4th International Conference on EarthquakeEngineeringandSeismology
11-13 October 2017 – ANADOLU UNIVERSITY – Eskisehir/TURKEY


A.B. Author1 and C.D. Other2

1 Prof. Dr., Civil Eng. Department, Abc University, Anycity

2 Res. Assist., Geophysical Eng. Department, Abc Technical University, Bigcity

Email: sendingauthor@institution.....


This paragraph should summarize the purpose, scope and results of the study. It should be 100 to 250 words long. The full paper should not be longer than 8 pages in total. Use Times New Roman throughout the paper. The paper should be written in Word processor and should be sent as an attachment to the kongresistemi in "doc" or "docx" file.

KEYWORDS :3 to 6 items for indexing purposes (separated with commas)


Section heading should by 11pt, bold and all caps. Section headings should be numbered consecutively. Leave one blank spaces before and after the section header. The text should be written in single line spacing and justified. Margins settings should be; Top: 30mm, Bottom:25mm Left and Right:20mm.

1.1. Sub-headings

Sub-heading should be 11pt, bold and italic. The first latter is upper-case and remaining letters are lower-case. Leave one blank line above a sub-heading and there is no blank line between a sub-heading and following text.


Authors may choose how they format the tables as long as they are consistent with each other. Tables should be numbered consecutively. Table heading should be above the table. Leave one blank line before a table heading. Title and table should be centered. If table is inserted within text, leave one line blank after table.

Table 1. Beam experiments

Material / Displacement- x / Displacement- y
Reinforced concrete beam / 0.234mm / 0.523mm
Steel beam / 0.197mm / 0.432mm


Figures and figure headings should be centered as shown below and numbered consecutively. Figure numbers should be referred in main text. Texts given in figures should be legible. One blank space should be left between figure heading and following paragraph.

Figure 1. Acceleration (a) and displacement (b) response spectra


Leave one blank line above and also below of each equation. Equations should be centered with equation number aligned right. Equations should be numbered consecutively.

X = 2y + 1(1)


For journal articles:

Ayhan, H., Demir, Y. and Uzun, D. (1995). Effect of fluid force acting on colliding body upon damage given to offshore structures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 33:3, 259-281.

For books:

Demir, Y. and Uzun, D.K. (1995). Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members, Pergamon, Oxford, U.K.

For thesis:

Demir, Y. (2010). Research of Earthquakes. Master's Thesis, Department of Geological Eng., Abc University, City.