Билет 1

1 Read and retell the text.

Mark Twain liked to travel very much. He traveled a lot and never got tired of it. Once he was traveling by train in France. He was planning to visit a small town near Paris.

The previous day was very hard. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he would miss that town and asked the conductor to wake him up before they got to the town.

Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was arriving at a Paris station. Mark Twain got very angry. He couldn’t understand why the conductor hadn’t woken him up.

He went out of the compartment, came up to the conductor, and asked him why he hadn’t woken him up. The conductor looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him that he has done his best to keep his promise. When the train was approaching the town Mark Twain wanted to visit, the conductor woke up an American who didn’t want to get off the train in that small town. The conductor was sure that the American was the very passenger who had asked him to wake him up. So he put him off the train instead if Mark Twain. “ You may be very angry with me,” he said, “but you are not half so angry as the American I put off the train instead of you.”

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, football etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, football fields, swimming pools.

3. make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, планируете, что будете делать в выходные. Спросите, когда он/она свободен/свободна, обсудите, чем вам заняться, почему именно этим.

Билет №2

1 Read and retell the text.

The famous French writer Balzac is known as a great humorist. Here is one of his stories.

It happened at night, when Balzac was lying in bed awake. Ha couldn’t sleep as it was quite light in the room because of the moonlight.

Suddenly Balzac heard some noise and he saw a man enter his room. He moved very carefully trying not to make any noise. Balzac realized that the stranger was a thief. He understood that the thief was looking for money.

Balzac began to laugh very loudly, but the thief didn’t frightened and asked the famous writer why he was laughing.

Balzac told the thief that he was very sorry for him. The famous writer had no money. He often couldn’t find a penny in his desk. The thief was very much surprised. He thought that a great writer must have a lot of money. He was disappointed and left the room at once.

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

Youth is the time when a person try to find his place in the world. It’s a time of conflicting feelings and desires. According to “the older generation” teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous clothes and are rude to older people. They are not polite, helpful, and hardworking. All they think about is parties, drinks and love.

Everybody thinks that youth is the best period of life. But young people have as many problems as grown-ups.

3. make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, собираетесь поехать на экскурсию. Обсудите с другом, куда и когда лучше всего пойти/поехать; кого с собой пригласить. Примите совместное решение.

Билет 3

1 Read and retell the text.

Many stolen paintings have a strange history. But one of the strangest was that of a painting by the famous 16th-century painter Bruegel, stolen from the Courtauld Institute in London in the eighties .

The four thieves who had stolen the painting, didn't know how much it cost . The first art expert who came to see the painting said it was priceless and he couldn't name the exact price. The gang telephoned another art expert who told them that the painting was worth &2-3 million. They then tried to sell the painting back to the gallery from which it had been stolen .The gallery contacted the police and a meeting was arranged. The gang asked for the money to be brought in two suitcases in unmarked banknotes. However , the meeting didn't take place.

A short time later the four were arrested. The police found the painting on top of wardrobe. When the gangsters were told they were arrested in connection with Bruegel, one of them said," What's a Bruegel? I thought it was rubbish."

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

Reading is one of the most pleasant activities, the best way to relax. But reading is not only pleasure, reading helps people to learn. It is so interesting to discuss the book you have read with friends. So many ideas come to mind! What do you think about reading?

3 Make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите пойти на курсы иностранного языка. Ваш друг считает, что не нужно учить иностранные языки, так как это требует много времени и усилий, в то время как всегда можно прибегнуть к услугам переводчика. Вы с ним не согласны. Приведите не менее двух причин, почему необходимо изучать иностранные языки.

Билет 4

1 Read and retell the text.

Once John Smith and his wife Mary who lived in a small house in the mountains, found a dog. Though the dog was weak and hungry, he didn’t eat anything in the presence of his new masters. Several days later the dog disappeared. John and Mary were left alone. But one day when Smith was travelling in a train, he saw his dog running along the road. He got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat, caught the dog and brought him home again. There the dog was tied up for a week.

The dog escaped several times and each time he ran north. At last the dog decided to stay at the cottage but a long time had passed before Smith and his wife could touch him. They called him Wolf.

One summer a stranger came to the cottage. As soon as the dog saw him, he rushed to the stranger and licked his hands. Then the stranger said: "His name is not Wolf. It is Brown. He is my dog." Mary asked to leave the dog with them. But the stranger refused and said that the dog must decide it himself. "I’ll say goodbye and go away. If he wants to stay, let him stay." For some time Wolf was watching the man go. Then he rushed after him and tried to stop him. Then the dog ran back to Smith and his wife tried to drag Smith after the stranger. He wanted to be at the same time with the old and the new master. Finally the dog lay down at the feet of Smith. Mary was happy.

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

All people like holidays, because they don’t work and have a good time. They visit their friends and relatives, invite gests and have a lot of fun. There are many different holidays. The most favorite are New Year, Christmas, Easter, the Victory day and others. What is your favorite holiday?

3. make up a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш друг вернулся из поездки в страну изучаемого языка. Расспросите его о поездке: где он был, что произвело на него наибольшее впечатление и почему.

Билет 5

1 Read and retell the text.

One evening Mr Green was driving his car along a country road. He had been to London where he had taken 250 pounds from the bank. He put the money in his pocket. At some part of the road a man in shabby clothes stopped him and asked for a lift. Mr Green told him to get into the car and continued his way. He talked to the man and learnt that the man escaped from prison and thought of his 250 pounds.

Suddenly he saw a police car and had a bright idea. He began to drive the car fast. He looked back and saw the police car nearing his car. It soon overtook him and he had to stop. The policeman, took out his notebook and wanted Mr Green's name and address. Mr Green wanted to tell the policeman about the robber sitting behind but the man took out a gun and put it to Mr Green's back. Mr Green was afraid of being shot so he said nothing. He only asked to be taken to the police station but the policeman said: "You will have to appear at the police court later." He gave Mr Green a talk about dangerous driving and went away. Then Mr Green started up his car again. He thought is 250 pounds were lost. When they were near a small town the robber said to Mr Green: "You have been good to me. This is the least I can do in return." And he handed Mr Green the policeman's notebook.

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly common as the telephone. No doubt that it is unique invention? Which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. What do you think of it?

3. make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы в гостях у своего друга. Вместе с ним вы хотите записаться в спортивную секцию. Обсудите, каким видом спорта заняться и почему, согласуйте с ним, по каким дням вы будете заниматься спортом.

Билет 6

1 Read and retell the text.

When Americans are introduced for the first time, they usually shake hands. When they meet friends or relatives they haven’t seen for a while, they sometimes kiss them on a cheek. It is common for women or a man and a woman to kiss this way, but men almost never kiss each other on the cheek.

America is a friendly country. In small towns people say “hello” to friends and strangers on the street. Even in cities, strangers may start up a conversation. Waiters in restaurants will often introduce themselves by name, and talk with customers as they serve them when the customers leave, they will tell them to “take care” or “have a nice day”. Sometimes foreigners feel Americans too friendly. People you have only just met may ask you personal questions or tell you about themselves.

Many people take a bottle of wine or some flowers when they are invited to the dinner at someone’s home. At a “pot luck” dinner, all the gests bring something to eat. You should ask the host what kind of food they would like you to bring. Usually it is a salad, vegetables, or a dessert. When you are invited to the dinner, it is usual to arrive ten or fifteen minutes late. This gives the host to finish their preparations.

Americans like to get together and to have parties .Traditional party occasions are a birthday, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year’s Eve, and the Fourth of July.

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

If you are not a boring person, if you don’t like lying around on a beach all day doing nothing, if you prefer exciting places with good food, colorful markets, historic sights, museums, parks, zoos and lots of good music, if you go on a raft on the river, go rock climbing, if you can drive miles to the nearest movie theatre, a disco, then you are an interesting person, the person who likes doing something on vocation. How do you spend your vocations?

3. make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг часто ходит в Макдональдс. Объясните ему, что это не очень полезно для здоровья, приведите не менее двух причин. Дайте совет, как правильно питаться, чтобы быть здоровым.

Билет 7

1 Read and retell the text.

"Guinness Book of Records" is one of the most popular books in the world. It contains records of all kmds„ there are thousands of them.

It all started in 1954 when a man called Norris McWhirter published the Guinness Book of Records for the Guinness brewery — Guinness, by the way, is a type of beer. Very quickly the book became a best-seller. It was sold over 49 copies so far. And if you think that it is the English who are mad about records, you are wrong: the book is translated into 24 languages. There are a lot of people all over the world who seem to want to read about other people who are faster, fatter, fitter or just madder than they are.

Since ancient times people have tried to break a record. If you want to break a record one day, you will have to find someone reliable who will watch you and then ask a newspaper to write a report. Then, when. you break the record, you will write to the Guinness Book and hope that the day will come when your record will be printed in the newspaper. Your name and photograph will be placed in many newspapers and your record will be translated into twenty-four languages— in one of the world's famous books. You can do it, for example by walking on your hands a long way or singing the same song over and over again or doing any other thing not many people are able to do. Why not try and see what will happen?

2 read the text and continue speaking about its topic

The author of an article in a Polish newspaper has counted 1019 personal interests and ways to spend one’s free time. The most popular hobbies are philately, collecting coins, view-cards, and books. It/s impossible to describe all of them. The main thing is that their enrich our knowledge and help us to relax. Speak up about your hobby.

3. make a dialogue

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с другом готовите проект о стране изучаемого языка. Обсудите, о чем будет ваше сообщение и почему, кто из вас что будет делать.

Билет 8

1 Read and retell the text.

One bright afternoon Major Brown went out for his usual after-dinner walk. The major was a little man, very energetic and strong-looking. Some time before Major Brown retired from the army and now lived on a small pension. He had been a brave and successful solider but he had never liked being a military man. He took a small house in London and devoted the rest of his life to growing his favourite flowers – pansies in his little garden.