
We are current customers with NVE. At or around the beginning of February 2012, NVE mailed a notice throughout our neighborhood stating that "smart meters" would be installed on our homes within 30 days. We immediately sent a certified letter AND a fax to NVE stating that we did not want this installed on our home and that we would be opting out. We never received any card to opt-out that NVE was required to send to us!

Our letter and fax were confirmed as received and this meter was never installed within the 30 day period stated in the NVE letter. On 27 Nov, 2013 we came home to a notice that a "smart meter" had been installed on our home contrary to our demands. We immediately contacted NVE and have received nothing but lies, threats, and harassment. We spoke to Richard (ID # 22722) and as it turns out, EVERYTHING that man said to us was a tissue of lies and nothing more elegant that that. He said because 2 payments were "late", that we could no longer opt-out. So, we contacted our attorney and Angel De Fazio, both of whom promptly informed us of the tariff in place and they recommended that we download all of our statements for review and as proof of NVE's non-compliance with the tariff, which we have done. Edward Brooks (To be discussed later) said that Richard (ID # 22722) put in NVE's notes that I was a hostile threat! I can only hypothesize this was because I actually stood up for myself against NVE and their deceit/lies...

It seems that everyone from NVE conveniently "forgets" to mention the tariff and the requirements it imposes on NVE.

According to the opt-out program, NVE was to install a refurbished analog meter, charge a 50+ dollars (one-time fee for installation) and an additional $8/month. This swap-out was whether or not we had our original analog meter or were replacing the "smart meter." NVE FAILED to do ANY of these things!

1) NVE NEVER mailed us the required opt-out card

2) NVE NEVER installed the required refurbished meter and instead came out to install a smart meter against our wishes.

3) NVE NEVER charged any one-time $50 fee for the refurbished analog meter.

4) NVE NEVER charged a single $8.00 per month opt-out "fee."

5) NVE DID remember to try to implement Gestapo type tactics..... albeit, against the wrong person!

According to the tariff, the 1 year time starts from date of installation of the new meter. This can be found on the official tariff NV Energy tariff 1-B, 5th revision, PUCN 11B.

So, there were never any qualifying "late payments" that NVE can cite as reason for the installation of this "smart meter."

Yesterday, we received a visit from Edward Brooks and 4-5 armed thugs who refused to identify themselves. They were armed with handguns, tasers, and were sporting fake badges to make themselves appear as if they were sworn peace officers, which they are not! They stormed our property with NO phone call, NO notice of any kind, beating on my door, and demanding that we "Come outside to talk to NVE." I went outside informed them that they were trespassing and that NVE's "implied easement" is NOT a blanket policy for armed activity and attempts at intimidation on OUR property. I instructed them that they had conducted their business and to vacate my property immediately with their firearms which they refused to do. I repeated this demand no less than 6 times. They were on my property armed and refusing to comply with my demands to leave for no less than 30 minutes! Several had their hands resting on their pistols as if they intended to do something to me and one of these individuals even thought it professional to call me a "pussy" as he walked away. Apparently, this person does not know me..... AT ALL! I immediately called my attorney and one of my best friends who is a former LVMPD officer. We decided the best course of action if an event like this EVER transpires on MY property again is the following:

1) I will go into my house and retrieve my rifle of choice.

2) I will then engage these thugs and "Prone Out" everyone that is armed and trespassing on my property, as they may intend to do me or my family bodily harm!

3) I will perform a citizen's arrest on all parties involved.

4) I will then call HPD to have them all collected and charged with criminal trespassing.

5) If anyone presents a weapon of any type, I will not hesitate for one moment to aggressively defend myself and my family.

Let me be clear about this, these persons have now been legally trespassed and ANY further activity of this sort will result in these individuals being proned out at gunpoint, followed by immediate contact with HPD, the media, my attorney, and the Henderson city attorney for criminal charges to be filed. You may want to forward a copy of this email to ALL parties that were present at my home yesterday so that they are aware of my position and can then decide on a case-by-case basis if they believe it is really worth it to step foot on my property EVER again! They received a "free pass" today, there will not be a second one!

With regard to today's encounter, a full audio recording of this interaction is in my possession. Edward Brooks (after initially playing dumb and pretending he knew nothing about the tariff) then stated that our attorney and Angel De Fazio are wrong about the tariff and "don't know what they are talking about." Edward is clearly an idiot and is ill-informed about the specifics of the tariff, or he is yet another liar employed by NVE. I have attached the filed, stamped copy of the tariff as accepted by the PUC that clearly states what I told these individuals today.

So based on NVE's position on this matter, we are now forced to move forward outside of our dealings with NVE. Due to NVE disregarding our demand to opt-out and not have this meter installed on our home, and today's attempt at strong-arm tactics, we now feel compelled to involve our attorney, the PUC, Angel De Fazio, the BCP, the Attorney General for the state of NV, and will posting a series of videos on YouTube. I will also be contacting EVERY print & television media outlet in Clark and Nye counties, as well as national and internet media about these armed thugs trespassing at my house. This, as you know is not the first time this has happened. NVE pulled the same stunt with the lady on Mount Charleston in August of 2012. By the way, I have heard that Ms. De Fazio was a real nightmare to deal with on this issue. Well, I fully intend to make your dealings with her seem like a trip down Sesame Street! You sent your little armed gang of thugs to the WRONG person's house!

NVE has until 1500 (3:00 PM) TODAY (6 Dec, 2013) to respond and to reinstall our analog meter before we move forward civilly as well as filing complaints with the organizations and individuals mentioned above.


P.S A friend also presented me with a great idea... In the very near future I will be printing out several hundred flyers and hand-delivering them throughout our entire community and adjacent neighborhoods on the health dangers & privacy issues associated with these meters, as well as an additional flyer informing all residents about the tariff and their option to opt-out!