profuse nasal secretions, lacyrymation, nausea, headache (as if hammers where beating inside the head); the eyes burn and the hands tremble. All symptoms are better in the fresh air. Similar “flus” appeared in the provings.
PAST REFERENCES TO SCORPION: Referring to Clarke’s Dictionary, one is struck by the paucity of information provided on Scorpion. There are two partial provings of scorpion in existence: one by a Dr.Azam of Rigiers which was presented at the international Congress at Berlin in 1939, the other by Dr.Vincent de Laurier which appeared in the British Homoeopathic Journal of 1939. The more pronounced symptoms revealed by these provings were as follows:
- Pain with numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation
- Radiating pains
- Choking sensation “as if there was a pad of cotton-wool in the throat”
- Rubbing the nose.
- Salivation
- Pins and needles all over.
- Objects seem large when touched
- Sense of a veil before the eyes.
- 4-8 pm aggravation.
- Everything tastes like lemon.
- Mental fatigue, inability to perform mental effort.
- Lack of will or drive.
- Desire to criticize.
- Memory deficit, almost aphasic.
PERPARATION OF THE REMEDY: The type of scorpion used by Mr. Sherr for this provings was the Androctonos Amurreuxi Hebraeus. It was obtained in Israel at the HebrewUniversity in Jerusalem. This species of scorpion is known to be extremely dangerous. The specimen used was a full-grown, yellow male. It was killed by injecting 95% alcohol. Most of the scorpion was dissolved except for a small portion of the exoskeleton. This solution was then potentized manually using thirty successions per potency.
PROVING METHODOLOGY: Thirty-two proves, nineteen female and twelve male, served as the subjects in this proving. Most were students of homoeopathy. The remedy was given in potencies ranging from 6c to 60c, usually three times a day. Three persons served as controls and were given placebos. As much as possible, all proves were supervised by a homeopath. Remedies were taken until definite symptoms arose, after which the remedy was discontinued. All antidoting factors such as coffee, camphor and mint were discouraged. Communication between proves about symptoms experience was discouraged.
RESULTS OF THE PROVING: A rich variety of symptoms and sensations was produced during this proving. Many of the symptoms were described quite vividly and, especially in the mental realm, there seemed to be a large degree of over lapping of symptomatology suggesting that it was, indeed, the remedy that was responsible for the production of the altered mental status. A condensed summary of what appeared to be the salient characteristics of the remedy follows.
MIND A sense of detachment was one prevailing symptom that appeared, detachment from other people, from the world in general, and from one’s own pain and discomfort. There was a pervading disinterest in other people, in the opinions of others, and in one’s usual sources of pleasure and intellectual stimulation. Often accompanying this state of detachment was a state of dreaminess or a feeling as of being drugged.
“I feel entirely alone, that I am viewing the
world through one hole, for it all seems just
a picture, and the rest of the world shares a
different view finder altogether. I don’t
want to join theirs though”.
“I felt disconnected from the human race, as
if everyone were another species,
Directionless”. “Felt remote and ineffectual,
a dreamy state. Felt more like a spectator
than a participant”.
An especially intriguing symptom that appeared was a diminished sense or guilt that could, on the basis of its expression in the proving easily be interpreted as indicative of developing amorality. There were close parallels between the statements of the provers and the lack of moral discrimination associated with psychopathic personalities.
“I pushed the kids out of bed with no
compassion. I would usually have felt very
guilty doing this”.
“I feel much more self-centered. I have
given up all the permanent favors. I do for
people. I don’t want to do any more. I feel I
need more time for me. I must feel guilt, but
I don’t think I do. I feel the nasty side of my
character is emerging: I’m much more
aggressive and domineering. I don’t want
people’s good opinion of me as someone
who is nice. This is very unusual”.
“Able to argue without upsetting feelings of guilt which felt marvelous”.
A trait which greatly flavored the proving was the emergence of an impressive amount of irritability, censoriousness, and anger. Hostility, maliciousness, and a desire to hurt others were strong components of the proving image.
“Felt increased irritability, a ‘How dare
you!” feeling. Felt like tearing offenders to
pieces with my bare hands. I felt an
enormous surge of violent emotions at trifles
and had to exercise great control to stop
outbursts of violence and impulses to hurt
others. Felt that everyone were ‘creeps’,
could not be bothered with anyone”.
“Assertive, impatient, aggressive. Felt
resentful and abused. Had no control over
her temper. Bellowed and lashed out at
everyone. In the evening was furious for no
apparent reason. Wanted to kill her husband
and children, banged doors and threw things.
By bed time she felt fine, but the intensity of
her evil thoughts was very frightening”.
“Had a very caustic conversation with
someone she hardly knew. Enjoyed her
rudeness and was surprised by it”.
“Pursued conflict almost with relish”.
“…am free from pressing, nagging
responsibilities. Just a black thunder sits
within me, and I feel afraid of what I might
to next. My eyes are staring and full of hate.
Jut looking at the children sends them
frantic. I have no control over my emotions.
Then after 9 pm a sense of deadness resumes
and I feel o.k., but the end of myself as I
usually am”.
Some provers reported such feeling lessening by mid to late evening; others complained of irritability in the evening. In addition to the hostility, there was evidence of suspiciousness.
“When talking to friends felt ‘paranoid’,
suspicious and guilty. When asked
questions, he becomes hot and sweaty; he
felt it was a game of who was cleverer and
tried to lie and outwit his friend, tough this
gave no satisfaction. His friends reported
that he seemed unusually distant and cool”.
The remedy seems to convey a strong sense of self-confidence, cheerfulness, and vitality. If these feeling are extrapolated to a pathological degree, possibly characteristic symptoms might well be an exaggerated sense of confidence and an inappropriate sense of well-being.
“Felt very self-confident that everything
would turn out fine, both now and is the
future. Self-assured, could not care about
anyone or anything. He felt much stronger
in personality, that he would take a firm line
on things in the future instead of his usual
weak response”.
“Felt more energetic, self-assertive and
confident. She has lots of energy, worked
hard and exercised. She was very bouncy
and happy to be busy”.
“Pretended to feel well although sick”.
In two cases sense of confidence was distinctly immature and potentially dangerous, either to self of to others. A sense of adolescent omnipotence, of invulnerability emerged.
“It seemed as though he was a different person,
very similar to the way he had been in
adolescence, but in a much more powerful
manner. These emotions were so instense he
wanted to rip his chest apart to let them out.
He lost al control over his emotions, which
seemed to come from a deep and distant part of
himself, a darker side. He desired to continue
the proving for the rest of his life”.
“Although absent minded, he was not bothered
by it. Did not notice people he knew on the
street, even though he knew them. Began
reading a newspaper while driving-as if the car
would go on without him…”
This later quotation also illustrates the marked tendency to absent-mindedness which the remedy produced in a number of the provers. There was a significant disturbance of concentration and mental disorganization.
There were expressions of reclusiveness, of a self-imposed isolation.
“Felt constrained and had a gloomy approach to everything. Average to company, a desire to be alone. I feel people will not want to talk to me or be with me”.
“Desired company but could not be bothered to see anyone; felt lonely as if he didn’t belong”.
Six provers displayed significant fearfulness. Specifically, fears of being attacked on the street, of a dog, and of the occult were mentioned. Two provers commented that the fearfulness occurred when lying in bed’ in one the sense of panic was relieved by sitting up. One prover’s fear was ameliorated in the dark. A fear of driving was expressed. Finally, one prover reported an episode of panic and visual illusions as being very similar to an LSD experience he had previously. This comparison, in addition to a number of other references to feeling “drugged” or stoned, suggests that scorpion may have a use in reversing chronic psychological states induced by street drugs, alcoholism, etc.
“Overwhelmed by terror, panic and fear, like a
psychic attack. Then became specifically
fearful of being psychically tested, as if
confronted by something absolutely horrible,
as in a ‘cult initiation ordeal’. He felt so scared
he had to shut the door with a feeling that
something would appear from behind it if he
left it open”.
Additional mental symptoms that appeared were anxiety, depression, apathy, changeable moods, frequent mistakes-in writing, spelling, with details, etc., impatience, hurriedness. A few provers were clumsy and accident prone. Two provers enjoyed a strong reaction to music; both were ameliorated by music, and one engaged in frenzied dancing.
VERTIGO: There were several expressions of vertigo and dizziness without any clear modifying influences. One prover’s dizziness was aggravated from 6 to 9 pm.
HEAD: Headaches emerged quite strongly in the proving with fourteen provers developing symptoms. Generally the headaches were left-sided, focused mostly in the occiput and temple. The quality of the pains varied but were mostly described as heaviness, pressure, or throbbing. Modalities were mixed; two provers’ headaches were ameliorated by fresh or cold air. Nausea and vomiting and dullness not infrequently accompanied the headaches.
EYES: The remedy provoked eye irritation, heaviness, and photophobia. There was also difficulty with accommodation.
EARS: There was a tendency for affections of the left ear involving pain, itching, or ringing.
NOSE: There was a suggestion that the left side of the nose would be more frequently involved. Coughing and sneezing were present. One prover’s nasal discharge was worse in a warm room and better in the open air.
FACE: The face was more often pale in coloring, and the lips cracked.
THROAT: A sore, dry throat appeared rather strongly. Throat pain was better from warm drinks in two provers. The sensation of a lump or of a foreign body in the throat was common, often with a desire to swallow. In one prover, the throat pain was worse after 6 pm.
STOMACH: Thirst was pronounced. A great deal of nausea was produced and vomiting. Nausea was better from lying down in two provers. One cured clinical case displayed nausea which was worse lying and better sitting up. A craving for milk emerged; one prover desired and was ameliorated by warm milk. There was also a desire for warm drinks and an amelioration of nausea from warm drinks.
RECTUM: The rectal area produced many symptoms. There was much rectal pain from hemorrhoids, fissures, and a vesicular eruption. The rectal pain tended to be better from hot bathing. There was diarrhea with urging, and constipation. The diarrheic stool was brick red in one case, and smelled like rank fish in another. As interesting sensation made its appearance in the rectum.
“Sensation as if parts above rectum in an iron
fist, closing in on parts and dragging them
BLADDER/URINE: Frequent urination, nocturia, and dribbling were produced.
GENTTALIA - FEMALE : Dysmenorrhea occurred with a dragging, gripping or bearing down.
SEX - MALE: Five male provers displayed an increase in sexual desire. There were increased sexual thoughts, erotic dreams, and intense orgasms.
“FELT as if he would explode with sexuality”.
SEX - FEMALE Two female provers experienced an increase in sexual desire. One prover was especially profoundly affected by the remedy: she displayed very intense sexual desire, increased after intercourse. Her desire seemed situated n the genitals. She complained of an irritating arousal and painful sensitivity of the genital area.
CHEST Palpitations were the most frequently appearing symptom in the chest.
BACK Much pain in the back was produced, focusing on the cervical area (more on the left side), between and about the scapulae, and the lumbosacral area. The lumbosacral pain extended to the thigh, down the leg, to the sides, or to other parts of the back.
EXPERMITIES There was much heaviness and aching of the limbs. Burning and itching of the thighs was present. Pronounced pain of the heels and soles was experiences by one prover. Awkwardness was a complaint. Pins and needles, as from hot water on the skin, arose in one prover (see 1939 proving). One prover, while suffering pain in the right hip, complained of a peculiar sensation “as if his leg was held back”; another complained of a floating sensation in the things.
SLEEP There were complaints of sleepiness, unrefreshed sleep, and waking during the night.
DREAMS Several provers noted having a number of dreams. Many of the dreams centered around such themes as violence, murder, being chased, etc.
FEVER/CHILL Fever and chill made their appearance. One prover experienced an impressive syndrome with fever-bruised, sore pains as if beaten, requiring frequent, slight changes of position; beaten sensation in the joints and bones which was better from stretching, worse movement, worse lying still.
GENERALITIES The majority of provers were worse in the evening; several experienced the onset of symptoms or a general worsening at 6 pm, one from 6 to 9 pm. There provers were more mentally alert late at night. A desire for a amelioration from fresh air was a strong characteristic. More persons were cold than warm. An amelioration from lying down was the most notable effect of posture. (Interestingly, Mr. Sherr had occasion to treat a patient for the ill effects of a wasp sting with scorpion. A symptom which proved useful was nausea with a desire to lie down; however, lying down aggravated the nausea while sitting up ameliorated it.) Exhaustion, lethargy, and fatigue were frequent complaints. There was no consistent effect of motion. Warm applications were noted to ameliorate a number of symptoms, including vomiting, rectal pain, and extremity pain.