DATE:August 21, 2017
TO:Kansas Exemplary Educators
FROM:Denise Kahler, Director, Communications and Recognition Programs
Sherry Bukovatz, Administrative Specialist, Communications and Recognition Programs
Tamla Miller, Administrative Specialist, Communications and Recognition Programs
SUBJECT: Call for KEEN Conference Share Session Proposals
Share your knowledge with your peers!
We are currently accepting Share Session proposals for the 2018Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN) State Education Conference scheduled for Feb. 15-16, 2018,at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center in Topeka.
Share sessions will take place the afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 15. Some sessions may be offered more than once.
This year’s KEEN Conference theme is “Mission Control: Launch to Landing.”The Kansas State Board of Education’s vision for Kansas education where “Kansas leads the world in the success of each student” calls for a more student-focused system that provides support and resources for individual success and will require everyone to work together to make it a reality.
Please visit theKansans Can web page to learn more about the vision.
Share Session Focus
Share sessions will focuson highlighting innovative practices that address the whole child and help Kansas achieve its vision for education – this includes leading change, new ideas and innovative practices, redesign (e.g., taking an idea or concept and changing it to make it better), etc. If technology is a key component of your proposal, the featured technology should be adaptable for use across a large number of platforms. We encourage you to think about how educators can work to maximize existing resources.
The KEEN Conference planning committee is also interested in providing several share sessions targeted specifically for early career teachers. Please consider submitting a proposal targeted toward this group of teachers.
•Share sessions must be limited to no more than four presenters.
•Share sessions will be 60 minutes in length.
Kansas Exemplary Educators
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August 21, 2017
•Each conference room will be equipped with a screen and audio-visual cart with an extension cord and power strip. Presenters must bring all other equipment required for their presentation, including a projector and laptop computer.
•Internet access will be available.
•Share sessionsmust be interactive and include hands-on activity. Rooms will be set with tables to facilitate interaction and group activities.
•Share sessions must include an action component for participants to complete after the conference. The participants might answer the question, “What am I going to do as a teacher leader in my school?” or “What am I going to take from this sessionand implement in my my district?”
•Presenters will need to pay the conference registration fee, but will receive an honorarium equal to the fee after the conference.
•Presenterswill be selected and notified by early November.
To submit a Share Session proposal,complete the enclosed form and return it along with the presentation description to Sherry Bukovatz at by Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 KEEN Conference! Watch for conference agenda and registration materials to arrive in early December. Remember to invite an award-worthy colleague who is not a KEEN member to attend this conference with you.
Enclosure: KEEN State Education Conference Proposal for Concurrent Share Session