Ch. 27 Part 1 Reading Topics…pp.626 -640


1 opening quote 626…which political party opposes imperialism?

2 P.C. 627 Uncle Sam…& McKinley…What is on the menu? POV? What countries look “tasty?”

3 bbox 627 Washington Post editorial….What is the conflict about becoming Imperial?

4 bbox 628 what conflict is this written in response to?

5 P.C. 628 GB and the USA are entangled due to what?

6 painting 629 shows the last queen of what country which the USA eventually annexes?

7 map 630…the caption… lists 3 countries/places that the USA annexes…. When we become an imperial power ….what countries? In the inset map what country is shown that we eventually annex?

8 bbox 631*** written in a Madrid newspaper … is in response to us actions after what incident?

9 painting 631 of a US Ship exploding in Havana harbor in 1898…the caption claims What? Drove the USA into a “impulsive” war w/ Spain?

10 photo 632 entitled “Cuba Libre” (free Cuba) depicts a reconciliation of two groups in the USA…one of the significant byproducts of the SP-AM war…What two groups?

11 map 633 shows Admiral Dewey’s route in 1898…. To where?

12 photo 634 pictures a remarkable man… exiled by Spain in 1887, Returns w/Dewey in 1898, Led the Insurrection against the USA in 1899, Captured by the USA in 1901, collaborated with the Japanese against the USA in WWII, Yet….he dies peacefully in 1964 at age 95. Who and Where?

13 bbox on 634 & photo 635…shows a man with the “Rough Riders”…who?

14 bbox 636 quotes a President…describing the process of a decision… to do what? What “guiding force” brings him to his knees and an answer?

15 an asterisk 636 claims the Phillipines were a Christian nation before Jamestown is discovered in 1607…. Which denomination?

16 P.C. 637 is enititled “Uncle Sam and people from his colonies” What is the pov-positive or negative for US Imperialism? Many Anti-Imperialists were motivated by what…stating that the people were “unassimable?”

17 Brown/Gold/Tan pages 638-639…Subject? What city in the USA do many PR’s emigrate to? What year does Congress grant PR’s citizens US Citizenship?

18 poem 640*** is Famous…Who wrote this? Does the POV support or oppose Imperialism?


19 Why was the USA immediately after the Civil War “indifferent” to the outside world? (4 reasons)

20 Change spurs the USA to look outside its boundries in the closing decades of the 19th century…America becomes what?

21 What developments fuel America to overseas expansion? (5 developments)

22 What potentially would be a “Safety Valve” to relieve pressures building in the USA?

23 Two publishers associated with “Yellow Journalism?”

24 Missionaries are inspired by a book written by a reverend, who? Name of Book?

25 TR and Henry Cabot Lodge used what social/scientific doctrine/philosophy to urge the USA into the Imperialistic competition for colonies?

26 This Book written in 1890**** stimulated a Naval Race…to build the most powerful navy in the world among the great powers…. Who? Name of Book?

27 “Big Sister” policy ?who/where/ 1889 conference?

28 What diplomatic crisis or near wars due to American Belligerence occurs in the 1880’s and 1890’s? What countries? Over what in each case, specifically?

29 a dispute…gold is discovered 1895-6…on the Guiana- Venezuela Border…led to a conflict with what nation?

30 What ancient foreign policy doctrine does the USA invoke to claim control to decide the boundry dispute?***

31 “The Great Rapprochement” is between what two countries and lasts strongly to the Modern day and is a cornerstone of both nations foreign policy?

32 A way station for whalers…1820’s new England missionaries…a center for sugar production …a place the usa eventually annexes?

33 What Hawaiian harbor becomes controlled by the USA by 1887…10+ years before Hawaii is eventually annexed?

34 Impacts of disease and Immigration on Hawaiian native population?

35 What act passed by Congress in 1890 leads to the “white planter revolt, assisted by US troops..? what agricultural product is the key?

36 what was Grover Cleveland’s response to the initial request by the white planters to annex Hawaii…in 1883?***

37 during what event in 1898 is Hawaii eventually annexed into the USA?

Cubans Rise in Revolt

38 Cuba was a colony of which European country in 1895?

39 In what crop…was American business heavily invested in Cuba? How much was the USA invested in Cuba total?

40 what future project….that would allow the USA to function efficiently with a two-ocean navy… and would be jeopardized by problems in Cuba?

41 “Butcher” Weyler?

42 Re-concentration camps? “die like dogs?”

43 What role does Yellow Journalism play in drawing the USA into war with Spain over Cuba? Who?

44Who sent a letter (stolen and published by Hearst) that criticized Pres. McKinley…and brought the public to an outrage? (yellow journalism…wars sell newspapers)

45 name of the US warship that unexpectedly explodes in Havana harbor….and is the “spark” that begins the Sp.-Am. War?

46 Who did it (1976 review)?

47 Complete the Poem…”Remember the Maine! To Hell with______?

48 The Teller Amendment*** is part of what action by Congress April 11th, 1898?

Dewey’s May Day Victory @ Manila

49 does Dewey’s victory in Manila Bay happen before or after the US declaration of War?

50 Who was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy who sent Dewey from Hong Kong to Manila in case of War?

51 Whose colony was the Philippines in 1895?

52 Dewey wins a Naval victory in May…how long before the Army sends troops to invade?

53 What exiled Filipino leader travels with Dewey to aid the USA in defeating the Spanish in the Philippines?

54 What Archipelago us as a coaling and provisioning way station is annexed due to the USA’s invasion of the Philippines in 1898? (the residents become US citizens)

The Confused Invasion of Cuba

55 Who is the “actual” commander of the “Rough Riders?”

56 what problems did US soldiers have with their uniforms in Cuba?

57 Who was the Founder and recruiter of the “Rough Riders?”

58 From what US city to the US troops leave from to attack Cuba?

59 What Famous Hill….do the Rough Riders and Black Troops crush the Spanish in Cuba?

60 In the harbor of what Cuban city is the Spanish navy crushed (wood ships v. steel navy) which effectively ended the war?

61 do more Am. Soldiers die from disease or bullet wounds in the Spanish – American War?

America’s Course (Curse?) of Empire

62 the 1898 Pact of Paris…does what? What was the “knottiest” problem?

63 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam???

64*** Does Wall St. (American Business interests) support or oppose the Spanish-American War initially? AFTER the War… does it support “Imperialism” or Oppose?

65 What Archipelago did the US PURCHASE from Spain for 20 Million$$$ …because it was OFFICIALLY won the day AFTER the armistice ending the war was signed?

67 the USA acquiring what place causes …”one of the most impassioned foreign policy debates in American History?”

68 What Club/Group opposes annexing the Philippines? Name the people mentioned associated with this group?

69 In the Senate by what margin was the Pact of Paris, 1898 approved?

Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba

70 What “sport” does the Foraker Act of 1900 outlaw in PR?

71 US citizenship is granted to PR residents in what year?

72*** According to the “Insular Cases. 1901” Does the US Constitution follow the Flag, everywhere?

73 Name of Doctor, General, and Colonel who discovered that the mosquito caused Yellow Fever in Cuba?

74 General who was the commander of Cuba temporarily?

75 ***Although the USA honors the Teller Amendment of 1898 and leaves Cuba in 1902…it FORCED an amendment to be placed in the CUBAN CONSTITUTION…named? What specifically does it forbid Cuba to do? What specifically does it give the USA the right to do….what land does it give the USA?