1. One of this director's movies ends with a blind flower girl regaining her sight and recognizing her benefactor. This director ofCity Lightsplayed a role in which he plays with an inflatable globe and delivers a speech criticizing "machine men" while disguised as a character parodying (*)Hitler. He attempts to eat a boot in another of his movies, while another of his roles has him pulled between the gears of a factory machine. This actor inThe Great Dictator,The Gold Rush, andModern Timesfrequently plays a poor character with tattered clothes. For 10 points, name this actor of the silent era who often portrayed a Tramp.
ANSWER: CharlieChaplin
2. This man declared "Let the rain kiss you" in the opening to his poem "April Rain Song." The speaker of one of this writer's poems is told to "Go home and write / a page tonight" in "Theme for English B," while another of his poems takes place "down on Lennox Avenue," where a (*)"drowsy syncopated tune" is the title "Weary Blues." Lorraine Hansberry took the title of her playA Raisin in the Sunfrom this man's poem about a "dream deferred." For 10 points, name this poet who says "my soul has grown deep like" the title objects in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," a member of the Harlem Renaissance.
ANSWER: LangstonHughes
3. The transfer of Yedisan to this ruler and the recognition of this ruler's annexation of the Crimean Khanate formed part of the Treaty of Jassy. This monarch attempted to form a "Northern Accord" against the Hapsburgs and Bourbons with the aid of Panin. The Confederation of the Bar formed after this ruler installed Stanislaw (*)Poniatowski on the Polish throne. This ruler came to power after assassinating Peter III. Advisers to this monarch included Grigory Orlov and a man famous for his fake villages, Grigory Potemkin, both of whom were possible lovers of this woman. For 10 points, name this Russian empress who ruled during the Golden Age of Russia.
ANSWER:Catherine the Great[acceptCatherine IIorYekaterina Alexeevna; prompt on "Catherine"]
4. PCSK9 targets molecules of this for destruction, and Goldstein and Brown identified a Mendelian disorder in which individual died as a result of high levels of this. Bile acid binders can be used to treat that disease, as this compound is a precursor of bile acid. HMG-CoA reductase interrupts the key committed step in the formation of this compound from (*)acetate. This compound is a structural component of cell membranes and a precursor to vitamin D. HDL is known as the "good" type of this, while LDL is known to cause heart disease. Dietary sources of this compound include egg yolks and beef. For 10 points, identify this compound, a member of the steroid family.
ANSWER:cholesterol[acceptLDLuntil HDL is mentioned]
5. During one episode of this show a character is served scotch in the form of hand lotion, a method he describes as "the wrong way to consume alcohol". Under the alias of FBI agent Burt Macklin, one character on this show attempts to recreate an assault by repeatedly smashing pies into Jerry's face. Guest stars on this show have included John McCain and (*)Joe Biden. Nick Offerman plays the manly mustache-wearing Ron Swanson on this show. For 10 points, Amy Poehler stars on what NBC comedy about the lives of the employees of the title government agency in the town of Pawnee, Indiana?
ANSWER:Parks and Recreation
6. This leader became President of the Budget League after helping to pass the People's Budget while President of the Board of Trade. He won a Nobel Prize in Literature in part for hisA History of the English-Speaking Peoples, and as First Lord of the Admiralty, he planned the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign. This man declared that (*)"never in the field of conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" in praising the RAF, while in another of his speeches he promised "we shall fight on the beaches" to rally his country against possible invasion by Germany. For 10 points, name this man who served as Prime Minister of Britain during World War II.
ANSWER: Winston Leonard SpencerChurchill
7. An epilogue to this play discusses how Clara begins reading the novels of H.G. Wells. One character in this play angrily throws a pair of slippers at another, and that character's father is jokingly recommended as a moralist to a millionaire. This play begins with a man identifying people's origins in Covent Garden, where (*)Freddy Hill appears as well. Colonel Pickering makes a bet with a phonetics professor in this play that he can correct a flower girl's Cockney accent and pass her off as a duchess. For 10 points, name this play in which Professor Henry Higgins gives Eliza Doolittle elocution lessons, a work by George Bernard Shaw.
ANSWER:Pygmalion(do not accept or prompt on "My Fair Lady")
8. This composer's Opus No. 3 is a set of concerti titledL'estro Armonico, orHarmonic Inspiration. The number 644 in the Ryom-Verzeichnis catalog was given to an oratorio this man composed depicting the beheading of Holofernes titledJuditha triumphans. He included sections titled "Pleasure" and (*)"the Hunt," as well as the instructions "the drunkards have fallen asleep" and "the barking dog" in a set of twelve violin concerti calledThe Contest Between Harmony and Invention, which includes a subset of pieces depicting icy winds in the Winter movement. For 10 points, name this Italian nicknamed "the Red Priest" who composed theFour Seasons.
ANSWER: AntonioVivaldi(accept ilPrete Rossoor theRed Priestbefore mention)
9. When performing this action fails the independence of clones criterion, the spoiler effect may occur. The Borda count is a method of performing this action. Non-dictatorship and Pareto efficiency are among three criteria that cannot all be met in any method for performing this action according to an (*)impossibility theorem named after Kenneth Arrow. Condorcet names a method for performing it, and an unfair advantage in the process of this action can be given by gerrymandering. After using the plurality method for this action, an instant runoff may be necessary. For 10 points, name this method by which people may elect officeholders from among candidates.
ANSWER:voting(accept word forms; accept "electing" along with word forms and any specific office before "elect" is read)
10. This operation can be carried out on well-behaved functions of multiple variables in any order by Fubini's theorem, and the value of this operation around a closed curve can be related to the value of it over the interior by Green's theorem. Doing it (*)"by parts" and with u-substitution are strategies of performing this operation. The "disk" or "shell" types of this operation can be used to find the volumes of solids of revolution. This operation can be defined using Riemann sums and interpreted as the area under a curve. For 10 points, name this operation which, according to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, is the opposite of differentiation.
ANSWER:integration(acceptintegralor word forms)
11. This entity is equal to the curl of the vector potential. The divergence of this entity is zero, while the enclosed current is proportional to a closed loop around this entity according to Ampere's Law, which can be used to show that its strength is increased inside the loops of solenoids. This entity has units of either (*)gausses or teslas, and is denoted capital B. Rotating examples of these form alternating current, while their formation from electric currents drive generators. Iron fillings can be used to show, for 10 points, the lines denoting what entity associated with north and south poles?
ANSWER:magnetic field(orB-field; do not accept or prompt on simply "magnetism")
12. One character in this book accompanies an arctic expedition as a psychologist, and had early married a Polish doctor's daughter named Valeria. Another character in this novel attends the Beardsley School for Girls, where a motif that had earlier been the name of a hotel reappears as the title of a play; that play isThe (*)Enchanted Hunters. The protagonist of this novel is a French immigrant who has been jailed for killing the playwright Clare Quilty, who eloped with the title character of this novel; that character's real name is Dolores Haze. For 10 points, name this novel about Humbert Humbert's obsession with "nymphets", a work by Valdmir Nabokov.
13. Because of this war, Lord Salisbury won the first "Khaki" election, which was named for the recently issued uniforms used by one side. The Battle of Colenso was part of the Black Week in this conflict in which Robert Baden Powell helped lift the Siege of Mafeking. Controversial concentration camp and (*)scorched earth policies were used in this war by Lord Kitchener to combat guerrillas led by people such as Louis Botha and Paul Kruger. The Treaty of Vereeniging ended this conflict which involved the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. For 10 points, name this second of two conflicts involving Britain and Dutch-descended farmers in what is now South Africa.
ANSWER:Second Boer War[or "Anglo-Boer" in place of "Boer"; prompt on "Boer Wars"; do not accept "First Boer War"]
14. One account of this deity's birth refers to him by the name Zagreus and describes his body being torn to shreds by the Titans. This god convinced Hephaestus to ascend to Mt. Olympus, and he himself replaced Hestia among the Twelve Olympians. In exchange for helping his satyr friend Silenus, this god awarded (*)Midas a single wish. After she was left behind on Naxos by Theseus, this god rescued Ariadne. Zeus saved this god by sewing him into his thigh after his mother Semele was burnt to ashes by seeing Zeus in his full glory. His frenzied female followers are known as Maenads. Also known as Bacchus, for 10 points, name this Greek god of wine.
ANSWER:Dionysus(acceptBacchusbefore mentioned)
15. With Wolter Kotuna and Robert Corey, this man names a color scheme often used for ball-and-stick chemical models. He theorized that amino acids link to make proteins and was the first to describe the alpha helix, though he incorrectly predicted DNA to be a (*)triple helix. This scientist formulated a model of chemical bonds in which methane consists of four equal orbitals termed sp3; that concept is orbital hybridization. This man proposed that ionic bonds and covalent bonds are two ends of a spectrum, leading to him giving fluorine a value of 3.98 for a certain property. For 10 points, identify this scientist who created a scale of electronegativity.
ANSWER: LinusPauling
16. In a work by this writer, a ship of verse takes a group of poets to the kingdom of Apollo. This author ofThe Journey to Parnassusincluded stories like "The Jealous Extremaduran" and "The Lawyer of Glass" in hisExemplary Novels. His most famous character believes a barber's washbin is the Golden Helmet of Mambrino, and is defeated by Sampson (*)Carrasco, who is disguised as the Knight of the White Moon. That character rides the horse Rocinante, convinces the peasant Sancho Panza to join his quest, and attacks giants that turn out to be windmills. For 10 points, name this Spaniard who created Don Quixote.
ANSWER: Miguel deCervantesSaavedra
17. This artist drew a sketch of his first wife Isabella Brant, who appears with him in his paintingThe Honeysuckle Bower. In 2001, a painting by this man was rediscovered in which Herod orders the death of all male children. This artist ofThe Massacre of the InnocentsincludedThe Coronation in Saint-DenisandThe Disembarkation at Marseillesin his (*)Marie de' Medici cycle, while another of his works is a triptych in the Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp in which a shroud is used to lower Jesus after the Crucifixion.The Descent from the Crossis a work by, for 10 points, what Flemish artist who frequently painted fleshy nudes?
ANSWER: Peter PaulRubens
18. During this war, James FitzGibbon was warned by Laura Secord of the enemy's plans, thus allowing him to win at Beaver Dams. Tension leading to this war was created by the Orders in Council. Forces led by William Winder were defeated by those of Robert Ross in the Battle of Bladensburg during this war. During this war, theUSS Niagaraflew a flag reading "Don't give up the ship," at the Battle of Lake (*)Erie, which was won by Oliver Hazard Perry. At one point in this war, Fort McHenry was bombarded, an incident that inspired Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner." For 10 points, name this war in which Washington DC was burned and which is named for a year.
ANSWER: War of1812
19. This region wholly contains the Simeto River. The namesake of this region's most expansive plain is the city of Catania, which is the tenth largest city in its nation, just behind Bari. Off the northern coast of this island lies Lipari, which is part of the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands, which also includes Vulcano and (*)Stromboli. This large island is broken up into nine provinces including Ragusa. A proposed suspension bridge would link this massive island to Calabria across the Strait of Messina. Syracuse is located in, for 10 points, what largest island in the Mediterranean, located just southwest of Italy's boot?
20. This thinker's comparison of pure concepts to those formed empirically through the categories of "schema" was criticized by Arthur Schopenhauer. He answered the title question as "Man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity" in the essay "What is Enlightenment?", and claimed to have been awakened by David Hume from his (*)"dogmatic slumber." This philosopher identified a moral maxim in which one acts only when wishing something to be "universal law." This man analyzed synthetic a priori truths and formulated the concept of the categorical imperative. For 10 points, name this German philosopher who wrote theCritique of Pure Reason.
ANSWER: ImmanuelKant
21. In one of this man's novels, a man fakes his death to escape to Monte Carlo before faking his death again; that book isThe Late Mattia Pascal. A play based on this man's novellaLeonora, Addiois produced by Doctor Hinkfuss's company in this man's playTonight We Improvise, and a man who fell off a (*)horse in one of this man's plays believes that he is a Holy Roman Emperor. This author ofHenry IVwrote a play in which Madame Pace runs a brothel, the Child drowns, and the Boy shoots himself. The title group asks the Stage Manager for acting roles in, for 10 points, what writer's playSix Characters in Search of an Author?
ANSWER: LuigiPirandello
22. The Doppel protein is homologous to the PrP isoforms of these entities and a the so-called "laughing sickness" is caused by these entities. A substitution of asparagine for aspartic acid on the (*)PrNP gene causes fatal familial insomnia in humans infected by these agents. Resistant to degradation, these entities were the cause of an epidemic of kuru among cannibalistic tribes in Papua New Guinea. They are the causative agents of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and scrapie. For 10 points, what are these infectious proteins that cause fatal neurological disorders including Mad Cow Disease?
1. His most famous painting uses two focal points at the apex of two implicit pyramids. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this artist of a work in which shipwrecked men and women wave for help from a crowded vessel,The Raft of the Medusa.
ANSWER: TheodoreGericault
[10] Gericault painted a "portrait" of this type of man, one among some subjects from an insane asylum. This man has a scraggly beard and looks off into the distance.
ANSWER:kleptomaniac(acceptPortrait of aKleptomaniac)
[10] Gericault painted aCharging Chasseursitting on one of these animals rearing. He also painted some racing atThe Derby of Epsom.
2. Bill and Sam pay Ebenezer Dorset $250 to take back the title character of this short story. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this story in which a ransom goes wrong when the captive turns out to be incredibly annoying.
ANSWER: "TheRansom of Red Chief"
[10] "The Ransom of Red Chief" is a short story by this American often known for his twist endings. In one of them, Della discovers Jim has sold his watch and Jim finds Della has cut her hair.
ANSWER: O.Henry(or William SydneyPorter)
[10] This aforementioned O. Henry short story is set at Christmas, when neither Della nor Jim have the money to buy each other gifts.
ANSWER: "TheGift of the Magi"
3. Volunteers from this man's country fought in the Blue Division during World War II. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this leader of the Nationalist Party. This Generalissimo was succeeded by King Juan Carlos I as head of state.
ANSWER: FranciscoFranco
[10] In the Spanish Civil War, this country, along with the Soviet Union, supported the Republicans. Then led by Cardenas, this country has traditionally been ruled by the PRI party.
ANSWER: United States ofMexico
[10] Franco was a member of this Fascist party founded by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. Under his oversight, it merged with the monarchist Carlists.
ANSWER:Falange[accept SpanishPhalanxof the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive; acceptFalangists]