3/4/15 Assignment-The novel ends with Isabel and Curzon crossing East River into New Jersey and Isabel saying, “I think we just crossed the river Jordan.”

1. Recall that it was Grandfather who first used the Biblical analogy of the river Jordan on page 167. What does Isabel mean here when she refers to the river Jordan?

2. At the end of the book, it is January, 1777. Isabel and Curzon are free slaves in New Jersey. The American Revolutionary War rages on and doesn’t end until 1783. What immediate challenges do you think Isabel and Curzon will face? What long-term challenges might they encounter?

3. Considering what you know about American history (abolition of slavery, Jim Crow laws, etc.), have Isabel andCurzon been freed from their chains? Why or why not?

3/4/15 Assignment-The novel ends with Isabel and Curzon crossing East River into New Jersey and Isabel saying, “I think we just crossed the river Jordan.”

1. Recall that it was Grandfather who first used the Biblical analogy of the river Jordan on page 167. What does Isabel mean here when she refers to the river Jordan?

2. At the end of the book, it is January, 1777. Isabel and Curzon are free slaves in New Jersey. The American Revolutionary War rages on and doesn’t end until 1783. What immediate challenges do you think Isabel and Curzon will face? What long-term challenges might they encounter?

3. Considering what you know about American history (abolition of slavery, Jim Crow laws, etc.), have Isabel and Curzon been freed from their chains? Why or why not?

3/4/15 Assignment-The novel ends with Isabel and Curzon crossing East River into New Jersey and Isabel saying, “I think we just crossed the river Jordan.”

1. Recall that it was Grandfather who first used the Biblical analogy of the river Jordan on page 167. What does Isabel mean here when she refers to the river Jordan?

2. At the end of the book, it is January, 1777. Isabel and Curzon are free slaves in New Jersey. The American Revolutionary War rages on and doesn’t end until 1783. What immediate challenges do you think Isabel and Curzon will face? What long-term challenges might they encounter?

3. Considering what you know about American history (abolition of slavery, Jim Crow laws, etc.), have Isabel and Curzon been freed from their chains? Why or why not?