Andrew Whyte Service Award
Criteria /
The Andrew Whyte Service Award is a special one in honor of a very special Jaguar man. It is not a competitive trophy. We do not expect or want JCNA members to set out to "win" this award and will be very disappointed if such an attitude develops. The nominees for the Andrew Whyte award will need to exemplify Andrew's personal philosophy. He was a man who endeavored to be of assistance to everyone whenever he could, succeeding a remarkably high percentage of the time.
1. Presented For Service At The Following Levels:
a.Local JCNA club
b.JCNA Region
- Eligible: JCNA members in good standing (including Members-at-Large). The purpose of the Andrew Whyte Service Award is to recognize the contributions of individuals who work for unity, cooperation and good relations within the JCNA network.
- Ineligible: Employees of Jaguar Cars, Inc.
3.Presentation Intervals:
The award will be presented at intervals of not less than 12 months.However, if the selection committee believes the criteria have not been met, it may not be presented in a given calendar year.
4.Services & Contributions:
Services & Contributions for which a member is nominated may have been performed at any time during the period of JCNA membership.There is no minimum qualifying membership period required.
5.Types Of Service Qualifying A Nominee:
a.Holding office(s)
b.Working specific jobs at club events
c.Regular, documented attendance at club functions: i.e.: general meetings, board & planning meetings, events
d.Club membership promotion/growth
e.Working to improve communication with nearby clubs & JCNA
f.Exhibiting leadership at local level
g.Exhibiting non-partisan leadership at regional levels & above
h.Organizing meetings and events
i.Unique personal contribution other than above
6.Selection Method:
The method of selecting the recipient of the Andrew Whyte Service Award will be as follows:
a.Nominations must come from the executive board of JCNA or the club making the nomination.
b.Nominations will be submitted, in writing,using the JCNA form provided belowand sent to:
Bob Matejek, 248-842-1046
JCNA Special Awards Chair
1900 Pine Valley Ct
Oakland, MI 48363
no later than December 31stof any year. Nominations may also be submitted via e-mail, using the JCNA form below.
c.The Special Award Chair will submit nominations to the Special Awards Committee, which will ultimately be responsible for evaluating the nominations and selecting the recipient.
d.The winner of the Andrew Whyte Service Award will be announced at the spring AGM banquet.Presentation of the award plaque to be arranged at a mutually-agreed time/place.
This award, while primarily intended to honor individuals for their service to JCNA, could also, conceivably, be awarded to a club as a whole.
Andrew Whyte Service Award Page 1
Jaguar Clubs Of North America, Inc.Andrew Whyte Service Award
Nomination Form
/Please answer all questions.
Mr./Mrs./Ms. / is a member of the:(club)
Residing at:
City, State Zip
is nominated for the Andrew Whyte Service Award.
- Nominee has been a member of this JCNA club for
If previously a member of other JCNA clubs, please list.
Nominee is a past or present officer of nominating entity.
List Year(s) / List Position(s)
Andrew Whyte Service Award Page 2
- Nominee has chaired or organized
service period.
- Nominee has attended
the service period.
- This amounts to about
- Exclusive of meetings attendance, nominee devotes an average of
hours per month to club/JCNA work.
- In relationship to work performed by other club members, nominee is rated
(1 lowest; 10 highest)
- Describe the routine administrative duties that nominee performs.
- Nominee qualifies to be a Regional nominee for this award because of the following unusual contributions or accomplishments for the club and region, or JCNA: The narrative must be300 words maximum. Be specific. Attach separate sheet as required.
Andrew Whyte Service Award Page 3
Submitted by:Club Position
On (date)
ClubPresident or JCNA Board Member:
Signature:Print Name:
Co-Signatory Club Board Member or JCNA Board Member:
Signature:Print Name:
The nomination form requires signatures of both the Club President and another Club Board Member or one JCNA Board Member. Signatures must be legible.
Please submit to:
Bob Matejek, 248-842-1046
JCNA Special Awards Chair
1900 Pine Valley Ct
Oakland, MI 48363
JCNA Andrew Whyte Award Nomination Form (Rev. 2/12/11)