Supplementary Table 3.ScalesAssessing Offspring Childhood Internalizing and Conduct Symptoms;and during Ofspring Adolescence, Offspring and Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Offspring Perceived Parental Support
Scale / Scale Items
Maternal Report of Offspring
Internalizing Symptoms at
9-to-11 Year Old Visit / “Often seems tired”
“Afraid of doing the wrong thing”
“Makes a lot of fuss when hurt”
“Feelings get hurt easily”
“Can't take criticism”
“Afraid of being hurt or injured”
“Has a lot of fears and worries”
“Afraid of things that are not really dangerous”
“Shy, bashful”
“Often in the dumps, blue”
“Seems to relax only at home”
“Hides his thoughts or feelings, secretive”
“Silent, not talkative”
Maternal Report of Offspring
Internalizing Symptoms at
9-to-11 Year Old Visit / “Stays away from home without permission”
“Take things that so not belong to him/her”
“Messes up the house a lot”
“Spoils or breaks things belonging to others”
“Hates to share possessions”
“Is a "dare-devil", wants to do things that are dangerous”
“Carefree, unafraid”
“Sassy, talks back when told to do anything”
“Argues all the time”
“Easily upset by unexpected things”
“Has temper explosions—kicks, hits, or throws things”
“Fights to get his/her way”
“Bullies others”
“Starts fights”
“Likes to tease others”
Offspring Report of Their Own Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence2
Maternal Report of Their Own Depressive Symptoms during Offspring Adolescence2 / “Overall, how happy would you say you are nowadays”1
“What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me” 1
“I am able to do things as well as most other people”1
“Sometimes I think I’m no good at all”
“I feel I can't so anything right”
“I feel that my life is not very useful”
“I feel that I have a number of good qualities”1
“I can do just about anything I really set my mind to” 1
“I take a positive attitude toward myself” R
“I feel I do not have much to be proud of”
“I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others”1
“There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have”
“I often feel helpless in dealing with problems in life”
“I feel little control over the things that happen to me”
Offspring’s Perceived Maternal Support andPerceved Paternal Support during Offspring Adolescence / “I usually get along well with my mother/father”
“How often do you and your mother/father do things together that you both enjoy?”
“How close do you feel to your mother/father?”
“How important do you feel you are to your mother/father?”
“I have a lot of respect for my mother/father”
“Most of the time I can’t stand to be around my mother/father”1

1 Reverse-coded
2 Items are identical for the Adolescent and Maternal Depressive Symptom Scales