Idaho Library Snapshot Day 2014 Printable Survey

1. Please enter the contact information for your library.

Your name: ______

Library or school: ______

City/Town: ______

Email Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

2. Type of Library (public, school, academic, special/other): ______

3. When did your library hold its Snapshot Day?______

4. Please provide the following Snapshot Day statistics. Feel free to estimate when necessary and skip any that don’t apply to your library.

How manypeople visited the library: ______

OR How many classes visited the library: ______

What was the total circulation for the day: ______

How many reference questions were answered, either inthe library or classroom: ______

How many unique searches were performed in research databases: ______

How many jobseekers were helped (résumé, job search, etc.): ______

How many students were helped with homework: ______

How many people used public access computers(in public libraries) or student computers (in school/academic libraries)for Internet/word processing/games, etc.:______

How many peopleaccessed the Internet with their own devices: ______

How many volunteer/community service hours: ______

How many people were taught computer/device/Internet skills: ______

How many library cards were issued or borrowers registered: ______

5: Optional: Include other significant statistics for your library or clarifications of statistics in question #4 if needed:______

6. Tell us about anyprograms and activities that apply to your library.

Please estimate and enter how many people attended your:

Programs: ______

Tours of the library: ______

Outreach (visits to schools or other agencies): ______

Classes (technology, homework/tutoring, ESL, etc.): ______

Community members using meeting rooms: ______

7: Optional:Include other significant program information for your library or clarifications of statistics in question #6 if needed: ______


8. Optional: Share examples of reference questions: ______


9. Optional: Share quotes and comments from your library users: ______

10. Optional: Tell us how your library plans to use your results from Idaho Snapshot Day. (Check all that apply.)

Link to results page from your website

Share results in a thank you letter to your friends group, board,local officials, PTA, administrators, etc.

Share results or use quotes from your library users in your newsletters, social media, press releases, etc.

Create apromotional poster, bookmark , or postcard with quotes/photos

Set up a slideshow of photos and quotes, and display in your library

Other (please share) ______


11. Optional: Anything else you would like to add—unique programs, comments about this process, etc. ______


Please enter this survey information online at.

Optional: Send Library Snapshot Day photos (that you have permission to use) to Teresa Lipus at.Photo size should be about 1 MB to 3 MB.

2014 Printable Survey Page 1 of 2