Application Form

Islamic Republic ofIran

MinistryofEconomic AffairsandFinance Organization for Investment, Economic andTechnical AssistanceofIran (O.I.E.T.A.I.)

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A. TheApplicant(s):

1-Full nameof theApplicant(s):(individualorfirm)

I...... II...... III......

2- Legalstatusof the Applicant(s):

private state owned other (If other,givemore information):


3- Nationalityand legaldomicileof theapplicant(s) (full address): I...... Tel:...... Fax:...... E-mail:...... Website:......

II...... ………......

Tel:...... Fax:...... E-mail:...... Website:...... III...... ………...... Tel:...... Fax:...... E-mail:...... Website:......

4- Countries in which the Applicant(s) has implemented similar projects:


5- References (banks, industrial and business personalities):


B. TheProject:

6-TitleoftheProposedProject/ActivityinwhichtheApplicant(s)intendsto invest:


7- Project description and objectives:




8- Project Status:

New Existing

Note:IncaseofnewprojectssubmissionofcopyoftheEstablishmentLicenseissuedbythe relevantMinistry and/or Government agency is mandatory.

9- Project Location:



Application Form

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10- Total Project cost, including working capital:

(Express in Foreign Currency and specify the Currency unit)

Fixedcost: Workingcapital: Total:

11- Applicant's contribution to the project cost(The Foreign Capital):

(Express in Foreign Currency and specify the Currency unit)


Equitycapital: Shareholder's loan/credit: Total:



c) Terms and conditions of the shareholder’s loan(s)/credit(s): AmountRateRepaymentPeriod(inyears) No.ofInstallments

12- Terms and conditions of planned oranticipated foreign loan(s)/credit(s) (ifapplicable):

AmountRateRepaymentPeriod(inyears) No.ofInstallments Lender

13-Type of Foreign Capital to be contributed to the Project bythe Applicant(s):

(Express in Foreign Currency and specify the Currency unit)

a) Cash;

b) Machineryand equipments;

c) Tools and spares, CKD parts and raw,addable and auxiliarymaterials;

d) Patent rights, technical know-how, trade marks and names, and specialized services;


1- IncasetheForeignCapitalisplannedtobeimportedintheformmentionedinitemsbandc

above detailed list of the same be attached herewith if available.

2- IncasetheForeignCapitalisplannedtobeimportedintheform mentionedinitemdabove detailedinformationalongwithanydocumentation regarding the valuation or registration of the same in the home country of the foreign investor or a third country also must be attached.

14- Local Funding (if applicable):

(Express in Foreign Currency and specify the Currency unit)


Localequitycapital: Localloan(s)/credit(s): Total:

b) Name of local shareholders/parties (individual or firm): I...... II...... III ......


Application Form

15- Project Implementation Timetable (KeyMilestones):






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16- List of main permits, clearances and licenses required to be obtained from lranian official authorities:

Title/DescriptionOfficialagencyinchargeI...... II...... III ......

17- Contact person information: Name:

Title: Company: Address: Tel:



18-Theapplicantisrequired toprovidethe followingdocuments alongwith the completed application form at the time of submission of the application to the OIETAI (please tick):

AcoveringletterbytheApplicant(s)addressedtotheOIETAI,statingApplicant’srequestfor approval under the FIPPA.


Statements) and the same for the local direct investment enterprise if applicable.

In case of individual applicant(s),copy of valid passport is required.

Copy of the Joint Venture Agreement (if applicable).

Original copy of power of attorney for the person signing this form.

Anyotherdocumentdeemedtobehelpful. (express the title of document)

Having read the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) as well as its implementing regulations, I, ...... as authorized by thepowerofattorney enclosed/inmy capacity as………..…..(title/company), confirmthattheinformationsubmittedinthisformiscredibleandis,inno part, intended to be misleading.


Name: Title: Company: Signature:

Date: ...... Stamp


Name: Title: Company: Signature:

Date:...... Stamp

Note: Thisformshouldbesubmittedintypewritten.Incasethespace designated for eachquestion ofthe applicationformisnotsufficienttocovertheanswers,theApplicant(s)arekindly requested toattach additional pages as required.
