Date: Monday 12th June 2017
Time: 8pm
Location: Citizen M
Minutes (numbering as in agenda)
1. Roll call and apologies
Attendees: Jason Bohan (JB), Andy Monk (AM), Eamonn Butler-McIntosh (EBM), James Clifford (JCd), Heather Noller (HN), James Watson (JW)
Apologies: Gerard Wallace (GW), Mike Findlay (MF), Charlotte McCarroll (CM), Richard Allwood (RA), Jimmy Cheng (JCg)
2. Minutes from the last meeting
The minutes from the last meeting were agreed and will be posted on the website.
We went through the action points from the last meeting. Here is a summary of the discussion that followed:
· Gordon Howie has been given the company for the feather flags and will look into getting these made up for OUTrun.
· The roller banner needs to be replaced. Service Point have the previous design, GW just needs to contact with payment.
· It was agreed that we should have a jog leader meeting. JCd and HN will arrange. Possible agenda points would be to welcome new jog leaders, discuss first aid training and talk about possible alternatives to fast 10ks (for example, a fast 5k).
· JogScotland are waiting for an advert for OUTrun, to promote as part of their Challenge Series. This will be discussed at the next events meeting (15th June).
· We still need to encourage members to use the Memberzone. It was agreed that we would transition forum style discussions such as C25k, Marathon Training, Budapest to the Memberzone, and reduce member specific information on the website (such as club kit) and hold this exclusively on the memberzone.
· AM and HN will look at the website before the next meeting and see what content can be moved to the memberzone, and see what needs to be updated.
· Next month AM will start work for the new membership year.
· HN will look at getting content for a blog post on the Men’s and Women’s 10k.
· EBM will get the new jog leaders added to the website.
3. Treasurer Report
GW will meet with JB and AM to go through accounts.
4. Run Secretary Report
C25k participants were keen to have a 5 week 5k to 5 mile programme, which will start week beginning 10th July. Rather than having separate groups, we will work up the 5k group until participants can join the 7.5k.
There has been some concern that over the last few weeks there has been a lack of normal runs due to the Men’s/Women’s 10k, Mugdock and the bleep test. We will stick with the current plan for this year, but it may be worth considering arranging the calendar slightly differently next year to avoid too much disruption.
5. Women’s Captain
Erin has decided to step down. The committee would like to thank her for all her hard work for GFR.
It was agreed we would advertise the role to the membership in the next newsletter.
6. OUTrun Update
There will be an events meeting this week.
Approximately 150 people have signed up so far. Every UK Frontrunner group is now represented.
We have started a Facebook campaign that will run until August.
MF has met with Amnesty and they are very happy to be one of our charity partners. JB has been in contact with LGBT Health who are also very keen.
AM has secured the Fairtrade grant, and will look into buying juice for the goody bags.
JW suggested asking Alex Blanchard to see if his band would be interested in supporting the evening social (before the Ceilidh).
7. Budapest
It was agreed we would advertise a meeting to get people together to arrange flights and hotels. JB will speak to George Taylor and see if he is interested in coordinating this.
8. Volunteering
We will receive funds for the volunteers we put forward for the Stirling Marathon and Women’s 10k. We agreed that we would donate these funds to Laura Howell who is raising money for Marie Curie, provided this is agreed by those who volunteered. AM will get in touch with everyone involved.
We have also been asked if we could offer any pacers for the Great Scottish Run. AM will write something for the newsletter and promote on FB.
9. Newsletter
We agreed the items for the next newsletter.
· Pacers for Great Scottish Run
· Womens Captain
· OUTrun
· May Stats – AM to write
· New Jog Leaders
· Memberzone
· Budapest
· 5k to 5 mile training
· EFR and NFR Walk
· Tour of Clydeside
· Grand Prix Update – EBM to write
JB will put this together.
10. Future Meeting
We agreed to have a meeting in a month. JB will arrange for a Doodle poll.
11. AOB
JB will contact LEAP and see if they can assist with the minibus travel for the EFR/NFR walk.
HN will post the next few events on Facebook and liase with JCd to post future events.
JCd will produce the next jog leader rota.
EBM has completed the incident report for a recent incident that occurred during a club run and will upload this to the Dropbox.